"No matter what, we must find it!"

When the incident began to ferment, when the second related hot word appeared on the hot search list.

This is the voice of everyone.

At this point, it is not just about finding a lost guide dog. What we need to find is the conscience of many people hidden under the indifference and selfishness.

"We must get it back, we must get back the conscience of our society!"

A well-known actor with tens of millions of followers shouted on his Weibo

"Care for the disadvantaged and cherish all human friends!"

"I am offering a reward of 100,000 yuan on my own behalf for any clues about the guide dog."

"Please take action and don’t let the blind lose their only remaining hope after losing their sight!"

"Guide dogs are man’s most loyal friends. If you don’t love them, please don’t hurt them!"...

After the famous actor spoke out loudly, many celebrities followed suit on Weibo.

Whether it was out of sincerity or to attract attention, once they spoke out, more people knew about the incident in a short period of time.

"Seriously, this song made me cry!"

"How much suffering must one have endured, how much resentment must one have accumulated in one's heart, to be able to sing such a song?"

"You are my eyes! I swear I have never heard such a passionate and romantic confession."

"He has already lost his sight, he can no longer lose hope!"......

At the same time, the city's TV stations began to intervene.

They had already lost the most precious golden time for first-hand reporting. If the follow-up reports were not followed up in time, not to mention that the superiors would be furious.

The loyal viewers of the TV station would scold them.

Soon, the tragic past of Tang Yi's blindness was reported.

His tragic experience in the past once again hit everyone's heart.

When the photo of Tang Yi's family of three when he was a child appeared on the screen together with the relevant reports of the tragic car accident that year.

At that moment, I don't know how many people's hearts were hurt.

Sadness, the reverse flow becomes a river!

"This child has suffered so much!"

"How did he persevere alone for so many years?"

"God, please open your eyes and let his guide dog return to him."

"That was his only remaining support and hope. Please, don't take it away......."......

That night, the whole city was out!

Many people took to the streets just to find the pitiful guide dog.

For a while, the streets and alleys were crowded with people. In those corners that usually no one pays attention to, people would appear from time to time to search.

In the fire station, after a tiring day of training, the members of the search and rescue team, who should have finished washing and preparing to rest, quietly put on civilian clothes and took their beloved search dogs to the scene of the incident as soon as possible.

Working and living with dogs for many years, they can empathize with the feelings and ties between Tang Yi and Xiao Xi.

In public and private, it is an obligation!

Under the night, the traffic police and auxiliary police were directing traffic at the intersection to relieve the pressure of the evening rush hour.

Even if they were tired at this time, they took out their mobile phones while waiting for the red light, showing Xiao Xi's picture, and began to ask the drivers and pedestrians one by one if they had any relevant clues.

That night, in this metropolis known as the"steel jungle", a group of people who are rarely seen appeared collectively on the streets under the night.

They moved slowly, their ears pricked up, and were like frightened birds at any sudden sound.

The big city at night was not very friendly to them.

But this time, they did not retreat, but faced the challenge head-on.

Because this night, a boy like them was helpless and sad, and they could not sit idly by.

"Nuannuan, it's okay, you can walk faster, I can keep up"

"Time waits for no one, let us help the boy find his friend as soon as possible, okay?"

""Woof! Woof!"

They are a group of blind people. They seldom go out unless it is important.

But after hearing the relevant reports on TV and the song"You Are My Eyes" that represents the voice of everyone in their group, they wiped the tears from their faces and walked out of the house resolutely.

For Tang Yi.

And for themselves.

Whoever dares to hurt their beloved guide dog will be killed!

That night, this usually cold city seemed to melt the ice and was filled with warm human feelings.

And Tang Yi knew nothing about all this.

At this time, he didn't know how big a storm his song had caused.

It was late at night.

He was sitting on the steps in front of the gate of the community, motionless.

Although he was very tired, he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

His ears were erected high, and his spirit was tense, for fear of missing the slightest sound about Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoyi, eat something and drink some water first. You are weak to begin with......."

Accompanying him were the neighbors who had watched him grow up.

Facing the bread and drinks handed over by Aunt Liu, Tang Yi shook his head again.

"Aunt Liu, I feel so uncomfortable, I really can't eat......."

"Xiaoxi hasn't eaten for a day, so he must be starving."

"We had agreed to come back today to eat ribs, and it really liked it."

"You know, this guy's stomach is like a bottomless pit. He never gets enough to eat. He always acts like a spoiled brat and wants to eat more......."

"Xiaoxi, I promise you, there will be plenty of spare ribs today, seriously, I'm not lying"

"But why haven't you come back yet?......"......

Tang Yi muttered to himself, feeling lost.

Aunt Liu beside him covered her mouth, subconsciously turned her head and wiped away her tears silently.

She really couldn't imagine.

What would happen to Tang Yi if Xiaoxi really couldn't come back?

He would probably sit here for a long time until the end of time.......

"You bastard! You brag without thinking when you are normal, but when you are in trouble, you can't even fart!"

"What's the use of you!"

In a hurry, Aunt Liu once again complained about her husband.

He went out to look for her early, but he hasn't called back yet.

Seeing Tang Yi's mood getting lower and lower, Aunt Liu began to get a little restless.

She knew too well how important Xiaoxi was to Tang Yi.

Just as she took out her mobile phone again, ready to urge her husband again, the phone rang.

As soon as the call was connected


"Quick! Turn on the TV!"

"Xiaoxi, it appeared!"

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