

"What a Cao Aqiao, he actually accepted all the Qingzhou yellow scarves!"

After Tao Qian learned the news, his eyes were hungry.

"With a population of hundreds of thousands, this Qingzhou yellow turban simply sent wealth and fortune to Cao Cao, personally sent Cao Cao to Yanzhou Mu, and got rid of Liu Dai and Bao Xin!"

"Master, according to the information we received, Cao Cao borrowed grain vigorously in Yanzhou, Yanzhou is almost empty, and the grain is far from enough, and he also sent people to Jizhou, Hanoi and other places to buy grain!" Cao Bao said:

"Once the war starts, even if we can't take Yanzhou, we can also take the three lands of Taishan County, Lu Country, and Rencheng Country, and if we can, it is not impossible to eat Dongping Country and Shanyang County!"

"Cao Cao has no food, he won't last long, and then he will be soft on us, and then he will tacitly accept that we occupy these counties!"

Tao Qian showed a calculating expression: "No, you are wrong!" "

"As soon as our attack goes smoothly, and Cao Cao's grain cannot last for half a month, then Yuan Shu will immediately send troops north to capture Chen Liu, Jiyin, Dongjun, and even Shanyang County.

Cao Cao will be directly defeated, and in the end he can only go north to Yuan Shao! "

"Cao Cao has no chance to turn over, nor does he have a chance to soften on us!"

When Cao Bao heard this, he immediately said, "Congratulations to the lord, you are about to get half of Yanzhou!" "

"Even if we can't get Sanyang County, then it is feasible to take Jebei County!"

Tao Qian nodded, and immediately ordered: "You immediately return to the front line and launch an attack ten days later, when the grain and grass that Cao Cao borrowed with great difficulty is estimated to have been ruined by the Yellow Turban." "

"Right now, it's spring plowing, even if he can't kill Cao Cao, he can't have the energy to recover his vitality and make a comeback!"

Tao Qian's plan was very long, and he had already thought of the situation of Yuan Shu not sending troops and facing Cao Cao alone.

In this case, Yanzhou's spring plowing was delayed, and even if Cao Cao held the battle line, he would not receive much grain in the summer and autumn, and he would still have to suffer from no grain at that time and submit to Xuzhou.

This is Tao Qian's old and spicy place.

He has never been a good old man, but a real and ruthless character.

The world only knows that he was beaten twice by Cao Cao, but they don't know how arrogant and fierce Tao Qian was when he beat others.

Therefore, people are selective in acceptance.


Ten days later!

Xiaping people gathered thousands of people and proclaimed themselves the Son of Heaven.

Tao Qian published an article on escaping rebellion and sent a large army to requisition.

Que Xuan was defeated and fled to Yanzhou.

So the Xuzhou army attacked Yanzhou in two ways, one from Nancheng to Taishan County.

All the way from Xue County to Lu Country, and then into Rencheng Country!

When the news came out, the state and county shook!

Cao Cao immediately expressed his condemnation to all parties, saying that Tao Qian's guilt and the ambition of the wolf son of Swallowing Yanzhou were exhorted, and advised Tao Qian to immediately withdraw the soldiers and horses of Xuzhou who entered the country.

Ren Chengguo!

Ren Cheng!

"Withdraw, joke! There are no doors! Cao Bao threw the letter of condemnation sent by Cao Cao to the ground

"Tell Cao Cao's people that there are still many anti-thieves in Ren Chengguo, and my Xuzhou soldiers and horses will temporarily eliminate the bandits, so it is not appropriate to move lightly, let him... In Zhencheng and so on, when we finish eliminating the anti-thieves, we will naturally withdraw to Xuzhou! "

"No!" One of his subordinates immediately went down to deliver the message.

Cao Bao sent Cao Cao's envoys away without even seeing him.

After all, how embarrassing it was to see.

The Xuzhou side almost said that we came to start a war, we came to grab territory.

Tao Qian is so dark, obviously he started fighting, and said that he came to help you eliminate the bandits.

This kind of righteousness, he occupies too steady.

"Is there any news from Tarzan?" After a while, Cao Bao asked his henchmen.

The subordinate replied: "The Taishan side has not yet been contacted, but their attack should be extremely smooth, and Yingxiao's soldiers and horses will not be able to stop my Danyang elite soldiers in Xuzhou!" "

"That's good, now that we have occupied the three counties first, we are not in a hurry to continue to advance, and we will consume Cao Cao's grain and grass, and wait for the movement of Yuan Shu!" Cao Bao muttered

"I still understand the truth that the rafters that come out of the water first rot first, Yuan Shu should not be able to help it, watch us eat meat, he has no reason not to gnaw bones!"



Yuan Shu Department!


Yuan Shu asked anxiously.

"Back to the lord, Xuzhou's 40,000 soldiers and horses entered Yanzhou, and all the way was like a broken bamboo, Cao Bao led the army to capture the State of Lu and the State of Rencheng, at this time, Cao Cao's soldiers and horses had not yet been mobilized, and the envoys were sent to Tanxian to negotiate." Changshi Yanghong said:

"Tao Qian has already sent a letter of urging, let's send troops as soon as possible!"

Yuan Shu was a little surprised: "Cao Cao hasn't even faced the battle yet, what are you sending an envoy for?" "

Yan Xiang took out a text from his sleeve and admonished:

"Cao Cao has already guessed that we will send troops, let us not help the mischief, saying that Tao Qian is a wolf ambition, in the name of suppressing bandits, he robbed and took the truth!"

"Cao Cao also said that if we send troops, we will be beaten first and give way to Taishan and other counties!"

Yuan Shu's nose was crooked when he heard this.

After receiving the text that Cao Cao had sent to Yan Xiang, his expression was gloomy, and he immediately threw it to the ground in anger.

"How can it be reasonable, he Cao Cao is crazy!"

"Would you rather be with Tao Qian than leave me alone?"

"He's a bastard, he took the wrong medicine!"

Changshi Yanghong said: "Lord, Cao Cao has always been treacherous, this is because he is afraid that we will send troops to attack Yanzhou at the same time, and deliberately do it!" "

"We can completely ignore it, ignore it, according to our ideas, we have to fight and fight!"

Tao Qian had already sent troops, and just at the right time, a hundred thousand army pressed the border to attack Jiyin and other counties, and put down Cao Cao's lair.

There aren't many opportunities!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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