"Sir, what happens after the White Wave bandits kidnap the Son of Heaven and go to Hedong?" Xu Huang asked.

This matter has a great relationship with himself, and he naturally wants to know it earlier.

At this time, the mink cicada came over: "Sir, the dish is ready, the hot is also cooked, whether to carry it up!" "

"Lift it up!" Ye Qing said, "Xu Ba, you help Dian San fight." "

"Guys, let's talk while eating."

Only then did everyone come to their senses, and their stomachs did indeed begin to growl.

Drinking and eating beans just now, not only can not fill the stomach, but it is easier to be hungry!

There is soup and dishes to fill the stomach.

"Eat, move the chopsticks!"

Everyone began to chew and enjoy the food.

Eat one by one.

Ye Qingzhi was accustomed to these delicacies, so he didn't eat and drink rudely like everyone. "One One Zero" finished eating the dishes in the bowl and it was still hot, only then put down his chopsticks and said leisurely:

"To say that Bai Bo Si will kidnap the Son of Heaven and go to Hedong, in fact, the four generals have ghosts in their hearts, each of them is wary, and they have a disagreement, and finally attack each other... Yang Li, Dong Cheng and others planned to bring the Son of Heaven to Luoyang, but Li Le did not obey, and then pursued the Son of Heaven in Yujiguan, and was hacked and killed by Xu Huang with an axe... When the emperor entered Luoyang, he saw that the palace room was burned out, the street market was deserted, the eyes were full of artemisia grass, and there were only decadent walls and bad walls in the palace courtyard... In short, Luoyang is so dilapidated that it is not in shape, and the decay of the Great Han is an established fact! "

"Imperial Lieutenant Yang Biao played the emperor's edict: Former Meng surrendered the edict, but was not sent. Today, Cao Cao is in Shandong, and the army is strong, and he can declare himself into the dynasty to support the royal family. Cao Cao received the news, so he sent troops to greet the Son of Heaven... Cao Cao defeated Li Wei and Guo Qiang, who came to rob the fight, and prepared to move the Son of Heaven to Guandong, but was blocked by Yang Feng, Han Xian led by troops, and then Xu Huang and Xu Chu fought for fifty rounds, without winning or losing. "


Xu Huang, this guy can fight me for fifty rounds!

Xu Chu's mouth biting the meat suddenly stopped and looked towards Xu Huang next to him.

This little white face has this ability!

Cao Cao and Chen Gong and others were also accidents.

Look at Xu Chu and look at Xu Huang.

"Hey, this Xu Chu is still a little bit of a skill, he can fight with Gongming for fifty rounds!" Dian Wei said subconsciously while eating.

He didn't notice the slightest sense of anger in his breath.

"What did you say?"

Xu Chuhuo's temper came up, and he was directly angry at the past.

Dian Wei was also taken aback, and then glared back with a cold eyebrow: "Xu Chu can't beat Xu Huang, I Dian... Three said! "

Obviously, Dian Wei still noticed Ye Qing's current situation here, and almost didn't say anything.

"Bah, don't say that Xu Huang is just a little, even if you add Dian Wei, Xu Chu can easily win the two of them!" Xu Chu also knew that this was Ye Qing's year, and he didn't dare to make too many mistakes, but he was not convinced.

"Take a walk, let's compare and match, I won't beat you up today!"

"Whoever is afraid of whom, compare, see who lies on the ground first!"

So the two of them quarreled more and more fiercely, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard, and soon there was a sound of the two fighting each other outside the courtyard.

Ye Qing frowned, his face tightened.

Everyone did not dare to breathe, let alone speak.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu, two hun people, scolded when they didn't agree with each other, and scolding was not considered to be a fight.

Everyone was crying and laughing, but they had to collapse and did not dare to show their feet.

"Hey, bloody man!" Ye Qing let out a long sigh: (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"That's it, don't persuade you, let them fight for a while first, just get tired!"

Cao Cao said, "What the gentleman said is!" "

Chen Gong said, "Sir, let's continue to tell the story, just don't listen to the two of them, so as not to make noise!" "

Only Xu Huang looked back at the courtyard gate from time to time.

However, he was not worried about Dian Wei, Dian Wei could fight Lü Bu for a hundred rounds undefeated, and Xu Chu could not help Dian Wei.

But it seems that he caused it.

Always overwhelmed.

Cao Hong poured wine for Xu Huang and whispered: "Sir has a number in his heart, so he didn't care, these two guys estimated that Wang Ba glared at mung beans, half a catty and eight taels." "

"Cao Cao is a former talent, so he loved the talent, so he recruited Xu Huang, Yang Feng, Han Xian did not have such a fierce general as Xu Huang, naturally no match for Cao Cao, fled to Yuan Shu! Cao Cao took the Son of Heaven to Xu County, and changed the place to Xuchang, temporarily making it the capital of the state... Cao Cao and his subordinates were each rewarded. Ye Qing continued:

In the blink of an eye, Cao Cao remembered that his troops attacked Xuzhou to conquer Lü Bu, and suddenly the meteor horse reported that Zhang Ji led troops from Guanzhong to attack Nanyang, and died for Liuyazhong; Ji nephew Zhang Xiu led the people, used Jia Xu as a strategist, connected Liu Biao, tunbing Wancheng, and wanted to raise soldiers to seize Que 0...

So Cao Cao pacified Lü Bu of Xuzhou on the one hand, so that the east was not in danger, and on the other hand, he raised 150,000 troops and personally begged Zhang Xiu... Jia Xu persuaded Zhang Xiu to surrender, and Zhang Xiuyan obeyed, so he surrendered to Cao Cao, but the victory came too easily and simply, so Cao Cao's old problem was committed, and when he entered Wancheng, he asked: Are there any prostitutes in this city? "


Cao Cao was drinking the soup and sprayed it directly, and Cao Hong, who was sitting directly opposite, had a face full of soup, full of grievances and shock.

No, brother, you listen to the story and listen to the story, why spray me.

You don't have to spray me if you look for a prostitute, and I didn't stop you from looking for a prostitute!

Chen Gong and Xu Huang looked at each other, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Mr. Ye's sentence is really... No words!

Ye Qing didn't know what happened to Zhong Yuanyu and asked: "What's wrong with Boss Cao, it's not comfortable, or I drank too much, and the amount of alcohol today is a little small!" "

Cao Cao hurriedly concealed his embarrassment: "No, sir, I just stuck my throat just now, and I was careless... You know! "

"Oh, I didn't cook fish today, you stuck in the throat, eighty percent is drinking high!" Ye Qing shook his head slightly, his expression seemed to say, Boss Cao, you can't do it, it's the most empty.

Cao Hong touched the soup on his face, and then left straight to wash his face.

Chen Gong said, "Sir continues, is Cao Cao going to be a prostitute?" "


Cao Cao suffered a 48,000-point crit in his heart, and it was obvious that Chen Gong deliberately wanted to pierce his heart.

He Cao Cao loves women, which is nothing to criticize, but when it comes to the table, it is embarrassing!

Cao Cao's brother, Cao Anmin, had always been well aware of Cao Cao's intentions, so he quietly said to Cao Cao: "Yesterday evening, my little nephew peeked at the side of the pavilion, and there was a woman who was born very beautiful, and asked, that is, the wife of the embroidered uncle Zhang Ji. "

When Cao Cao heard this, his heart moved, and his old color skills were exposed, so he ordered An Min to lead fifty armored soldiers to pick up the Zou clan... After that, he slept with this woman, and Zhang Xiu was furious when he knew it, so he heard Jia Xu's words, pretended not to know on the surface, and secretly began to plan to kill Cao Cao, first moving troops to guard the four villages, and then ordering the general Hu Che'er to steal Dian Wei's weapon, and then setting fire to Cao Ying's camp at night, and then leading troops to attack! "。

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