Huo Zheng's instigation of the honor and resignation meeting greatly injured the Huo family's vitality and caused complaints within the family.

And his own health problems have hidden dangers, and it is difficult to convince the public. In the face of a group of ambitious brothers and sisters, Huo Zheng's current situation can be described as embarrassing on all sides.

Although he wanted to catch Murong Cheng to vent his anger, what was more urgent was how to solve the immediate crisis.

After listening to Murong Cheng's analysis, Mu Zi thought about the other side.

If Huo Zheng hadn’t saved Murong Cheng at the beginning, then what kind of closed and severe brain injury, primary brainstem injury, lung infection and epilepsy have been experienced... Will it be Murong who bears everything? Accept?

Thinking in this way, I can appreciate Murong Cheng's subtle attitude towards Huo Zheng.

Forbearance and forbearance, in addition to brother's loyalty, it is more of a sense of debt, right?

Huo Zheng saved Murong Cheng more than once, and this last time, he lost half of his life.

Mu Zi subconsciously hugged Murong Cheng tightly, thanked God in his heart, and gave Murong Cheng a blessing in his death.

Murong Cheng is still thinking about Huo Zheng: "I don't know which hapless guy will be targeted by him..."

He even gloated: "If Huo Zheng finds a young man, will Huo Lin call his brother or his brother? Will he find a nephew?"

"Leave him alone!" Mu Zi pulled his face away and said seriously, "He will go to whomever he likes to find. I don't allow you to intervene in the Huo family's affairs. Did you hear that?"

After finally living a stable life, Mu Zi didn't want Murong Cheng to be contaminated with those **** things.

Murong Cheng smiled and kissed the corner of her lips: "Yes, my wife."

Mu Zi blushed and scolded him: "Who is your wife, shameless."

Murong Cheng said: "Then you are really amazing, it's not my wife who cares about me so strict!"

Mu Zi was so angry that he pinched him hard!


The night was full, Mu Zening walked out of the restaurant alone and drove aimlessly on the road.

Unconsciously came to the door of a bar and nightclub.

The laughter and the limbs inside attracted him, his depression had sinked into his bones, lacking such madness and indulgence.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the waiter noticed him.

Whether it's the brand-name clothing on his body or the luxury car behind him, he is undoubtedly saying that this is a gold master.

The waiter graciously stepped forward to help Mu Zening park the car.

Mu Zening walked in, it was noisy and lively, the lights were dazzling, and at the same time it gave people a strange sense of privacy.

He found a vacant seat at the bar and asked for a bottle of wine.

Several young girls nearby noticed Mu Zening, looked up and whispered.

"Look, that man is so handsome."

"The shirt on his body can't be bought without this number." One of the girls gestured.

The other girls breathed in surprise, their eyes eager to try.

There was a very beautiful, bold man, twisted his waist and walked over: "Handsome guy, how boring to drink alone..."

Mu Zening was very cold, his expression was so cold that he didn't even look at the woman.

The beauty was immediately embarrassed and a little unwilling, she said diligently, "Hey, are you deaf?"

Mu Zening put down the wine glass and glanced at her lazily.

The beauty suddenly stunned, and then her face turned pale, she staggered back, screaming: "Ahhhhh!!!!!!"

Her friends were taken aback and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her.

The beauty cried and screamed, pointing at Mu Zening incoherently: "...Ghosts, ghosts! There are ghosts!!!"

Everyone looked at each other, and some even laughed out: "How many drugs are you taking?"

The big guy who watched the scene pulled them out to avoid affecting the business.

Mu Zening continued to drink quietly.

Everything around is still lively and crazy, as if the scene just now never happened.

Mu Zening felt boring. Even in such an environment, I still don't feel the slightest joy.

At this time, a corner attracted his attention.

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