"When will you return? Don't hesitate when you come back........"

"Don't hesitate when you come......"

"Don't hesitate when you come......"...

After all, he is a professional singer who has experienced many ups and downs.

After a brief emotional breakdown, Pu Su finally came out of the grief and memories that he could not extricate himself from.

He finished singing the song with sobs.

When he sang the last part of"Don't hesitate when you come", all the musicians stood up spontaneously, pointed their hands to the sky, and their faces were sad.

"Soul, please come back, don't hesitate"

"Are you okay up there?"

"You should come back quickly!!"......

The fans in the audience watched this scene silently, and the lyrics of this song came to their minds.

"At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth, half of my friends have left"

"A pot of muddy wine to end the remaining joy, don't dream of the cold tonight"......

Like a poem, like a song, like a tear, like a complaint.

The sadness of parting, the helplessness of being apart in life, all of a sudden, like a tide, flooded into the heart, suffocating.

This is a song that can naturally resonate with the listeners.

There is no need for deliberate sensationalism.

Because parting is an emotion that no one can escape.

And the few lyrics in this song vividly depict this emotion, with a profound artistic conception.

How many people applaud it?

"It is indeed a song that became popular all over the country overnight. It is really extraordinary."

"To be honest, when I first saw how popular it was on the Internet, I thought it was another popular song that was hyped up on a short video. I was very repulsive at first, but I didn’t expect it......."

"After so many years, there is finally an ancient song that is full of poetry and painting, and sincere emotions."

"Compared with this song, the so-called ancient style songs that have emerged in recent years are simply unbearable to the ears."

"The lyrics are so amazing that they are an incomparable poem on their own. Are you sure they were written by a young man under 20 years old?"

"As a die-hard fan of simplicity, I have to say that, just talking about the lyrics of this song, simplicity is far from"

"It's a bit annoying, but I have to admit it......"......

Pu Su is a rare talented creator in the music industry. He is responsible for all the music, lyrics, arrangement, and music.

His lyrics are the most talked about.

The emotions of encouragement, confusion, anger, anxiety, and depression in his lyrics are the true portrayal of every stage of his life.

At the same time, countless fans seem to see themselves through the lyrics.

With such a talent, fans will naturally love him to the core.

Although they don't say it, they never admit in their hearts that there are people who are better than their idols in this regard.

Until today.

In front of this song called"Farewell" that came out of nowhere.

These usually arrogant fans had to lower their proud heads.

But what they never expected was that their idols performed even more exaggeratedly than them!

"If I wrote the lyrics of this song, I would die right here on the spot!"

Even after the song was over, Pu Su on the stage still couldn't hide his excitement and said seriously into the microphone:


"Is it really necessary to be so exaggerated?!"

"This is simply praised to the sky......."

As soon as this sentence was said, there was an uproar at the scene.

The fans in the audience looked at each other, unable to believe that such words came from Pu Su's mouth.

From the temporary change of the song list, it can be seen that Pu Su really loves this song to the core and praises it highly.

But they never thought it would be exaggerated to such an extent.

""If I wrote this lyric, I would die on the spot!"

This is what they usually say when they hear wonderful lyrics. They never thought that one day they would hear it from the mouth of the talented music creator and singer in their hearts.

This kind of praise is too exaggerated, and it feels that the entire pop music industry may not be able to bear such praise.

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"Is it just a shocking statement or a gimmick to attract attention?"

"This makes me feel like this song is something that only exists in heaven and is rarely heard in the world."

"Although it sounds nice, I don't think it's as good as he says."

"Yes, don't accuse me of conspiracy theories. I saw related hot searches when I turned on my phone this morning, and this happened again in the evening. I really don't believe that there is no capital pusher behind this."

"It's unlikely. Pu Su can be someone's agent and throw away his reputation over the years. I don't believe it."......

The fans at the scene were all shocked by Pu Su's earth-shattering words, not to mention the audience in front of the screen and the many people who were watching the show. With such exaggerated praise and such a coincidental connection, it is hard not for some people to start to fantasize.

After all, how dirty the entertainment industry is, no one dares to imagine its bottom line.

Such conspiracy theories were rampant for a while and had a huge market.

Many entertainment media and self-media that rely on traffic to make a living came like sharks smelling blood.

Some people were even ready to rush to Tang Yi the next day to find out the truth.

However, when the next day came.

A piece of news that was more explosive than the previous night jumped out, leaving all those who were ready to laugh at the joke dumbfounded.

I thought that under so many doubts, the other party should be quiet and avoid the limelight.

Unexpectedly, it came to something more exaggerated and explosive.

And this time, whoever said that he was a shill would probably be drowned by the spit of countless people.

"Literary master Xiao Ming formally suggested that the song"Farewell" should be included in the Chinese language textbooks for primary and secondary schools as soon as possible!"

"It is understood that Professor Xiao witnessed the birth of this song on the spot, and was deeply obsessed with it and highly praised it!"

"First, Pu Su shed tears on the stage and said frankly that death was worth it. Later, literary masters praised it highly. This song and its creator are really amazing!"

"Penguin Music's vision and pattern are indeed unique. The sky-high price of 5 million now seems to be a great value. It is so prescient."......

After seeing the relevant reports, the strongest reaction was precisely from Penguin Music, which was praised for its"unique vision and foresight".

At this time, in the office of the company building, Yang Ming was staring at his boss, and he was really bitter.

Their 5 million yuan for buying bones did achieve the initial idea, and even better.

But how can it compare to the small broken station that got nothing for nothing and gained both fame and fortune.

The most important thing is that this song"Farewell" has a wider audience, deeper meaning, and better in all aspects than the"You Are My Eyes" they bought with a lot of money.

Didn't you see that the masters of humanities came out to endorse it?

It should be included in the Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools as soon as possible. What kind of fairy treatment is this?!

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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