Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 923: Heard too many stories

Before the closing speech began, Mu Zi's mobile phone received a short message sent by Murong Cheng.

She glanced at it and found that the content of the short message was similar to what she had expected. Mu Zi turned off the phone and remained silent.

Jiang Huan sat beside her and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure?"

Mu Zi's eyes looked straight ahead, with no expression on his face, "If your girlfriend's lawyer didn't play yin, I think we should be a little sure now."

"..." Jiang Huan was choked.

The first person who made the closing statement was the prosecutor Yu Yang.

His closing speeches have the same style as him, revealing the indifference of business affairs, and they are full of organization and conviction.

"...The sleeping pills belong to Zhang Xiaona, and there are Jiang Huan's fingerprints on the wine glass. Witnesses saw Zhang Xiaona and Jiang Huan leave from the deceased's residence. Apart from the footprints of Zhang Xiaona and Jiang Huan, no suspicious people broke in at the scene of the crime. trace.

The sudden infighting of defense lawyers is nothing more than a defense strategy. They want to confuse you. Once you start thinking about who killed the victim, you will enter a dead end without conviction.

This case can be done by more than one person. Zhang Xiaona needs to coax Pan Zhe into drinking wine mixed with sleeping pills, Jiang Huan needs to move Pan Zhe, who has fallen asleep, to the bathroom on the second floor, and Zhang Xiaona, who is familiar with the neighborhood environment Turn on the camera.

There were two murderers in this murder case. They thought they were very clever and faked the scene of the accidental death. At first glance, people thought that Pan Zhe was accidentally drowned because of the effect of the drug in the bath. Omitting the crushed powder, they didn't know that Pan Zhe ordered a takeaway before he died.

Would a person who ordered a takeaway take sleeping pills? Will you go to the bath? Dear members of the jury, I believe that your wisdom is enough to understand these ridiculous tricks! "

Yu Yang's closing statement can be said to have blocked Zhou Chen's point of view just now.

But the matter is now, it is impossible to temporarily change the strategy, Zhou Chen still pointed the finger at Jiang Huan.

"Physical evidence, he bought sleeping pills. It is easy for him to get sleeping pills. Motivation is that he and Pan Zhe have been grudges for a long time. He hates Pan Zhe's control of his girlfriend! The most important thing is that my client Zhang Xiaona has feelings with the deceased. Deep, trusting each other, it is impossible to be such a bad hand!——

Not to mention, there is a long flight of stairs from the first floor to the second floor. How can a weak woman carry Pan Zhe, who weighs far more than her own and has fallen asleep, to the bathroom on the second floor? She can't do it! It was Jiang Huan, Jiang Huan hated Pan Zhe, Jiang Huan wanted to get the video back, Jiang Huan killed Pan Zhe! Jiang Huan did it alone! "

Zhou Chen was impassioned, and in order to make the statement more powerful, his tone was soothed and frustrated, and the ending was decisive.

Jiang Huan's face became more and more ugly, pale and blue, and he only felt that he was overwhelmed.

Finally it was Mu Zi's turn.

She slowly got up, came to the jury, was silent for a moment, and said: "Murder trials are always difficult, because we often hear multiple versions of stories, and if you hear too many stories, the truth will be Becomes fuzzy.

I don’t know if you have noticed anything. Today’s story has one thing in common, that is, there is no direct evidence that the two defendants killed. Let us see, what evidence do we have now?

1. Sleeping pills. Zhang Xiaona is the owner of the medicine. Jiang Huan has a close relationship with her and can easily get sleeping pills. Is this enough to accuse them of killing? No, don't forget, Pan Zhe and Zhang Xiaona are also very close, and he can also get medicine.

2. Fingerprints, what can fingerprints indicate? Zhang Xiaona and Jiang Huan went to Pan Zhe's house to discuss the next day's wedding. They were drinking and chatting. Isn't it normal that fingerprints on the wine glasses? "

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