After all, it was something that I had never experienced before, and it was somewhat nervous, but compared to the torture of the patient, my fear of nervousness seemed trivial.

Mu Zi was admitted to the hospital the next day for a full physical examination, blood test, chest X-ray, ECG, B-ultrasound and so on.

She is young, and she occasionally goes to the gym with Jiang Ci to practice fighting. She is in good physical condition and there is no problem with the test results. Then she collects her own blood, and Mu Zi feels nothing.

After being admitted to the hospital, he had to deal with various examinations, and sometimes there were doctors and nurses coming in and out, and Mu Zi did not call home again.

A few days later, I started mobilizing the injections. In order to activate the hematopoietic stem cells, I received two injections a day for five consecutive days. It is said that some people will be particularly uncomfortable with this injection, and some people will not feel it. It all depends on their personal physique.

On the last day of the fight, Mu Zi felt dizzy and sleepy, and his spine was sore and swollen. Although it was not painful, it was also very uncomfortable.

She lay on the bed and didn't want to move, and fell asleep in a daze. When she slept in the middle of the night, she heard her cell phone ring.

"Do you have surgery tomorrow?" Murong Cheng's deep voice came from over there.

"Yeah." Mu Zi murmured, closing his eyes, "tomorrow pumping bone marrow."

Murong Cheng felt sorry for her and asked, "Will it hurt?"

Mu Zi laughed: "It's definitely painful to pump it directly. If you need anesthetic, you won't feel it at all by then."

"Don't rush back after the operation, stay for a while, get your body well, and wait for my affairs here to finish, then go to Jingling to pick you up." Murong Cheng said.

"Then when will you come to pick me up?"

There was no answer on the other end of the phone. Mu Zi waited for a while. Her slightly awake head became confused again. Half asleep and half awake, she heard Murong Cheng say: "Zi Zi, remember, don't trust anyone. What the eyes see is not necessarily true..."

Mu Zi thought to himself: Is he worried that I will be cheated away by the Situ family?

There was another noise, which was not really heard from a distance. It was like the sound of a cannon from a distance outside the window, it was like a sound from a mobile phone, and it was also like a sound in a dream.

"Hey... Murong Cheng..." Mu Zi murmured, closing his eyes and waiting for Murong Cheng to reply. After waiting for a long time, he finally fell asleep...

When she woke up the next morning, she thought of the phone call, only feeling weird.

Could it be that I was thinking day by day and dreaming night by night, dreaming that Murong Cheng called himself?

Can't think about it, because the doctor has already come in and pushed her to the operating room...

Mu Zi didn't know if her physique was special. After the anesthetic was given, she still felt pain. When the needle went in, she subconsciously clenched the quilt, tears burst out of her eyes, completely out of control.

The nurse immediately guided her to take a deep breath, and the second half was a little better. After drawing 300 ml of bone marrow blood, she can return to the ward to rest.

Mu Zi asked how she was drawing. The doctor thought she was a donor from the Situ family and praised her for being brave and strong. He also said that the bone marrow is abundant and hematopoietic activity is also very good.

She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be good if she could save people. After all, she traveled thousands of miles, checking and drawing blood, and no one wanted to do useless work.

The nurse pushed her back to the ward and told her not to move after the operation, try to stay flat and rest in bed.

Mu Zi thought to herself: Even if you don't tell me, I will never move when I lie down.

She was sore and swollen and fell asleep when she lay down.


It was already the afternoon when she woke up. Xu was not hungry due to the effects of drug residues. She only felt that she had finished one thing and felt very relaxed.

Mu Zi called Murong Cheng to tell him that he had finished the operation.

The phone dialed, but the other party was turned off and could not be connected.

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