Received the sound of war drums outside the city.

Guan Jing, Gongsun Xu, Shan Jing and others came to the West City Gate Tower one after another.

Looking down at the city, the faces of the three men were solemn and pale as snow.

"Yuan Shao is really going to attack the city!" Gongsun Chan said:

"Father's actions did not let Yuan Shao divide his troops, what should I do now?"

No one wants to die, although the tiger father has no dogs, but now in the face of hundreds of thousands of Jizhou soldiers and horses attacking the city, Gongsun Xu is still a little scared.

Gongsun Zan is a madman, but Gongsun Xu is not, he does not inherit the madness of Gongsun Zhan, and he does not have the belief of desperate bets.

"Hold on!"

Guan Jing spit out two words, his eyes did not move, and continued:

"Only by persevering and defending the boundless city can we have a future. "

"Only by defending the boundless city can we win the opportunity for the lord. "

Gongsun Xu stirred his throat, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes: "It's guarding again, how long are we going to keep it?"

"Can we hold it?"

"There are no Jizhou soldiers and horses in Longyin River, why don't we break through at night, otherwise..."

"If the eldest prince does this, the main guild will kill you!" Shan Jing coldly persuaded.

Gongsun Xu was stunned when he heard this, and when he thought of his crazy father, all of Gongsun Xu's weak words were instantly washed away.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and Gongsun continued to say 037: "Then keep it, even if you die, you can only die here!"

"The three of us will guard one side each, and I'll go to the north gate!"

After saying that, Gongsun Xu left.

Gongsun continued to leave, and said in a single way: "Can we really hold it?"

Guan Jing said: "Of course we can hold it, because we still have reinforcements?"

"Reinforcements?" Shan Jing was taken aback: "You mean Lu Bu?"

"No! it's Cao Gong!" Guan Jing said: "Cao Gong will definitely not only send Lu Bu to support us, I have long heard that Cao Gong has built a naval division in Qingzhou, I am afraid that they have already reached the coast of Liaoxi or Youbeiping." "

"There is the Longyin River in my boundless city, and Cao Gong's sailor can come up directly, even if he can't come up, he can... Sneak attack on Yuan Shao!"

"The only problem now is that we have to withstand Yuan Shao's onslaught today and drag him to exhaustion, otherwise, Cao Gong's sailor will not make a move!"

Guan Jing is not a stupid person, and he knows that Cao Cao will not sit idly by and watch Yuan Shao expand and become stronger.

will definitely make a move, but Cao Cao is also one of the overlords in the world, and it is impossible to help Youzhou for free.

The most suitable time to strike is when both sides are seriously damaged and tired.

That's where the benefits are greatest.

Knowing this, Guan Jing can't complain.

Because in this world, only Cao Cao can save Gongsun Zan and save the boundless city.

"Hey, the world is bustling for profit. "Shan Jing Dao:

"It seems that we have to rely on ourselves to defend the city, and it is up to Cao Cao's people to break the enemy!"

After saying that, Shan Jing went to guard the south gate.

Leaving Guan Jing to guard the west gate under the most pressure.



Rush forward.

Yuan Shao's army launched a charge, and rushed to the bottom of the city under the rain of arrows, set up a ladder, and then climbed up.

On the hole in the city gate, the battering ram was constantly striking.

"The shield soldiers stepped forward, protected the archers, and suppressed the city!"

"Push the well up for me, break the city today, and everyone will be rewarded!"

"The first person to enter the city will be promoted to the third level and a beauty!"

Inspired by various orders and rewards, the soldiers and horses of Jizhou continued to launch ferocious attacks.

Guan Jing, Gongsun Xu, Shan Jing and others in the city were quite hard to guard.

The soldiers of the city resisted the arrows shot from the city and constantly fought back.

Stones and sassalwoods were thrown down.

The gold juice and hot oil were also splashed and splashed.

In the end, it really didn't work, and the rocket was fired, and it ignited the city gate.

The Jizhou army also has a set of prevention methods, and the soldiers who transported sand in the back immediately went to the burning place of the big oil fire and threw sand to extinguish the fire.

In the boundless city, when the attack and defense were fighting fiercely, it was on a small hill in the south ten miles away.

Several reflections flashed into the sky.

Nothing attracts the attention of the warring parties.

And the source of the reflection was immediately heard by stinking scolding.

"Stupid, don't shake the binoculars!"

The one who scolds is Gan Ning. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As early as a few days ago, his warship sailed to Youzhou (ABCH).

Seeing that Yuan Shao's army surrounded the boundless city, he did not show up, nor did he send anyone to contact the boundless city.

Instead, he lurked silently, observing Yuan Shao's every move.

Every night, he wanted to attack Yuan Shao's camp at night.

However, Yuan Shao's battalion was well defended and extremely vigilant.

Sui Ganning has not made a move.

Now watching the Jizhou army storm the boundless city, I am also a little anxious in my heart.

In case Gongsun Xu and the others can't hold the city, and the boundless city is breached, then he will come to Youzhou for nothing.

"Boss, what should I do now, looking at this posture, Gongsun Zan's people are afraid that they won't be able to hold the boundless city!" Shen Mi asked.

Gan Ning said: "Don't worry! Don't worry! There will be a way!"

"When the tiger is still napping, Lao Tzu doesn't believe that Yuan Shao and others can always maintain their original vigilance!"

"If the Boundless City can survive the day, then we have a chance!"

As long as the war drags on, Yuan Shao's side will show flaws.

And if it can survive the day, the boundless city can hold for at least three days, and three days is enough time to create fighters for itself.

So Gan Ning is waiting.

Once the boundless city doesn't survive the night, then turn around and leave.

will not be entangled with Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses in Youzhou at all.

Minutes and seconds passed.

The battle in the boundless city was quite fierce, with mountains of corpses and a sea of blood, and continuous killings under the city.

Both sides were slaughtered, and the corpses that had accumulated under the city were spread layer after layer.

Both sides fought exhausted and suffered heavy losses.

However, the Jizhou army is good at one point, that is, there are enough soldiers and horses, and they can rotate to attack the city.

And the Boundless City invested full combat strength at the beginning, in order to survive until dark.

Because the hardest part of the siege is the first day ahead.

As long as you get through, the back will get easier and easier to fight.

The so-called one-shot is also.

The war is stalemate, the sun is in the west, and it is gradually disappearing from the mountains.

The black curtain between heaven and earth was pulled, and Gan Ning and others were overjoyed.

Guan Jing, Gongsun Xu, Shan Jing and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Shao, who was outside the city, had half of his face blackened.

"Lord, it's dark, and the gates on three sides haven't been breached, are they..."

Someone wanted to persuade him to stop the siege, but before he finished speaking, Yuan Shao said:

"Continue the onslaught tonight, the Boundless City is about to break!"

"Those who have words to retreat will be killed!"

"Break through the boundless city, the first to enter the city will be promoted to the fifth level, ten beauties, one hundred taels of gold, and one million dollars!"

Under the heavy reward, there will be brave men.

What if it's dark, continue to attack until the boundless city is broken.

Don't break the boundary, don't strike the army!

Yuan Shao is ruthless, and there is no one to compare.

And all the people sang their promises to receive the order, and went down to give the order.

Originally, seeing that the sky was getting dark, the Jizhou army, which could retreat to rest, suddenly complained bitterly.

After fighting for a day, I didn't drink a sip of water, and I had to attack at night, and I wanted to die.

But one day, Yuan Shao increased the reward, and suddenly screamed one by one, his spirits were uplifted, and he took out the strength to eat milk, and continued to attack the boundless city! .

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