Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1490: Uncomfortable for many days

"It is dismissed, but it is suspicious. There is no silver three hundred taels here..." Gu Liang sighed silently, "Fortunately, it is not completely out of control...This hand, unless you are very hungry, is still obedient."

Gu Liang took off his black leather gloves and exposed his ink-stained right hand. The image of the snake on his skin was dormant, and his body moved slowly, as if he was breathing up and down.

"You said..." Gu Liang said slowly, with a thin expression, "Or else, cut it off?"

Tong Wu's expression changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Master! Since this thing does not harm your body for the time being, let's think of a way! Maybe there will be a turning point!"

Gu Liang was silent and said lightly: "Yes, for no reason, who would want to lose a hand?"

He thought for a moment, and said to Tong Wu: "You go get some guinea pigs...Forget it, rabbits. Raise some rabbits in the garden."

Although I didn't eat it by myself, I was always connected to my body, thinking of feeding them mice...well, disgusting.

Tong Wu immediately made arrangements. The next day he put seven or eight rabbits in the garden, and found someone else to circle a plot in the garden, saying that he was going to build a farmhouse, and after it was built, he could raise some chickens and ducks.

The servants looked at each other. The farmhouse really didn't look like Gu Liang's taste, but since the chief steward ordered it down, they had to do it.

Tong Wu also listed a few new rules, such as: When Gu Liang is not at home, he can only go to the second floor to clean, and at any other time, he is not allowed to go to the second floor.

There is no dismissal of a servant, but the scope of the servant's activities is invisibly restricted, so as not to happen again.

Gu Liang and the evil thing in his hand get along fairly well.

Over time, he slowly figured out some patterns--

There are eight snake shadows in total, the thickness is basically the same, but the length of each stretch is different. The longest snake shadow can stretch up to six meters, and the shortest is about four meters.

When he was not stretching, the eight snake shadows hanging on his hand looked... about a black squid.

They are dormant most of the time, and their daily activity time is about two hours. These two hours may be during the day or at night, but if Gu Liang arranges the time in advance and lets them come out, they can ensure that they will not suddenly come out and make trouble in the next time.

Of course, if they were extremely hungry, they could come out at any time, and Gu Liang couldn't control it, and couldn't take it back.

Rabbits and chickens and ducks have been fed, tried to feed fish, they are not interested. Gu Liang endured his nausea and asked someone to get some beetles, spiders, lizards, and frogs to try their tastes.

Thankfully, they don't eat.

It looks like it only **** the essence, blood and water of warm-blooded animals.

Gu Liang also tried his appetite.

If they are fed once a day, it may be because they are not too hungry. When they eat, they will eat and play. The whole chicken coop will jump around, take a bite in the east and a bite in the west, and more than 20 chickens are tossed to death and almost become neurotic. , The rooster crows in the middle of the night.

If you feed it once every two or three days, it feels just right, and you sleep when you are full, and you don't mess around.

If there are more than five days in between, accidents are likely to happen. They will run out uncontrollably, like hungry beasts, hunting all over the world, as long as they see a living thing, they will pounce on whatever it is!

Once, Gu Liang wanted to try their limits and did not feed for five consecutive days.

On the sixth day, they roared out hurriedly, caught a mouse on the balcony, and instantly sucked it into pieces.

But the maid said that the new type of contraceptive rodents used at home recently will cause the mice to be sterile, safer and more environmentally friendly than the previous highly toxic rodents, and will not pollute the environment.

After Gu Liang heard the news, he felt uncomfortable for many days.

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