Go to Qingjiang to invite people, who is it?

Everyone has the answer in their heart.

It's just that Mu Zi previously announced that she was not a child of the Situ family and clearly wanted to separate her relationship.

For so many years, the Situ family has ignored her, and now they ask others to donate their bone marrow. It feels embarrassing to change anyone.

However, his son's life is far more important than his face.

The old man is in his seventies and only has such a son. If he is gone, it can be said that the old man has nothing to think about for the rest of his life.

Situ Yan was silent when he heard the words and did not object.

Now is not the time to consider face, but the time to consider life and death, he also wants to live.

The matter was decided. After Mr. Situ and the old lady returned home, Ning Yuewei heard about it, but there was a stir.

"Will she disagree?" Ning Yuewei asked aloud at dinner that day.

Her words are like a stone thrown into the lake, everyone's heart thumps, and then there are different ripples.

Ning Yuewei saw the crowd with solemn expressions, and explained in a low voice: "I...I don't mean anything else. I just feel that if she has been outside for so many years, if we have a grudge against her uncle, will she take the opportunity to ask her for help? Sagging us?...I also feel sorry for Grandpa Auntie, Grandpa Auntie is so old..."

At the dinner table, the old lady and old gentleman stopped their chopsticks.

Ning Yuewei's words are exactly what they worry about the most-what is Mu Zi's attitude towards the Situ family? ...Does she think that Situ Yan is a guilty man who abandons his wife and daughter, and that he is currently suffering from a terminal illness and is retribution unhappy?

If that were the case, the old man's trip would be tantamount to humiliating himself.

"No..." Chen Cailing said softly, "I don't think Miss Mu looks like that kind of person..."

"What kind of person is she, do you know?" Old lady Situ glanced at her, her voice cold, "How many times have you seen her? Do you know what kind of person she is?"

Chen Cailing lowered her head, not wanting to anger the old lady again.

"Now it's no better than before. The blood bank inventory is full, and the matching success rate is high." Ning Yuewei wanted to persuade again, but the performance was too obvious. She sneered, "I also want my uncle to get better soon, but I think we don't Put all hope on Miss Mu, you have to try any method..."

"Yuewei is right. We really shouldn't put all hope on her." The old lady said with sullen eyes, "And whether the girl is Ayan's child or not, there has been no conclusion. I took out all the family portraits on the show, and the photos don’t look like fakes. If I made a mistake, wouldn’t it be time to have fun?"

This is indeed a problem.

As long as there is no paternity test, it is impossible to be 100% sure that Mu Zi is Situ Yan's daughter.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was solemn. For a long time, Mr. Situ said, "Wait for the news from the blood bank. It's really impossible. I will go to Qingjiang. Whether it is or not, I have to go to know."

When the old gentleman spoke, no one had any objections.

However, in the following month, the blood bank failed to find a suitable match.

This kind of thing is really unpredictable. Some patients found a suitable match within a few days of admission, and some patients did not encounter a suitable case until they died.

Old Mr. Situ did not dare to gamble on his son's life, and immediately set off for Qingjiang.

And because Chen Cailing had contact with Mu Zi, and the old man was old and needed someone to take care of him, Chen Cailing also followed.


When the train arrived at the railway station, it had just arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon.

When Mu Zi stepped out of the train, a gust of wind blew her, and she subconsciously gathered her scarf. Compared with Qingjiang, the air in Jingling is less soft and colder.

The bodyguard came to help Mu Zi take the luggage, but Mu Zi did not let go.

She pulled her suitcase and looked at Mr. Situ and Chen Cailing: "Since I am here to donate bone marrow, I can ask you what I want, right?"

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