Before Gu's boat went to sea, Wu Qingyi asked Gu Yin what she wanted from overseas, and Gu Yin said she wanted some pepper seeds.

Chili peppers are so expensive these days, but no one has grown them locally, and I don’t know what went wrong. She thought about getting people to collect some more varieties, and then she could start trying to plant her own seeds.

I didn't expect this thing to be cultivated long ago, and the number is still so large, planted by mu!

Wu Qingyi looked at Gu Yinxin's happy smile and knew that she was not mistaken, she really liked it.

Later, Mrs. Lu helped her sister-in-law to apologize. She was so embarrassed that she felt ashamed to see Gu Yin.


The only omission is that the arrogant and arrogant sister-in-law also followed and offended them again and again.

Wu Qingyi does not wear a mask now, and she also appears to be docile when she is around Gu Yin.

But the reputation of the evil generals is still very famous, and it is really not something that people like them can afford!

Besides, she was surrounded by friends and companions, so Mrs. Lu was really not good at speaking out in front of people.

Gu Yin was overjoyed because she got acres of chili fields, and she didn't worry about this trivial matter. Anyway, the little lady Lu was not begging for anything. Instead, Wu Qingyi was brought down. He was proud of playing polo, but also lost to Wu Qingyi, who had never learned before.

She just asked Mrs. Lu about the origin of this pepper field.

Mrs. Lu invited someone to whisper a few words, and she came back not long after they went out, and brought back the news that Gu Yin wanted.

"This pepper field is the highlight of Liu's family. I just asked people about it. It seems that the old Mrs. Liu liked spicy food, so I bought a lot of it from the ocean-going ship. Many people came to try planting. After several years of experimentation, it was finally successful. Later, Mrs. Liu passed away, and this pepper field will naturally fall into the hands of future generations. The planting conditions of this pepper are strict, and it is difficult to promote it. The Liu family, who is in the jewelry business, doesn't like the little money they earn, so I gave it away as a fresh lottery."

Gu Yin couldn't help sighing after hearing this.

"An orange is born in Huainan, and it is orange, and when an orange is born in Huaibei, it is citrus". Most people understand the truth. Modern people have never felt that it is difficult to grow these exotic species. He also stood on the shoulders of his predecessors and learned the lessons of his predecessors.

I want to get an exotic species suitable for local cultivation, which I don't know how many years of exploration.

It's a pity that the farmers have worked so hard for so long, and the final fruits of their labor have been given away at will by the descendants of the rich and noble families.

But fortunately that day, the pepper fields finally fell into her hands, so naturally they would not bury them.

I just don't know if the farmers who grow peppers are still there, they have such valuable experience, they can get other things from outside, and they can also plant them.

It was already noon, the polo meeting was coming to an end, and Mrs. Lu had to entertain guests for food, drink and rest, so Gu Yin did not ask her to ask.

Gu Yinwu thought about the pepper field, and when she came back to her senses, she found that Wu Qingyi had already eaten a rabbit leg.

Seeing Gu Yin looking over, Wu Qingyi praised contentedly: "The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, fat but not greasy, Madam's roasted rabbit is really good."

This is the first time Wu Qingyi called her "Mrs." in front of people, Gu Yin gave him a look of anger, and then asked what the little lady Lu Cai had said, "How did she say that you sacrificed your life to win? Polo?"

Wu Qing’s pasta flashed a trace of unnaturalness, but Gu Yin asked, and he didn’t want to lie, so he said: “There have been several times when their cousins ​​cooperated and they were about to dribble the ball away, yes I used brute force to stop them. But I still have some experience in horsemanship, so I didn't get hurt at all. And it's not like she said, I don't risk my life, at most I fall off the horse and let the horse kick it. One foot."

Gu Yin thought it was the little lady Lu who was exaggerating, and she couldn't help but change her face when she heard this—

What does it mean to be kicked at most by a horse?

This kind of thing can really be big or small, ranging from a broken arm and a broken leg, to a complete loss of life.

Of course, with Wu Qingyi's martial arts, he would definitely be able to save himself if he really wanted to fall.

But Gu Yin is still not very happy. Of course, the pepper field is what she wants, but it is absolutely not important that he cares about his own safety.

Mrs. Wen Er and the others came to chat later, but Gu Yin didn't talk to him any further.

In the evening, the polo will end and everyone will go home.

Wu Qingyi stopped riding horses and accompanied Gu Yin in the carriage.

Gu Yin was indeed a little tired. After getting on the carriage, she leaned on the pillow and closed her eyes.

It was not until she entered the city and returned to the British government office that Gu Yincai opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Wu Qingyi's gaze.

He was looking at her carefully, and when the two of them met, Wu Qingyi immediately averted his eyes.

Perhaps the word well-behaved is extremely inappropriate for his age and stature, but this idea immediately popped into Gu Yin's mind.

Vice pattern.

Gu Yin curled her lips, Wu Qing thought she smiled, and could not help but let out a long breath, tentatively asked her softly, "Aren't you angry anymore?"

Gu Yin said, "I'm not angry either."

I can't be angry, after all, he did it just to make her happy, it was his intention, she got what she wanted without any effort, and then she was angry with him, really Some are unreasonable.

"But don't do this next time." Gu Yin paused and continued, "It's not worth it, you know?"

Wu Qingyi nodded solemnly, and explained: "Actually, I didn't think about it that much at the time, I just heard people say about the lottery, thinking that you would like it. Look at the Lu family brothers and sisters winning at that time. After several games, no one dared to fight with them. I thought that Mrs. Lu was arrogant, and if something got into her hands, she would probably not sell it even if she bought it with money later on. That’s why I wanted to try it out. Give it a try."

"Forget it, I don't want that, thank you anyway. I like this gift very much."

Gu Yin said and took the initiative to hold his hand.

For the first time, the small soft hand approached actively, and the soft finger pulp gently scratched his palm. Like comforting, like teasing.

"Don't make trouble." Wu Qingyi grabbed her troublesome fingers, but her voice was a bit lower than usual.

Gu Yin smiled and asked him, "Why am I making trouble?"

I learned the trick from him. If she's doing **** right now, what's the matter with him doing that earlier?

As she asked, Gu Yin's eyes rolled around, with a sly smile, she stretched out her fingers to make circles at the mouth of his big palm.

Wu Qingyi's eyes darkened, she grabbed her hand and pulled it along.

Before Gu Yin could react, she was pulled into his arms by Wu Qingyi, and the sound of his heavy and rapid breathing suddenly amplified in his ears.

"What are you doing?" Gu Yin reached out and pushed him, her voice subconsciously softer than usual.

"No more bullshit. Or I'll..."

"Or what about you?"

The atmosphere was a little charming, and Wang's loud voice came from outside.

"Da Ya, Dalang, what are you two doing? Why are the carriages parked for a long time, and you two still haven't come down?"

Suddenly the charming atmosphere disappeared.

Gu Yin noticed that his hand was loose, so she sat up from his arms, and pushed him with a smile, "Get out of the car, Wu Dalang."

The darkness in Wu Qingyi's eyes faded, and he got off the carriage first under the urging of Wang Shi.

After getting off the carriage, he stretched out his hand towards the carriage, Gu Yin took his hand and followed him down.

Wang shi is someone from the past, just seeing the small interaction between the two, I don't need to ask any more, I have already guessed that the two get along well today.

"How did you play?" When Gu Yin got off the car, Mrs Wang took her by the arm and took her back to the backyard.

Gu Yin glanced at Wu Qingyi, Wu Qingyi lifted her chin in the direction of the study in front, and motioned for herself to take a rest.

Gu Yin smiled at him.

Although the two didn't say anything, the atmosphere between the two made even the Wang family tired.

On the way back to the backyard, Gu Yin told Wang what she had seen and heard today.

Afterwards, she went to wash and change clothes, took a short break for a quarter of an hour, and both Wu An and Gu Ye came back from school.

The two little guys are at the age of play, so they should be more curious than Wang, and they will definitely ask.

When I got home today, Gu Ye didn't ask, not only didn't ask, but also pulled Wu An aside and whispered to him.

He spoke for a long time, Wu An said with a small face, and said very seriously: "Then let me think about it."

Gu Ye nodded and finally added: "Anyway, I think it's a good thing, so I think of you first."

On the contrary, she looked at Gu Yin curiously and asked them what they were discussing?

Gu Ye opened his mouth, hesitant to say anything, but finally said: "It's not that I don't talk to my mother, it's that this thing may not happen. And it's not a big deal, my mother is tired today, I'll have a good talk with my mother when she's free."

Gu Yin saw that he was getting more and more organized, so she didn't ask any further questions.

Not long after, there was an evening meal in the main courtyard, and Wu Qingyi also came from the front courtyard.

Wu Qingyi is not a talkative person. Every day when the family gathers to eat and drink, he rarely interrupts like Wu Zhong.

A bowl of soup, or a dish with chopsticks, the two of them looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding, and everything was silent.

In the evening, everyone rested and Gu Ye washed up, then ran to Gu Yin's house and asked, "Did my uncle tell my mother what I said?"

Gu Yin had just washed her hair and was wiping her hair with a dry cloth in front of the dressing table, nodding and saying, "He always had a smile on his face when he went out today, and when I saw him and asked, he told me said."

That is what he said, Gu Ye scratched his head, stood beside her and watched her wipe her hair for a long time, the leg behind him was sore, he moved a small tumbler and sat down .

Gu Yin's hair was waist-length, and it took a lot of time to dry it.

Hair drying for almost an hour, her waist and knees were sore and weak when she sat in front of the dresser.

Gu Ye turned pale in shock, got up from a young child, and quickly supported her.

Gu Yin looked at him with a small face, so serious that he was completely different from usual, and couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong?"

"Mother is too careless." Gu Ye frowned and said, while solemnly helping Gu Yin to the bed.

Gu Yin picked up the tea cup on the bedside table, "The polo club is really good in the daytime, I asked Mrs. Lu specially before I left, and Mrs. Lu said that the polo field is also open at ordinary times. For ordinary people, if you give a little money, you can go inside and play, and polo and sticks will be provided. Next time you have a rest, I will take you and Wu'an there."

Gu Ye takes ten days off, one day off on ten days, and Wu An on five days off.

Gu Ye's eyes lit up at first when he heard the words, but then he thought about it and said, "Then let Uncle take us there, and mother will take a good rest at home."

This is so strange, Gu Yin is suspicious while drinking the warm tea. In the past, this little brat only pushed Wu Qingyi to the outside, why is the relationship so good now? Abandon her as a mother outside?

"After all..." Gu Ye paused for a while, and finally said, "After all, mother is about to give birth to a baby, so you have to pay attention to your body."

Gu Yin choked with a sip of tea in her throat, and had a good cough!

Gu Ye hurriedly rubbed her back and said old-fashionedly: "Mother is going to be a mother again, but you can't be so reckless, and you can't stand still and drink tea. Choking, how can you be reassured?"

Gu Yinshun was out of breath, put the tea cup back on the small table, picked him up, and said with a smile: "What a baby, what a mother, where did you hear this?"

"I asked others before." Gu Ye explained with a blushing face: "They say that when men and women stay alone, they will have babies."

Gu Yin couldn't help laughing, she held him in her arms and weighed him, "How could there be a baby in one place, people see you as young, and many words are inconvenient You said, so I can only give a rough idea, not what you think. My uncle and I just went out to play alone for a day, where is the little baby? "

Gu Ye then relaxed and lay in her arms without struggling.

"So mother and uncle stay alone, it doesn't mean that there will be a baby." Gu Ye analyzed it carefully, and asked, "Then how can we have it?"

It's no wonder that the person he asked would fool him and explain this to a six- or seven-year-old child, which is really embarrassing.

Gu Yin paused for a while, then said, "At least sleep in one place."

Gu Ye nodded understandingly, "Then I understand."

It was late, and Gu Yin quickly sent the curious baby back to her own room to sleep.

Gu Yin got up the next day and went to eat first.

The drama on the fifth floor has been performed for several days, and the venue is full.

Of course, this is not that talk dramas suddenly replace the status of traditional dramas in the hearts of the people, but that the theater is not big at all, and it is loosely placed with sofas Chairs ensure the audience experience, so a game can only accommodate dozens of people.

There are not many places, plus the reputation of "Kindness", so it is very lively. In fact, the number of spectators is only a fraction of that in the theater.

Of course, the customer base of Gu Yin's drama is the same as the customer base of the whole restaurant, and the tickets are much more expensive than the ordinary tickets of the theater. Two silver, and a snack like sugar hawthorn or sweet rice cake.

In this way, wealthy people can come over for entertainment at any time, and ordinary people in Beijing are willing to spend this money during the festivals. So the profit is lucrative.

Yesterday, she had a meeting with Mrs. Lu and the others. Gu Yin learned a lot of popular words from them, and heard them tell some stories.

Today, taking advantage of the actors' break in the middle, Gu Yin asked everyone to concentrate on the backstage and asked them their thoughts on the new play.

In the past, when we arranged new plays in the former theater garden, we would not talk about half a month or a month.

There are also people in the troupe, people will slack off, and it is said that they are just beginning to change careers, so Gu Yin is quite worried that they will not be happy.

What Gu Yin expected did not happen, Brother Xiaofeng agreed, and everyone else was happy, even Chu Manrong didn't say anything, they all began to imagine new costumes and made requests .

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the people in the foreplay troupe were begging for food from the class leader. The class leader takes the big head, and a group of them divides the head. Work hard, and earn less than a fraction of the salary.

Now it is more fair for Gu Yin to share the accounts with them, and everyone's income has increased significantly than before.

Especially for the main characters in the play, Gu Yin set up the same system as Yashe on the third floor. The audience can buy cloth flowers for ten cents a piece in the restaurant and give them to them.

Don't underestimate the income of this gift, Xiaofeng brother can receive hundreds of flowers at a time, and Chu Manrong, the heroine, is much stronger than the former Huadan, and the heterosexual audience is particularly popular Well, you can also receive dozens of flowers a day.

Once the income comes up, people will naturally not feel hard.

In the end, a new book called "Tale of Two Foxes" was set. From the name, you can tell the direction of the story. It is a story of two fox spirits, one big and one small, entering the world.

Gu Yin sent people to the bookstore that day to inquire about the author of the book.

The people at the bookstore were not happy at first, thinking that Gu Yin was trying to poach a role and would not reveal a word.

But it was the shopkeeper Zhou who went there. He has nothing to say about his ability to handle the world. He first made a friendship with the bookstore owner, waited until the other party was willing to listen to him, and then explained his intention carefully - he was not here to poach Yes, to cooperate.

If the adaptation of "Tale of Two Foxes" sells well, then the original book sold by the bookstore will also sell well.

It's obviously a win-win situation.

In addition to the signboard of Shiweitian as a guarantee, the bookstore owner finally relaxed and revealed the author's news.

At noon that day, Gu Yin met the author of the book, a middle-aged scholar surnamed Jiang.

Through the people in the bookstore, Gu Yin realized that this scholar not only wrote "Tale of Two Foxes", but also wrote a lot of books before, and they are also not worried about sales.

In modern times, he is a best-selling author, and he should be a master of money.

But the scholar in front of him looked nearly forty, but his face was yellow and his skin was thin.

Anyway, it looks like a very hard life.

Gu Yin asked the shopkeeper Zhou to take Mr. Jiang downstairs to have a meal first, and then let people go out to inquire about it, only to know that nowadays scholars write texts, which are usually sold directly to the bookstore.

For example, Mr. Jiang's words are twisted and bizarre, and the quality of their stories is excellent, and other best-selling storybooks have been written before, and a storybook can be sold for dozens of taels.

But Mr. Jiang is quite arrogant. He refuses to sell all the books he wrote to the bookstore, but counts it as a cooperation with the bookstore. For every book sold, he gets a share of money.

This cooperation model is of course feasible. In modern times, Mr. Jiang will definitely earn more than selling out in one go.

But the bad thing is that there is no copyright statement in this era, and the relevant laws are not perfect. After he became famous, the book sold well, and when he turned his head, someone wrote exactly the same. He even dared to sign a pseudonym similar to his, so that ordinary people couldn't tell the difference.

In addition, people in bookstores generally push the books they bought out. So hot.

So Mr. Jiang's pen name is very loud, but his life is not satisfactory.

After making inquiries, Mr. Jiang ate a full meal under the reception of shopkeeper Zhou.

The so-called cannibalism and short-handedness, Mr. Jiang did not show his arrogant side, and asked neither humbly nor arrogantly: "I don't know what the lady asked me to come here?"

Gu Yin went straight to the point and proposed that she wanted to buy his book and arranged it into a play, and then invited Mr. Jiang to watch the "Kindness" in the afternoon session to let him understand what a play is.

After watching the well-rehearsed one, Mr. Jiang's attitude became more friendly, and he was very willing to cooperate with Gu Yin.

Both of them are cheerful people, Gu Yin took advantage of his time to go to the drama to get someone to draw up a contract. income is divided.

Of course, seeing Mr. Jiang's dilemma, Gu Yin set up an additional guarantee of 10 taels of silver, that is, even if one ticket could not be sold or the drama could not be staged for other reasons, Jiang The husband can also get this income, how can it be enough for half a year of chewing.

This contract book is much more generous than what the bookstore signed with him. After Mr. Jiang signed it, he also took over the follow-up script work.

Gu Yin asked Xiu Niang from the mansion to take her to the restaurant, and asked them to measure Xiaofeng and the others, and then explained to them the effect she wanted.

The ability of embroidery girls is also beyond doubt, but the difficulty is that the drama is unprecedented. There is also no precedent.

It's not like when she was writing the script, Gu Yin was able to reproduce the "Thunderstorm" script for everyone to demonstrate - her drawing level is not as good as that of Wu An, Wu An still can't draw people, Not to mention Gu Yin, it's okay to draw sketches, but drawing and serving obviously stumped her.

Mr. Jiang still helped. He studied painting in his early years. Before writing a playbook to make a living, he sold calligraphy and painting on the street.

However, Mr. Jiang also said that his level of painting is also very average, otherwise he would not be able to sell calligraphy and painting back then, and he would not be able to earn a living.

Gu Yin asked people to get pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and let Mr. Jiang try.

The matters of the new drama are properly arranged, the business on the first and second floors is looked after by the shopkeeper Zhou, and the third floor is handled by Ge Zhuer.

Gu Yin gave herself another day off, and the next day she will go outside the city to see the chili field that Wu Qingyi won for her!

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Yin and Wang Shi said hello and were ready to set off.

Wang shi smiled and waved her to go.

I didn't tell her to be safe all the way, be careful out of the city, etc.

Gu Yin felt weird when she saw her smile. Not long after she left the main courtyard, she saw Wu Qingyi who had been waiting in front of the second gate, also ready to go.

She finally understood.

"Are you on leave again today?" Gu Yin stepped forward briskly, although she was happy in her heart, she still said, "You're better than me in your own restaurant, so it's not good to take leave like this again and again?"

Wu Qing commented on her, and his eyes were also full of smiles, and he explained solemnly: "Going to the polo club the day before yesterday was a leave of absence, not today. ."

"Then next time I'm out of town..."

“Next time maybe I happen to be sick and report sick at home.”

"The dignified general is so lazy." Gu Yin grabbed his fingers and squeezed.

The two walked to the shadow wall near the gate of the British Palace without talking.

The carriage prepared by the coachman for Gu Yin had already stopped, but before they could step out the door, another gorgeous carriage stopped.

A graceful middle-aged woman with her hair in a high bun came down first, then a young girl in a red dress, and finally Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu has always had a lively and forthright disposition in front of others, but today she is a little timid and keeps her head down.

The middle-aged woman said a few words to her, "My hands and feet are slow and I can't do anything well", and Madam Lu hurriedly got off the carriage.

Gu Yin recognized Madam Lu and the arrogant little lady Lu, so she guessed that the woman in the middle was the old lady of the Lu family.

She looked at Wu Qingyi helplessly, thinking that she might have to go out later.

The Lu family is a wealthy businessman in the capital, and the silk and satin shop operated by Mrs. Lu's house is nothing in the Lu family's business.

But in the end it's just a businessman's home, and it's generally impossible for such a family to send a letter of worship to the government.

But since Mrs. Lu came, Gu Yin sold her face and let them all come in.

Mrs. Lu asked her servants to carry some gifts, and she came up to say she was here to make amends.

Mrs. Lu, who was beside her escort, blushed with embarrassment, and she didn't say a word.

Gu Yin is not a fussy temperament, and it is true that the little lady Lu only used her words and did not get any advantage.

Since the other party specially came to apologize, this matter will be revealed.

I entertained them for a quarter of an hour, Gu Yin said that she still had things to do, so she sent them out, and then immediately got into her own carriage with Wu Qingyi, and went to the pepper field that she was thinking of. !

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