Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1486: Don't understand

Tangtang sneered when he heard the words.

She can't believe anyone now.

However, the second half of Huang Laogui's sentence is quite right. He really has no abilities. What's more, now he is as tired as a dead dog, shivering after running two steps, how can there be extra strength to catch her?

Tangtang put the bell in his palm and placed it in front of Huang Laogui, "Only watch, not hands."

"Oh, I know, I won't touch it." Huang Laogui put his hands behind him, arched his waist, squinted, and looked at the bell in circles.

As he watched it, his mouth made a tsk.

Tangtang asked him, "Did you see anything famous?"

Huang Laogui said solemnly: "This bell, it's not an ordinary bell."

Tangtang: "Oh."

Take back your hand as a gesture.

"Hey hey! I haven't finished talking yet!" Huang Laogui stopped her, "I mean, this bell is not a complete bell, it should be one of a series of bells."

Tangtang frowned slightly and looked at the bell in his hand.

The rusty bronze ware, part of the pattern protrusions rubbed brightly, glowing with a dark purple metallic color.

Can't see anything special.

But she knew that this thing was very powerful and even more evil than her dagger, so she had to take it in her hands no matter how big the risk was, otherwise she would not feel at ease.

Huang Laogui explained to her: "Listen to me. In ancient times, Taoism was very prosperous, and there were many factions. Each of these factions has its own housekeeping skills. Some are good at alchemy, and a little good at Fuluo. There are a lot of pie babies, among them there is a kind of bell—"

His voice turned slightly, he smiled twice, squinted at the bell in Tangtang's hand, and then said: "It is said that it is a magic weapon to exorcise demons and catch ghosts. The biggest master bell is dedicated to Zhong Kui. Zhong Kui was originally extremely The fierce evil spirits, because they are good at eating little ghosts, the people are in awe and worship. Since then, they have received incense and turned from the evil spirit into the yin god. There are four small bells under the main bell, which worship the four evil gods. Under the evil spirits bell, there is a string A smaller bell, the size of a broad bean, contains an imp that serves the evil god."

After saying this, Old Ghost Huang moved closer and sniffed lightly.

"Tsk, there is a deadly smell, it can't be wrong, that guy must have stolen it from which tomb! This in your hand, it should be a bell dedicated to the Western Cthulhu."

Tangtang frowned and said nothing.

Old ghost Huang seemed to see through her mind, and said slowly: "You don't need to worry, hundreds of years of old things have long been scattered and I don't know where they are going. He can find this bell. It’s the grand prize. Even if someone picks up other bells, they may not know the purpose, let alone catch you."

"If you want to catch it, it depends on whether you have that ability." Tangtang snorted disdainfully.

This time, if it weren't because of her inhabitation, she might not have been hit.

Old ghost Huang laughed, showing half of his golden teeth, " are great, you have the ability, then why are you so miserable now?"

Quite gloating.

Tangtang glanced at him blankly, but didn't conceal: "Gu Liang has a strange thing on his hand. I don't want him to treat it, so he doesn't want me."

Huang Laogui was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: " mean that dark thing..."

Tangtang blinked, "You know?"

"Before I was called to see a doctor, but he was hiding his face, I didn't expect it to be him..."

Old ghost Huang thought for a while, frowning and muttered: "Foreign things just don't understand, what dark magic, necromancer, witch curse, alchemy...Ah, don't understand, don't understand..."

He looked up at Tangtang and asked curiously: "Do you have a way?"

Tangtang bent down, picked her cat in her arms, stroked it lightly, and whispered, "I'm not sure."

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