Yu Yang was stunned, then smiled on his face, which was quite rare for his usual poker face expression.

"Did I understand it wrong? You provided evidence to the police that He Xiulian sold illegal drugs, and now...you want to defend her?" Yu Yang felt that Mu Zi was joking.

"The evidence is provided because I think there is room for further investigation in this case." Mu Zi glanced at Qu Mingjun. "Attorney Qu will defend why Xiulian will defend. I would like to know more about the details of the case. "

Qu Mingjun knew immediately and asked: "Prosecutor Yu Yang, can we talk?"

Yu Yang seemed to look at Mu Zi deeply, and nodded: "Of course."


It happened to be lunch time, and the three of them found a restaurant with private rooms on the street.

Qu Mingjun is in charge of ordering.

Mu Zi did not follow Yang Dou and asked him directly: "What is the prosecution's proposal?"

Yu Yang said: "Fifteen years in prison and five times the fine for sales."

"Too heavy." Mu Zi shook his head, "My client is over 60 years old, and it is unknown whether she can live for another 15 years. Besides, all her sales proceeds are used to treat her granddaughter's illness, and even if she becomes a seller, she cannot pay. The prosecution's claim that such a high fine is unreasonable, reasonable and legal."

Yu Yang raised his eyebrows and folded his arms, "Then what do you think?"

"There is a two-year imprisonment, and all illegal drugs are turned over in accordance with the law." Mu Zi said, "She also has a granddaughter who needs to be taken care of in bed, so I hope to apply for execution outside prison."

"Impossible." Yu Yang indifferently refused. "According to Article 11 of the Implementing Regulations of the Drug Administration Law, anyone who produces or sells toxic drugs without authorization shall be fined 5 to 10 times the illegal income, causing disability or death, and constitutes a crime. Pursuing criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, He Xiulian secretly sold illicit drugs containing tetrahydromafol, resulting in the death of three people and must be punished heavily."

Mu Zi was not anxious or annoyed, and smiled: "Not all drugs containing tetrahydromafol are toxic drugs. As far as I know, some modern therapeutic drugs also contain these substances, and my client, He Xiulian, has not read a book. The medicine was made by her unintentionally. She had no intention of harming people, and the dosage is unlikely to cause disability or death. It is very inappropriate to use Article 11 of the Implementation Regulations of the Drug Administration Law to interpret this case."

Yu Yang thoughtfully looked at Qu Mingjun, who had been silent, and after a moment, his eyes fell on the girl in front of him again.

He smiled swiftly, and compromised: "Eight years in prison, twice the fine for sales, and confiscated all illegal drugs."

Mu Zi insisted: "Two years, execution outside prison."

Yu Yang tapped the table with his fingers lightly, "Miss Mu, three lives are sentenced to only two years, and the execution is still out of prison, is it a bit whimsical?"

"The illegal drugs He Xiulian sells will not cause death. She should not be held responsible for the three lives. What we are talking about is not a criminal case. It is just that she manufactures and sells illegal drugs without obtaining a business license. Something." Mu Zi replied.

Yu Yang began to re-examine the girl in front of him, she was much trickier than he thought.

"The victim died of tetrahydrochlorine poisoning, and He Xiulian’s chemical talisman water happened to contain tetrahydrochlorine. As for the dosage, perhaps she was not careful in the production process, which caused the content of certain talisman papers. The amount of medicine is too large, and He Xiulian can't escape the suspicion." Yu Yang said.

Mu Zi shook her head again: "No, in order to reduce costs, He Xiulian's dosage will only be reduced again and again, never increased. That is a loss of money. Although she is old, she is not too confused."

She paused briefly, and then said: "Just now Jiaren Cheng claimed that Xiao Zhuo and the other two boys who were involved in the accident had left the room before the incident, presumably because they were out smoking. The cigarettes had no brand and were put in a ziplock bag. The prosecutor was not curious about it. The ingredients?"

Yu Yang was silent.


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