Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 992: So much hatred

There is no sound in the classroom.

Every pair of eyes looked at the teacher on the podium, and Mu Zi, who did not change his face.

Of these two people, one determines whether students can get credits, and the other is a distinguished presidential daughter. No one can offend.

The students neither dared to oppose the teacher nor discuss Mu Zi.

After a long while, the teacher sneered and stopped looking at Mu Zi.

"Class starts now. I hope some people will remember that I just don't want to waste everyone's time just because of one person's laziness."

Mu Zi's heart burst into flames, feeling unlucky enough to meet such a teacher!

The other party obviously has a great prejudice against her!

Fortunately, the other teachers in the training institute were normal, otherwise Mu Zi would really question his decision to go to the institute.

The former Su Zi was cast here, so for her, it is a very sacred place. She yearns for it, loves it, and misses it. She has an unusual complex for the institute.

Now it is very irritating.

At the end of the morning class, Mu Zi packed his textbooks unhappy.

A man's hand reached out to his eyes.

"Hello..." The fat man with glasses greeted her with a shy smile on his face, "My name is Zhai Nan, and I have watched your trial video on the Internet. It's amazing. I didn't expect us to be a class. Yes, please advise me a lot in the future."

It was the man who accidentally hit her last time.

Mu Zi was stunned, "The"

How could anyone call this name?

Mu Zi shook his hand and greeted him courteously: "Hello, nice to meet you."

Zhai Nan's cheeks flushed and said, "Don't take what happened just now. This teacher is known to be strict in the courtyard. You come early next time and try not to be caught by her."

Mu Zi listened and couldn't help asking him: "Are you familiar with her?"

"After I passed the judicial examination, I did some investigations on every teacher in the training institute. I will do what I like, so I can get credits in the future." Zhai Nan smiled, his eyes narrowed under the thick bottle-bottomed glasses, looking very Honest.

He took out the notebook held under his armpit and opened it to Mu Zi. It was densely recorded with the teachers' information.

Very detailed.

Not only the professional courses taught by each teacher are marked, but also their Weibo name, hobbies, which papers have been published, and the habit of giving points.

Every teacher is different. Some pay more attention to attendance and performance, while others pay more attention to the quality of final papers.

The female teacher who just criticized Mu Zi belongs to the former, and especially treats students who are in a difficult life.

Looking at the notes he made, Mu Zi could see that he had spent a lot of time and effort on it. She sincerely admired: "You are so careful!"

"The stupid bird flies first. I passed the judicial examination five times. I will do more homework and graduate in the future." Zhai Nan said with a smile. "The previous senior brother and sister made a joke, saying before Liao Liqin's class , Change into patched clothes first."

Liao Liqin is the name of the female teacher.

Zhai Nan pointed to his cuff. There was really a small patch on his sleeve. He smiled and said, "I asked a tailor to fix it for me yesterday."

Mu Zi was speechless.

What about her wearing a diamond-studded dress? How much hatred did she recruit?

Mu Zi didn't want to wear patched clothes, and didn't want to cause trouble for herself. She got up early the next day and changed into a light blue fine-grained shirt skirt, which was simple.

Murong Cheng asked, "Why don't you wear that cherry powder? That one looks pretty."

"Hey, it's not going to the beauty pageant." Mu Zi sighed in her heart, she must be low-key, low-key, low-key...

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