"Cao Ah hide, how many soldiers and horses are you hiding!"

Yuan Shu gritted his teeth, coughing up blood, and his liver and gallbladder were split.

In the land of Yanzhou, how could Cao Cao raise so many cavalry.

Even if there is money to buy horses, don't you need money to raise them?

His own Yuzhou is so rich, but it is only 1,800 horses, which is not a scale.

And where did Cao Cao get so many cavalry.

He had long known that Cao Cao had so many cavalry, and he would not go north to invade Yanzhou.

"Master, what should I do now, if I don't go back, Yuzhou will be over!"

At this time, the generals also lied, and completely lost their ideas.

Yuan Shu closed his eyes, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth with difficulty:

"Break through the siege tonight, kill from the south gate, and rush back to Yuzhou as soon as possible!"

"Don't entangle with the Cao army, rush back as quickly as possible!"

"Four Two Zero"............

There was a bustle in the city, because it was necessary to break through, so it was necessary to prepare.

Mess around.

The army is scattered and returns like an arrow.

Until dark.

Yuan Shu ordered people to eat early.

Bring everything you can take away, and don't dare to burn those who can't, because once you set fire to the city, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the Cao army outside the city.

In order to survive, in order to save this 70,000-strong army, Yuan Shu knew that he could only send Cao Cao the grain and grass hoarded here and a batch of ordnance materials.

Otherwise, the 70,000 army will be destroyed, and the losses will be even greater!

"Master, everything is ready, you can go out of the city!" Qiao Rui came over and reported:

"At present, there is no Cao Jun outside the south gate, not even spies. "

"The other three gates of the Cao army have also returned to the camp and are ready to rest!"

Yuan Shu couldn't wait for a long time, and ordered in a deep voice: "Get out of the city and return to Yuzhou!"

The southern gate of the sealed hill slowly opened, making a creaking sound.

It must be very harsh in normal times, especially in the evening.

However, at this time, the soldiers who pushed the sliding door were gently and slowly, trying to minimize the sound.

"No problem outside the city!"

"Hurry, hurry out of town, don't delay!"

The 70,000 Yuzhou army poured out of Fengqiu City and headed south.

After walking fifteen miles.

Only then did Yuan Shu's army pick up torches and begin to accelerate the march.

Go quickly, light torches, and speed up the march!"

"Quick, what do you want when you return to Yuzhou!"

Yuan Shu constantly reprimanded his subordinates, urging the soldiers below to hurry up and hurry.

With torches on the march, marching into the second half of the night, the army of 70,000 began to get a little tired.

Everyone in Yuan Shu had already relaxed their vigilance, and at this moment, suddenly the two wings lit up with torches.


The heaven-shaking shouts came from the mountains and forests on both sides, and in the dark night, I don't know how many Cao troops were ambushed.

The Yuzhou army suddenly panicked and hurriedly defended, but was still injured by countless arrows.

"Withdraw, get out of here quickly!"

Yuan Shu and the others also lost their square inch for a while, and the generals led their hands and only ran forward, not daring to stay and resist.

The Cao army did not pursue, but captured the Yuzhou army that was intercepted, and surrounded it, mainly to persuade them to surrender.

Until dawn, Yuan Shu and other armies suffered three waves of raids in succession.

Yuan Shu and the others ran wildly all the way.

Until dawn.

Only then did he not encounter another ambush by the Cao army.

However, Yuan Shu and the others did not dare to stay.

I ran until Taishou City, and with the support of the city, I dared to take a breath.

Stop and count the losses! (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

After eating and taking a nap, Yuan Shu asked with a gloomy face: "How many soldiers and horses did we lose on this day and night!"

All the generals look at me, and I look at you, and they dare not answer.

Yuan Shu looked at Changshi Yanghong: "You said?"

Yang Hong hesitated for a moment before replying, "Lord Chan, our army was attacked one after another last night, 70,000 soldiers and horses, and now there are only less than 50,000 left!"

This is a loss of 20,000 troops!

Yuan Shu was heartbroken.

Even Cao Jun's figure was not seen, so he folded 20,000.

This battle was really called a grievance.

"Lord, Cao Cao's eight thousand cavalry have chased after him, and they have surrounded the three gates of Taishou City!"

"Cao Cao's main army is coming, and it is expected that it will not be less than 30,000!"

The Yanzhou cavalry then caught up, eight thousand horsemen.

How to fight this?

Yuan Shu had a headache, his heart was dripping blood, he was tired and exhausted.

He waved his hand and said, "You guys go and discuss a feasible plan, I'll rest for a while!"

After speaking, Yuan Shu ignored everyone.

"This..." Everyone is also in the fire, don't hold back and helpless in their hearts0...

Such a lord on the beach can only say helpless and speechless.

A good situation turned out to be such a failure.

"In my opinion, we still have to escape tonight!" Yang Hong told everyone:

"What do the generals think?"

Qiao Rui said: "Sir, Cao Cao is obviously surrounded by a division, deliberately leaving a southern opening for us to escape, thereby destroying our army's military battle and fighting spirit. "

"In the long run, when we return to Yuzhou, I'm afraid there won't be a few thousand soldiers left!"

"At that time, the entire Yuzhou can be given to Cao Cao!"

Chen Ji, Chen Lan, Lei Bo, Liu Xun and others all nodded.

"Yes, if you break through this evening, and you are ambushed halfway, you may not be able to escape!"

"Cao Cao has cavalry, he deliberately doesn't chase so tightly because he wants to eat us one bite at a time!

I saw that everyone did not approve of the breakout plan.

Yang Hong sneered, "You don't think that Yuzhou still belongs to us!"

"Sir, what does this mean?" asked Liu Xun, stepping forward.

Yang Hong said: "From the moment Cao Cao sent out his troops in full force, we lost, not only the 200,000 army was defeated, but all counties and counties in Yuzhou are now attacked by Cao Cao's cavalry and infantry, the grain route has been cut off, and important checkpoints have also been taken,"

"We have already lost actual control of Yuzhou, so even if we flee back to Runan, what is the point?"

"And you don't think that only Cao Cao attacked Yuzhou 3.1, and Liu Biao won't sneak up on Nanyang County!"

"Liu Biao doesn't move, Tao Qian, that old thing, do you think he won't fall into the well? "


So serious.

Yuzhou can't go back.

Although it is not lost, it cannot be kept.

That's the trend.

Cao Cao did not occupy and occupied, basically squatting in the overall situation!

"This... So we're going to die on the way home?"

"The Lord and we will both..."

The generals' faces turned pale, and their eyes were empty.

"This is not enough," Yang Hong analyzed:

"Cao Cao didn't want to kill the lord, if he wanted to kill the lord, he wouldn't let us go repeatedly, now it's not to besiege the master, but to besiege Taishou and block the four gates!"

Người mua: sabmado

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