Mu Zi suddenly received a call from Zhuang Jia and was at a loss.

Before she could ask clearly, Zhuang Jia hung up.

"What's the matter?" Murong Cheng asked her in a daze when she saw her.

Mu Zi frowned and shook her head slowly. She was a little puzzled and wondered if she was thinking too much...

It was already lunch time, and the servants brought the food to the table with a dazzling array of food.

There was a faint cry from the old lady: "What did she do when she came back? Is she deliberately trying to embarrass Yuewei! The bad guy's marriage is going to be struck by thunder, let her go! No one wants to see her dominate here! "

Ning Yuewei and Xie Lixuan failed to get married, so naturally there is no such thing as a homecoming day. In fact, she stayed behind closed doors these days and shut herself in the room, which made the old lady feel bad.

And Mu Zi, with its boundless beauty, became the object of the old lady's anger.

Old Mr. Situ shouted: "Have you had enough trouble?! You are the one who wants to get married on the same day, and you are also the one who blames them for getting married on the same day! What do you want?!"

The quarrel came intermittently.

Murong Cheng frowned displeased, feeling extremely bored with the old woman in her heart, and wanted to shake her face and leave.

He looked at Mu Zi, but found that Mu Zi was deeply meditating about something, as if he hadn't heard the quarrels.

It’s okay if you haven’t heard.

Hearing these insults will only dirty my ears and ruin my mood.

Murong Cheng touched Mu Zi's head.

Mu Zi suddenly raised his head and asked him: "Have we ever said to send special products to Zhuang Jia?"

Murong Cheng was stunned, "Special products?... Now that online shopping is so convenient, why can't we buy anything, and we need to send it?"

"Murongcheng." Mu Zi's face was pale and nervous, "Zhuang Jia may have something wrong!"

Murong Cheng was puzzled: "What happened? What did she say on the phone just now?"

Mu Zi didn't have time to explain, she immediately dialed Jiang Ci's number, but the line was busy, so she immediately changed to Yang's number.

Yu Yang is a prosecutor and has the right to mobilize police. It is more appropriate to find him than Jiang Ci.

As soon as the phone was connected, Mu Zi immediately said, "Yu Yang, are you free now? Can you go to Dongcheng Street right away? Room 121, Unit 1, Building 53, Dongcheng Street! I suspect something happened to Zhuang Jia! She just gave me I called and said some very strange things, it was probably asking me for help!"

"Did you call her later?" Yu Yang asked.

Mu Zi replied: "No, I don't know the situation there, I'm worried about self-defeating."

"Don't worry, I will take a few police officers over to see." Yu Yang said, "I will call you when I arrive."

After ending the call, Mu Zi became more upset.

Looking back on it carefully, Zhuang Jia's voice just now seemed very strange, as if her voice collapsed extremely tightly and her tone of voice was flat without ups and downs.

She thought it was because Zhuang Jia was exhausted after getting off the plane, but if she was really exhausted, why would she still think about sending her special products from Jingling as soon as she entered the house?

Everywhere is unreasonable.

"Zi Zi, let's eat first." Murong Cheng held her hand and comforted, "Since Yu Yang has already gone, Zhuang Jia will be fine. We are worried here and it won't help. Let's wait for news while eating. ."

"Hmm..." Mu Zi nodded thoughtfully, and murmured in a low voice, "Zhuang Jia is so clever, she will be fine..."

Mu Zixin's mouth tightened.

She was led to the table by Murong Cheng, with no appetite.

The old lady lost her temper and refused to go out to eat. Mr. Situ whitewashed the peace and said that the old lady was not feeling well. Mu Zi didn't care. She silently listened to the people at the dinner table and glanced at her mobile phone from time to time.

I hope Yu Yang can rush over as soon as possible...

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