Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1461: Actually rob my clothes

"Gu Liang!" She burst into tears and plunged into Gu Liang's arms, "You don't know how perverted he is! He actually snatched my clothes! I won't give it to him, he has to take it off! Uuuuuu..."

Gu Liang: "..."

She raised her face with tears in his arms, and continued her righteous complaint: "He is a man! It's shameless that a man snatches a woman's clothes!"

After scolding, he pointed at this, this, and that policeman, angrily: "They are all in one group! If you don't catch the bad guys, they will only ask me for medical expenses!"

Gu Liang still: "..."

The police officer who made the transcript looked unloved: "Mrs. Gu, we are not asking you to lose money, but to remind you that you need to negotiate compensation with the other party..."

"Have you heard!" Tangtang grabbed Gu Liang's hand, "He wants me to lose money again!"

Gu Liang's forehead blue veins violently, clenched his fist, resisting not beating her fat.

At this moment, the lawyer hurriedly arrived. Gu Liang couldn't stay any longer, so he handed it over to the lawyer and took Tangtang to go outside——

Leaving the police station, the two got into the car, Tangtang finally realized that Gu Liang's mood was not right.

Because he has not spoken.

Tangtang felt wronged, he was bullied outside, and he didn't comfort her.

"Gu Liang..." she called him with her mouth narrowed.

Gu Liang ignored him, and asked Tian Shu who was driving in front of him blankly: "Why didn't you watch your wife?"

Tian Shu explained: "There was an accident at the exit of the parking lot. It was blocked for a while. When I drove to the entrance of the library, my wife was no longer there. I called my wife and didn't answer the phone. Later, my assistant and I used the mobile phone to locate it. To find the direction...At that time, the man had passed out and there were a lot of onlookers. It was inconvenient to deal with it in private, and his wife insisted on calling the police...

The voice paused, and he whispered with a shame on his face: "It's because his subordinates are not doing well."

At that time, although the mobile phone could locate it, it could only locate a rough area. The last tracked place was surrounded by an old tube building on three sides. There were more than one hundred residents, and they didn't know where Tangtang was.

He and his assistant also thought about calling and adding more staff, but they gave up the idea later. First, the distant water cannot save the near fire, and secondly, Tangtang suddenly ran to the cemetery.

In case she ran to meet friends or find something on a whim again this time, they would call people over and search indiscriminately, and they would seem to be doing things badly.

Naturally, there is also some fluke psychology, thinking about looking for it first, and then reporting to Gu Liang if he can't find it.

They searched for about ten minutes in those residential buildings, and suddenly they heard a man's scream, and then saw his wife panic running out from behind a door.

Tangtang saw them and shouted excitedly: "Call the police! He is going to grab my clothes! The buttons are almost torn off!"

Nearby neighbors gathered around hearing the sound, and saw the men in the room lying in a pool of blood, directly treating them as murderers and surrounding them.

So, there was the call Gu Liang received today...

After listening to the cause and effect, Gu Liang asked Tangtang, "Why get in someone else's car?"

Tangtang was also a little guilty at the moment, hanging his head and whispering: "I was wrong, thinking it was a field mouse to pick me up..."

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

"It was muted when I was in the library, but I didn't turn it back..."

Gu Liang didn't ask any more.

Tangtang lowered his head, silently reflecting. Not long ago, she vowed to promise not to run around, not to go out to play, not to cause trouble to him, but now this happened.

She gently pulled Gu Liang's sleeve: "Gu Liang, don't be angry with me..."

Gu Liang didn't look at her, but just let out a cold "um".

Tangtang felt at a loss and didn't know what to do.

When he did something wrong before, Mu Zening would ignore her, wouldn't talk to her, or even look at her, it was uncomfortable.

She was really afraid that Gu Liang would punish her like this.

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