Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 935: the fourth time

It hurts too much.

Mu Zi breathed in pain, his eyes turned black, his vision became blurred, and his ears were buzzing.

She heard Mu Ling crying, and then there was a snap, and all the voices stopped abruptly.

Mu Ling was slapped fiercely by Mu Zening, stunned.

"Go downstairs to entertain guests." Mu Zening said.

His voice is like today's gloomy weather, with a thick and intractable haze, which is extremely suppressed.

Mu Ling never dared to disobey him, and fled out with tears in his eyes.

The door was closed and locked.

Mu Zening walked towards Mu Zi step by step.

Mu Zi's injury was not fatal. She couldn't die for a while. She lay on her side on the floor, panting, feeling like a fish on a chopping board.

I thought: Is he going to kill me? Is the pain that I brought him backlogged to the point that he must kill me to relieve his hatred?

Thoughts are drifting away, as if the blurred vision is difficult to focus.

... Am I going to die?

She tried to strengthen her consciousness and not to coma.

Mu Zening had already walked to the front, pinched her neck, and vigorously lifted her upper body.

Mu Zi only felt suffocated.

She was caught in her throat, unable to breathe, blood was flowing from the wound, and the temperature of her body was pulling away.

Mu Zening's face moved closer, almost touching her lips.

He did not kiss, but sniffed, and murmured, "You are really dirty."

For Mu Zening, this body had been touched by Murong Cheng and was extremely dirty.

Mu Zi struggled, but she suffered a gunshot wound, and the strength in her hand couldn't shake Mu Zening at all.

She really didn't understand.

If you don't understand Mu Zening, you can have a sweet wife in your arms, so why be a murderer? He wants to kill Xu Shihan, but also to kill her!

"Do you think you can turn a blind eye to our marriage by changing your body?" Mu Zening picked her up and whispered to her ear, "Su Zi, you don't want to leave me alone, or live my life , Or die...You really deserve to die, isn't it good for me to miss you forever? Why should I be with him..."

Is Mu Zening crazy?

Mu Zi's brain was muddled, she was struggling desperately, but she felt her body lower and lower, and then a cold puff of cold poured her nose! She was pushed into the bathtub by Mu Zening!

She was horrified in her heart, and she supported the edge of the bathtub with her hands, trying hard to support her body. She trembled with pain and suffered from suffocation.

Mu Zening looked like a madman, pressing her head firmly with his big hands like cast iron!

"Go to die." He said sharply, "just like last time, drowning in the water! Can you survive this time? In whose body will you be resurrected? ... Maybe it's better if you die. Become a ghost, I will support you!"

As he said, he pressed her into the water more vigorously, and the surging water overflowed the bathtub, mixed with blood flowing all over the floor.

Mu Zi's consciousness gradually faded.

Don't want to die.

There was only this idea in my mind.

When she was pushed off the boat, she regretted her life, but felt that death had ruined her great future.

But now, her heart is full of sadness and regret! Because she hasn't been with Murong Cheng, she hasn't given herself to him!

It's ridiculous, but when her life is at stake, she thinks about such vulgar things, just eating men and women, Murong Cheng has been thinking about her for so many years, she really regrets not being with him this time...

Don't want to die, really don't want to die...

The power on her head suddenly loosened, and she faintly heard Xiaoya's harsh scream, followed by messy gunfire.

Mu Zi's brain is muddy and his thinking is sluggish.

She wanted to call for help, to prevent Mu Zening from shooting Xiaoyao, but in the end she did nothing.

Consciousness fell into the dark abyss, and she lost consciousness.

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