"The time has come to test us!"

"Disaster is the order!"

"The people in the disaster-stricken areas are looking forward to us!"...

"3, 2, 1!"

"Jump! Jump! Jump!"

The captain, who was nearly 50 years old and no longer fit for high-altitude skydiving, took the lead and jumped into the unknown danger without hesitation!

14 team members followed closely behind!

With a leap of faith!

They took away the expectations of all Chinese people.

Left in the cabin were 15 suicide notes written overnight!


"What is that?!"

On the ruins, the desperate victims watched a shadow in the sky grow bigger and bigger in their pupils.

When they saw the red parachute flowers and the camouflage uniforms under the parachutes, people's cloudy and empty eyes were instantly filled with crystal tears, and the sparks were rekindled!

That was the firework of hope!

Everyone looked up at the sky, began to wave their arms vigorously, and screamed heartbreakingly!

"Our soldiers are coming!!"

"They came to rescue us!!"

"We are saved!!"

At that moment, the gods descended from the sky!

At that moment, the disaster-stricken people seemed to see the gods and Buddhas descend to the world!......

That year, a huge fire and explosion suddenly occurred in a large warehouse of dangerous goods in a certain city.

The scene was full of flames. After the strong explosion, a gray-white mushroom cloud tens of meters high rose instantly, making the original dark night instantly like day!

The whole city was shaking, and people were panicking, as if the end of the world had come.

At this time, the brave and fearless firefighters rose to the challenge and rushed up at the first time!

What a tragic picture it was!

Tang Yi still remembers it clearly.

Facing the flames that soared into the sky, the high temperature that was enough to melt the steel bars, and the diffuse poisonous gas.

Facing the violent explosion that could occur at any time.

Those young firefighters must be lying if they say they are not afraid. As long as they are flesh and blood, facing this desperate situation like hell on earth, who dares to say that they are not afraid!

But no matter how scared they are, they have to go!

Because behind them are millions of frightened and panic-stricken citizens!

Once the fire gets out of control and the poisonous gas spreads to the urban area, the consequences will be disastrous!

So facing the raging fire, the firefighters rushed in with their eyes wide open, roaring and holding high the fire hoses in their hands!

Many people never came out after they rushed in!

There was a young man who was lucky enough to rush out, and was walking back in a daze due to the scorching heat. Just when everyone thought he was going to come back, they were shocked to see him hesitating on the spot. After hesitating for a few seconds, he slowly turned around again and walked slowly towards the flames!

The next second, a violent explosion occurred in front of him!

The terrifying air wave and shock wave instantly blew the young soldier away!

When the medical staff rushed forward, half of the soldier's body had been burnt!

A young and vibrant life was lost.......

Seeing that scene, countless people burst into tears in front of the TV!

Overcoming fear once may not be as difficult as imagined.

But being able to escape death and choose to fight back and face death again!

Such a choice, such a responsibility.

Is the real reason why this country can be reborn from the ruins and stride forward!......


"Oh my god! How on earth did they do that?!"

"Unbelievable! Tell me this can't be true!"

"Are they sure they aren't robots?!"

"I must admit that I was completely shocked and impressed!"

"When will our country's military ever perform like this, even close!"

"Brother, you think too much. Those strawberry soldiers in our country may be sunburned before they even go on stage."

"Hahaha, brother, you succeeded in making me laugh. I agree with you and give you a thumbs up."......

Compared with the shock of the Chinese people.

Many foreigners who watched the live broadcast for the first time directly said that they saw aliens.

In their cognition, this has completely exceeded the scope of human understanding.

What is even more sad is that there is no harm without comparison.

Compare it with the low-level and clumsy, shameful performance of those strawberry soldiers at the military parade in their own country.

What motorcycles collided and couldn't be lifted up for a long time.

What guns in their hands fell to the ground in a daze.

There are also those multi-person motorcycle special performances like a circus, which are simply unbearable to watch.

Speaking of the spirit and iron-blooded temperament shown by the soldiers.

It is even more of a world away. The more I think about it, the sadder I am.

Hearing is false, seeing is believing.

An army that takes it as its mission to defend the country must do is to make its own people love it.

There is no doubt that the iron lion in front of them has done it.

But the question is, how did they do it?

What is supporting them?

They can't figure it out.

Until a special convoy appeared, they seemed to understand something.

"Next up will be the veterans’ column and the battle flag column, which will be making their debut!"

With the loud voice of the host, two special columns appeared in front of everyone. On the front courtesy car, a group of white-haired elderly people in their seventies sat upright, meticulously saluting.

Even though they were already gray-haired, their military salutes were still very standard.

Their backs were still very straight.

When seeing these old people appear on the screen, many people in front of the screen felt their noses sore.

Many people burst into tears and burst into tears.

Seeing these veterans, it is natural to think of their deceased comrades.

In those days of war, countless young lives shed blood on the battlefield for the lofty ideal of defending their country.

The veterans on the courtesy car represent not only themselves, but also those glorious soldiers.

A hopeful nation cannot be without heroes!

And heroes,���How can there be no inheritance!

Following closely behind the welcoming car are military jeeps.

The military jeeps carry not the weapons people imagine, but flaming red flags.

On each flag, there is an honorary title.

The old soldier who has survived a hundred battles has white hair like frost! The fluttering battle flag fluttering in the wind is red as fire, red as blood!

Many years ago, on the dilapidated and smoke-filled battlefield, the people were there and the flags were there!

Many years later, the soldiers of that year have become old, but the battle flags are still there!

This is the real inheritance!

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: January 21 to February 5)

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