Chen Cailing knew that he would have an operation today, and got up at 5 o'clock in the morning to prepare ingredients in the kitchen and stew a nutritious soup that nourishes the body.

A few days ago, I had been injecting, and the doctor ordered a light diet. Mu Zi ate all the packages issued by the hospital. Now that the operation is finished, it is time to drink some tonics when the person is weak.

The stewing soup pays attention to the time of the fire. Chen Cailing got up in the morning and started to work. Counting the time, it was enough to stew for six hours until noon.

There are also servant cooks at home, but they cook them by themselves, which is more sincere.

Mu Zi saved Chen Cailing's husband, which is equivalent to saving the second half of Chen Cailing's life. Chen Cailing is very grateful to her.

When she was busy, the old lady came to the kitchen and looked at her lukewarmly.

Chen Cailing turned around and saw the old lady suddenly, so scared that the spoon in her hand almost fell.

The old lady frowned: "How come such a big person is bluffing, what does it look like."

Chen Cailing smiled reluctantly.

"What is this?" The old lady came over and stared at the dark red purple casserole. "For Ayan?"

Chen Cailing was a little embarrassed, and explained: "Ayan is not suitable for supplementing recently. This is for Miss Mu..."

She knew that the old lady had a pimple in her heart against Mu Zi. At the end of the talk, her voice became smaller and smaller, a little afraid that the old lady would suddenly get angry.

The old lady was stubborn and could not see her emotions. She opened the lid and took a look, and said, "Chicken is not stewed like this. Go to my room. There is a fresh ginseng in the cabinet. Bring it."

Chen Cailing was very surprised, and she didn't react for a while in the same place.

"What's in a daze?" The old lady frowned and said with a straight face, "Why, do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't know good or bad? She saved Ayan, so I won't be so confused that I will take revenge and take revenge. Nothing, get it quickly, and it won’t taste simmering after it’s put out later."

"...Oh, oh, good!" Chen Cailing hurried to get the ginseng.

The son is saved, and the old lady is in a good mood, so today she is extraordinarily cheerful.

At noon, the family gathered around the dining table for lunch, and the atmosphere was rare and relaxed.

"Today I went to the hospital with Cailing." The old lady put down her old hostility and said calmly, "Give the girl some tonics and take a look at her. Anyway, thanks to her this time, it's time to thank her. "

Mr. Situ nodded slightly and said, "That kid is pretty good, he has a degree of advancement and retreat, and he is quite famous."

He was a little proud of his words, as if boasting of the Situ family's blood.

Chen Cailing looked at the atmosphere and tried to express her thoughts: "I also think I should thank you, but I don't know how to express my gratitude, so I just use the money... It seems cheesy, give it a gift, I don't know what to give."

This is a problem.

At the dinner table, everyone discussed how to give gifts, each talking about their opinions, while Ning Yuewei lowered her head to eat without saying a word.


It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon when the old lady and Chen Cailing arrived at the hospital because of the delay in discussing the selection of gifts.

When she was about to enter the ward, the old lady was a little twitchy.

The old lady has mixed feelings about Mu Zi.

I feel disgusted when I think of that woman’s child; I look forward to it when I think of this as my only granddaughter; I am grateful when I think of Mu Zi’s willingness to donate bone marrow; when I think of Mu Zi’s reluctance to live in Situ’s house and want to separate the relationship, The old lady was very embarrassed and angry again!

When the old lady was struggling, Chen Cailing had knocked on the door of the ward.

There is no sound inside.

Even though she was in a good mood, the old lady couldn't help being harsh in her words: "Wait for a long time and ignore people. How can you see the elders?"

As if saying this, I can cover up my embarrassment.

Chen Cailing said: "Maybe it was a nap, I didn't hear it."

The door of the ward was unlocked, Chen Cailing opened it gently, and when they could see what was going on inside, the two of them were unexpectedly stunned.

——No one in the room.

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