The joints are distinct and the fingers are slender.

She followed that hand upwards little by little, touched her strong wrist, touched the button of the sleeve...


She didn't dare to move, and she couldn't bear to lose her hand. She silently put the person's forearm, the noisy voices in her ears seemed to be separated by a sea of ​​fog, becoming very far away...

Her eyes were sour and sore, she couldn't help blinking, her thick eyelashes softly rubbed his palm, with an unspeakable tenderness.

The next second, tears flowed out, and she couldn't help it...

The damp temperature seemed to burn him, and he pulled his hand back abruptly.

Tangtang only felt that something was empty, and turned to look, the man's back figure had entered the darkness.

"Gu Liang..." She muttered while looking at the figure from behind, trying to chase after her.

The toes touched the ground and ice-cold, looked down at his unshoeed feet, then silently shrank back and sat down sadly.

The noise around was louder, and the exaggerated laughter made goose bumps.

Tangtang held the small fork and poked the cake suddenly, unaware of what was happening around him.

The man on the showcase was eventually bought by a rich woman.

Huang Laogui walked back through the crowd, and sighed as he walked: "Women are really scarier than men when they play hooliganism..."

"Tang, put on shoes, it's almost our turn." He put the embroidered shoes on Tangtang.


Tangtang put on his shoes and looked in that direction again. It was foggy and pitch black, and he couldn't see anything...


The auction is coming to an end, and the atmosphere rises.

Everyone is wondering, what will the final auction item look like? Is the so-called Cthulhu a mysterious wizard in black and black robes, or a rags old witch holding a crystal ball?

The host said on the stage: "Ladies and gentlemen, the next auction item is a bit special. To be precise, this auction item is not any physical item, but an opportunity, an opportunity to meet the evil god.

Cthulhu will meet the requirements of the seven highest bidding guests and choose one of them as his host.

Ladies and gentlemen, please remember that once you make a request that Cthulhu can't do, it will be deemed as a waiver and the amount won will not be refunded. "

People whispered, noisy.

Such conditions can be regarded as harsh. Because no one has seen the power of the evil god, throwing real gold and silver in it, it is most likely to be smashed, just like gambling.

No, gambling at least knows what you will win, but in this auction, even if the highest price is reached, it is impossible to determine what return you will get.

When there was a lot of discussion, the host retreated to the side and invited the evil **** to enter.

Beyond everyone's expectations...

There was a cloud of black fog, which appeared indistinctly from the edge of the booth...

It floats to the center of the booth like a ghost, standing upright like a human figure, slowly rising and falling under the bright light, in full view.

There was a strange silence in the audience.

Everyone can't believe their eyes! Some people can't help but look around, wondering where the projection hole is hidden. It's actually a stereo projection, right? !

If it's not projection, it's magic, right? It's magic!

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, the black fog moved, like black sand blown away by the wind, and got into the host's body in an instant!

"Ah..." someone exclaimed from the stands.

The host did not move, but the flesh on his face showed twitches. He opened his mouth. The original fluent foreign language has become Chinese, and his tone of voice is also smooth and straight.

"What you see are the servants of the Cthulhu. Only the first seven bidders are eligible to see the true Cthulhu. Now... the bidding begins."

The translator was shocked, and he recovered for a long while, hurry up and translate!

At this time, the black mist pulled away, and the host's body suddenly softened, and was held by the interpreter, and then he kept panting and collapsed.

The audience was silent.

Only see the price tag constantly bouncing on the huge LCD screen, getting higher and higher.

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