"Then I want to evacuate around!"

"But the surrounding streets are also full of people, and we have already received a complaint from the traffic department.

They said that if they can't catch Kaitou Kidd tonight, they will see us and catch us once!"


Nakamori Yinsan didn't care much about the threat from the traffic class. After all, they were all colleagues. Everyone was just joking. What really bothered him was that if things went wrong, there would be a stampede, and tens of thousands of people would trample on the tower. The incident may not be a matter of how many people died.

Either way, he should be held criminally responsible.

"This is easy to handle, since everyone has it, let them in!"

When Nakamori Ginzo was having a headache, Jiro Suzuki's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie, telling the bodyguards of the Suzuki family to retreat, and the crowd put them into "Mr. Suzuki..."

Although Suzuki Jiroji's method did solve the urgent problem, it made it more difficult to deal with the phantom thief Kidd in the future. Looking at the crowded crowd, Nakamori Yinsan also had a headache.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, Brother Nakamori, it's just for them to get closer, as long as the museum is put away, there will be no problem!"

"It can only be like this now, everyone pay attention, the phantom thief Kidd will not necessarily come from the air tonight, everyone who is close to the museum will be arrested for me!"


"This stinky old man has increased our workload all day long. If it wasn't for his inexplicable challenge to the thief Kidd, I should be watching TV with Aoko at home now!"

Along with the roar of a motorcycle, Jiroji Suzuki also rode a handsome Harley motorcycle to the scene.

After seeing Jiro Yoshi Suzuki rushed to the scene, the reporter immediately.

He rushed up and surrounded him.

"Mr. Suzuki, do you have confidence in catching the phantom thief Kid?"

"Haha, that's natural, if that guy comes, I'll let everyone see a thief arrest drama that is not inferior to Hollywood movies!"

As he said that, Jirokichi Suzuki boasted, as if he had caught the phantom thief Kidd.

"Are all units ready, make sure that there are no problems, and also, all camera images must also ensure normal shooting! If "Blue Miracle"

If it is really stolen, our Suzuki Group will become a joke!"

After getting rid of the reporters, Suzuki Jiroyoshi once again confirmed the situation through the walkie-talkie.

After confirming that all the personnel were in place and there were no mistakes, Suzuki Jiro Yoshi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the room of the head of the building, Qianye and the others who were eating supper also heard Suzuki Jiroji's voice on the walkie-talkie.

Putting down the chopsticks, a smile appeared on Qianye's face.

"Looks like Jiroyoshi-san's idea of ​​making a movie that captures Kaito Kid has failed."

Chapter [-] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━? Did you read the script in advance!

"What's the meaning"

After seeing the smile on Qianye's face, Xiaolan and Yuanzi also put down their chopsticks and spent several months with Qianye, and they also got to know Qianye.

When Qianye smiled, it proved that he must have discovered something interesting.

"The one just now... Jiroji is the phantom thief Kid in disguise."

"How is it possible, you haven't met the other party, how do you know the other party is pretending?"

Because he was one step slower than Qianye last night, Conan felt a lot of frustration, so today he simply gave up the chance to confront the phantom thief Kidd, and followed Xiaolan's side, ready to see how Qianye solved the case.

In the end, I didn't expect Qianye to do nothing, just eat a late-night snack upstairs, and say that Suzuki Jiroji was the phantom thief Kid in disguise.

Looking at Qianye blankly, Conan felt that Qianye was also unreliable at times.

"Little devil, you still have a lot to learn."

After knocking Conan on the head, Qianye explained it.

"Do you think Brother Jiroyoshi will care about the reputation of the Suzuki family?"

"That's natural. After all, they...people in the upper class care about the honor of the family."

"No, others may care about the honor of the family, but Uncle Jiroyoshi will definitely not care about the Suzuki family."

After thinking for a while, Suzuki Sonoko also understood Qianye's meaning.

Jiro Suzuki is a very self.

He wouldn't care about anything other than what he cared about, let alone the honor of the Suzuki family, even if the Suzuki family collapsed, he wouldn't care.

But just now he kept saying that losing the blue miracle would make Suzuki's face, and after thinking about it carefully, Hou Yuanzi immediately.

I understand that just now... Suzuki Jirokichi is from Kaitou.

The commander-in-chief of this operation was Nakamori Ginzo and Suzuki Jiroyoshi, and Nakamori Ginzo was only the one who came to help, and it was mainly Suzuki Jiroyoshi who had the final say. After the phantom thief, Suzuki Jiroyoshi, Conan didn't know what to do for a while.

Even if they pointed out that Suzuki Jiroyoshi was the phantom thief Kid, it would be of no use, because the bodyguards of the Suzuki family would definitely obey Suzuki Jiroyoshi's orders first.



Just as a few people were worried about how to deal with the question of how to deal with the phantom thief Kidd, the sound of the countdown suddenly sounded downstairs. When the countdown ended, a cloud of white smoke appeared in the air again, just like yesterday. After the smoke cleared, Kaitou Kid's figure reappeared in the void.

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