Seeing the crowd will be exciting.

Cao Cao laughed even more unscrupulously.

Then beckoned everyone to sit down: "No need to do this, Zi Xiu has not been deceived!" "

"My Dongjun has obtained a divine object, named potatoes, and this potato acre yields four thousand catties and more than forty stones, which is a true thing!"

"Zi Xiu planted five hundred acres of seeds and harvested two million catties of grain."

What the?

It's really more than forty stone acres.

Only five hundred acres were planted, and two million should be collected!

The crowd was shocked.

What kind of immortal species is this, and the yield is so high.

Seeing that Cao Cao spoke confidently and resolutely.

The crowd had to believe it.

Chen Gong also said: "The potato does have this high-yield characteristic, and the rare thing is that it is drought and cold resistant, can be planted in autumn and winter, and can be harvested in spring and summer!" "

"You can grow at least two rounds a year, which is more delicious than hemp, millet, millet, wheat, and smoke!"


Hearing Chen Gong say this, everyone gasped.

Drought and cold resistance is enough.

Two rounds can be planted a year.

The total production is doubled.

The key is that it is also delicious.

That's too strong to be true.

For its sake of high yield, even if it is difficult to eat like, everyone can swallow it, after all, this is food.

"Lord, if this is the case, then we will not be short of food in the future!"

"Yes, such a fetish, it is really my luck!"

"I really want to quickly plant potatoes all over Yanzhou!"

"Lao Li, then you go to farm, we will definitely not rob this matter!"

Watching his subordinates become relaxed and relaxed one by one, they kept joking.

Cao Cao coughed lightly and said, "One more thing!" "

"Zi Xiu offered me a plan in the letter, which can solve a major dilemma in front of our army!"

Everyone quieted down in an instant!

Qi Qi looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao continued: "This letter says that the 1.2 million yellow turbans are too large, and if they are not controlled and disposed of arbitrarily, and placed in various counties, they will definitely change, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not rebel or even be used by other people with intentions in the future!" "

"Therefore, we can put these 100,000 yellow turbans into military camps, so that the elite of them can be used as farmers in leisure time and soldiers in wartime."

"Granting them borderlands in Yanzhou not only allows them to be centrally managed, but also easy to manage.

While the grain produced by the military cantonment can also be self-sufficient, it will be fed back into military food, reducing the financial pressure on our army. "


The hall was silent.

Such a good strategy, it is simply not a human strategy!

"How? What do you think is wrong? Cao Cao saw that everyone was silent, and he was a little puzzled.

When did the opinions become so unified.

Cao Ren said, "Master, this strategy is so good, I am too surprised!" "

"Yes, Lord, this policy should only be in heaven, and there are few things in the world..."

"The eldest prince is young and heroic, and he really has the style of a lord!"

"Master, if you use this plan, it can just solve the problem of the yellow turban descending to the public!"

Everyone praised one by one, and the more they said, the more outrageous they became.

Cao Cao was happy to hear this, but his mouth said: "Since this strategy is feasible, then you should go down and prepare immediately!" "

"First count the borderlands of each county, and take them all under the prefecture!"

The generals returned their promises, and then retreated.

When everyone left, Cao Cao asked Xiang Chen Gong: "Gongtai, what do you think of this strategy?" "

Chen Gong said, "Master, this strategy should be from Mr. Ye's hand!" "


The smile on Cao Cao's face instantly froze!

"So that's the case, I said how can Zi Xiu have such a talent of heaven and earth!" Cao Cao suddenly realized, and slapped his thigh heavily:

"I should have thought of it!"

"I should have thought so!"

"It must be Zi Xiu who went to consult Mr. Ye!"

Chen Gong said, "Master, Mr. Ye has a strategy and helped us solve this big problem!" "

"But before that, we still need to raise half a month to a month's worth of food to deal with the sudden war!"

"Otherwise, our Yanzhou is still dangerous!"

Yes, the grain was used to settle the yellow turbans, but the military food was gone.

At that time, he can only be passively beaten, and he can't send troops to deal with Tao Qian and Yuan Shu!

"It seems that we still have to go back to Dongjun to ask Mr. Jiao, and ask him to help us get through the difficulties!" Cao Cao sighed helplessly, if there was no Ye Qing, he Cao Cao could be described as in constant trouble, and he didn't know how to be good.

Chen Gong said, "Master, do we still need to go back to Puyang?" "

"Eh!" Only then did Cao Cao gently rub his temples: "Great joy and worry, dizzy, now Yanzhou is ours, when you look for a prefecture pastoral office, you don't need to go back to Puyang!" "

"Gongtai, how is Changping?"

Chen Gong shook his head: "Changping is not good, it is too close to Xuzhou and Yuzhou, and it is easy to be attacked by Yuan Shu and Tao Qian." "

"Go to Zhencheng, it is not far from Dongjun, not far from Dongping Country, whether it is self-protection or supporting all counties!"

"The important thing is that there are fewer families there, and there is less restraint on the lord! Close to the Yellow River, it is also convenient to transport materials! "

Cao Cao pondered carefully and said, "Okay, just choose the city of Zhencheng, this place is the city of great prosperity!" "

Although Zhencheng is located in Jiyin County, it is within the semi-encirclement of Dong County!

There is no need to mention safety, and the radiation area is also wide.

There are fewer families, and there are fewer constraints.

It's easy to do things, and it can save a lot of trouble!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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