Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1478: Can't think about it

Another day later, Daoist Miaoqing used needles for Gu Liang again.

He held the position of cinnabar and moved it down three inches, his face suddenly ugly.

The Taoist leader was furious: "This evil barrier!"

After that, he got up suddenly, took out the ghost stick from his bag, and tried to find Tangtang.

Gu Liang pressed the opponent's shoulder, "Miao Qing Dao long!"

"Does Mr. Gu still protect her?" The Taoist looked coldly, "Now your right hand is like a burning house. I pour water into it, and she pours oil into it! If you keep repeating this, your hand will be destroyed sooner or later. Drop!"

Gu Liang said, "Master, this is my housework."

"Why are you so confused?! She deliberately prevents you from getting better, so as to hold you back and want to control you for a lifetime!"

Gu Liang didn't move, but he was still calm: "Dao Master, use a needle."

Taoist Miaoqing sighed again and again, "What's the use of acupuncture? One goes down and the other grows, when is the head!"

"She was just stubborn for a while and lost her sense." Gu Liang explained.

The Taoist leader was helpless, put away the ghost stick, and gave him the needle again.

Gu Liang was silent all the time.

His face was indifferent, but his heart fell straight into the bottomless abyss...

Murong Cheng said that she was a scourge, and Mu Zening died more or less because of her. The only thing that could overcome her was the dagger hidden in the cemetery.

Many things can't be studied deeply. Once you think about it, it will be like an invisible and airtight net, covering the sky and the earth.

The dagger is made of her bones. What does it mean that she put it in front of Mu Zening's grave? Did you live in the same point as you die? He is just a stranger to her. She took the initiative to treat him when she first got married, and pestered him every day. Is it really because of liking him? If you really like... how can you not care about the other person's body? Even if his hand finally changed into a monster, wouldn't she matter? Innocent and innocent...Ignorant and ignorant... How innocent can she be after decades of being a ghost? How ignorant can be?

Is she naive and ignorant, or is he deceiving himself?

Gu Liang was already in a cold sweat after thinking about this...

After Miaoqing Daochang gave acupuncture, he persuaded him to "do it for yourself", then put away the needle box, got up and left.

Sitting alone in the study, Gu Liang muttered in a deep voice, "...A pink skull?"


That night, Gu Liang did not go back to the bedroom to rest, but stayed in the study.

In the middle of the night, Tangtang came in, rubbing his wistful eyes, and walked to him, accustomed to crawling onto his legs and curling up into a petite posture, with a soft voice: "Gu Liang, why are you still busy... …"

He brought up a document at random, bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, "Hey, you go to bed first."

"You're not here, people can't sleep." She whispered delicately, and her little hand stroked his chest. There was a sweet smell on his body, like a ripe peach, so sweet and so tender.

Gu Liang couldn't help holding her tighter, and his voice was low, "Observe, I will accompany you when I'm done."

She nestled against him, resting her shoulders comfortably, "I will wait for you here."

Gu Liang couldn't drive her, so she had to let her stick to herself.

After flipping through a few pages of documents pretendingly, the person in her arms was completely silent, and she fell asleep.

Gu Liang sighed silently, and hugged Tangtang back to the bedroom, but he was not sleepy and sat on the bedside all night...

After a few days, it was still the same.

Tangtang seemed to be aware of Gu Liang's indifference. After pestering him twice, she never went to the study to look for him again. She occasionally met Taoist Miaoqing at home, and she ignored it and did her own way.

Probably because Gu Liang no longer gave her the opportunity to nourish evil things, the treatment progressed smoothly, and the cinnabar seal moved to the palm of his hand.

"At most two more injections, it should be able to heal." Miao Qing said.

"There is a long way to go." Gu Liang thanked lightly.

He got up to see off the guests and saw Tangtang standing at the entrance of the study with a blank face, staring at them coldly, without anger or joy.

After that, she turned and went back to the room without saying a word.

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