"Xiaoxi, follow your sister later."

"Slow down, Xiaoxi, come this way."

"Our Xiaoxi is awesome and well-behaved."

A warm and sweet voice kept ringing in the cabin.

It came from a beautiful and gentle flight attendant.

The passengers who were already seated in the cabin stood up curiously and looked towards the source of the voice.

They thought that a child had boarded the plane, so they were given special care by the flight attendant.

But when they saw a large dog, the passengers were puzzled at first, and then they couldn't help but get angry.

Just when they were about to lose their temper, they saw Tang Yi following closely behind the dog, and they were relieved immediately. The angry eyes disappeared, replaced by warmth and understanding.

If Tang Yi could see this scene, he would be very happy.

But in just a few months.

The blind and their guide dogs are no longer aliens in the eyes of many people.

Not only have many transportation service industries conducted relevant training for their employees. Even many passengers who saw animals in the cabin for the first time also knew what was going on and expressed their understanding.

Tang Yi and his Xiaoxi have made great contributions to such changes.

"Ladies and gentlemen"

"Today we welcomed a special passenger on the plane, sitting in row X, seat X"

"Guide dogs are strictly selected and have clean, gentle, friendly and non-aggressive personalities."

"They can guide the blind to travel safely, and their social significance is very important."

"On behalf of the entire crew, I would like to thank all passengers for their understanding and cooperation. I would also like to thank the guide dog Xiaoxi and its owner for choosing this flight. Thank you for your trust!"

When the captain's warm and mellow voice sounded on the radio, people spontaneously quieted down and listened attentively.

Then enthusiastic applause rang out.

Surrounded by the applause, Tang Yi almost cried with joy.

Xiaoxi looked around curiously at first, and then seemed to understand something. Subconsciously, he put his fluffy head next to Tang Yi's legs and gently stroked it.

They finally waited for this day.

The long-lost warmth made them feel like they were having the sweetest dream.

In such a wonderful feeling, the more than two-hour flight was easy and pleasant, and it passed quickly.

"Are you, Mr. Tang Yi?"

"It, it should be Xiaoxi, right?"

Just as the plane landed, other passengers left the cabin, and she was about to get up and leave.

The young stewardess who had guided them to board the plane could no longer hold back the power of the wilderness in her body, and came to Tang Yi and asked excitedly.

She had guessed the identities of Tang Yi and Xiaoxi before, but she had no choice but to be loyal to her duty and could not come to ask, and finally she couldn't help it.

"Hello, I am Tang Yi, and this is Xiao Xi."


Tang Yi was suddenly exposed, and was unable to react for a moment.

"Yeah! That's great!"

"May I have the honor to take a photo with you?"

"I really like those two songs you sang!"

"There is also the lovely Xiaoxi. When I first saw the video, I cried a lot. Fortunately, the little guy is fine. That's great!"

Seeing that the other passengers had left, the young stewardess showed her youthful and lively side. She looked like a little fan of a star. The flight attendant who was not far away saw it and came up to her and gave her a chestnut.

"You, girl, have no sense of propriety. You are chasing stars so much that you even take them onto the plane."

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaoxi and I are happy to do it."

"I have to thank you for your careful care, thank you! Thank you!"

I didn't expect that I would have fans without knowing it. Tang Yi was inexplicably nervous and subconsciously bowed deeply.

However, the crew members looked at each other in confusion, feeling a little amused.

"Meeting is destiny. This is the first time that our airline has allowed guide dogs on board, which is of great significance!"

"We must record this historic moment, everyone come on!"

The captain's action was indeed different.

Soon, a group photo with profound meaning was completed.

After obtaining Tang Yi's consent, this freshly baked group photo immediately appeared on the official WeChat homepage of the airline.

In the picture, in the cabin of the plane, the blind man and his guide dog were surrounded by handsome and sunny pilots and beautiful and charming stewardesses.

They showed a warm smile from the heart to the camera.

Especially Xiaoxi, who was like a moon surrounded by stars, smiled particularly brightly.

That kind of happy smile without any defense and wrapped in love infected countless people.

"so good......"

"It’s great that the little guy is finally getting better!"

"To be honest, seeing it on the plane and being so popular made me want to cry."

"Yes, the more unwelcome they were before, the more popular they are now. This shows that our society is progressing, and they have made great contributions!"

"Really? The public toilets near my home now have dedicated access for people with disabilities."

"Our community has recently been considering building a blind path. Although there are only a few blind people in the community, we unanimously decided that it is still necessary!"...

More and more netizens came to the official microblog and left messages.

At first, everyone focused on the photo itself, especially Xiaoxi, the protagonist.

But soon, unknowingly, the replies to the messages were more and more like reports on the achievements of various work and construction.

It was funny and heartwarming to people.

And the protagonist in their mouths.

After learning about these changes, those disabled people were really sad and happy, and their eyes were filled with tears.


"Can our guide dogs really take a flight?!"

"Don't lie to me about how happy I am!"

When a blind man heard the news from his family, he was so excited that he was incoherent and couldn't believe it.

Maybe he and his guide dog didn't need to take a plane, but the feeling of being valued really made him want to cry.

"it is true"

"It was so hot recently that you didn't go out."

"Now that the weather is cooler, you can go out and feel it yourself. You will be welcomed in taxis, buses and subways."

"It won't be like it used to be......."......

Thinking of the unbearable experiences in the past, the family fell into silence.

"Don’t think about the bad things in the past, just be good now!"

"I really have to thank that guy named Tang Yi and his guide dog."

"Without them, I can't imagine what it would be like now."......

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