After a very lively birthday banquet, Gu Ye's fame rose a lot in Beijing.

And don't worry about the forgetfulness of the people, the merit monument that Emperor Zhengyuan nodded and supervised by the Ministry of Industry can be erected in the lively area of ​​​​the city!

As long as the monument does not fall, the people who pass by will take a look at it from time to time, and will always remember it.

Generous donations, sharing the worries of the court, and seeking the well-being of the people, will ultimately lead to the same goal.

In the blink of an eye, it's April, and the palace exam is just around the corner.

Because Wen Lang has to take the test again, so Mr. Wen and Mr. Wen still avoided suspicion and did not participate.

The person in charge of the palace exam is Li Da Shi.

As for the family of this Li Da Shi, it is said that there is some relationship with Gu Ye. At that time, Master Wen Er ordered to collect debts, and the first family to pursue the debts of this Li family.

At that time, Gu Ye also met Master Wen Er by chance, and the two squatted in front of Li's house eating ice bowls.

Gu Ye and Wen Er also followed Mr. Li to the teahouse to meet with colleagues.

It was also because the Li family set a precedent that more and more families began to repay their debts one after another.

At that time, the Li family was really tempered by Mr. Wen Er, and that's how he became that early bird.

In the previous dynasty, he repeatedly committed the taboo of abolishing the emperor, which made his promotion hopeless. Now in the new dynasty, he has given Master Li a liter.

Anyway, the Li family didn't see Gu Ye at that time, and even if they saw it at that time, they probably never thought that his identity would have such a precious day, and didn't take it to heart.

Gu Ye wouldn't take the initiative to mention it, just like he knew the Li family on the first day, and got along with the senior scholar Li.

The emperor usually sets out the questions for the palace exam. Unfortunately, Emperor Zhengyuan was a half-way monk, and the reviewing and memorabilia were all learned after the founding of the dynasty, so he asked those students who had been studying hard for ten years to write the questions. , not only for embarrassing Emperor Zhengyuan, but also for those students.

So the responsibility for the exam questions falls on Li Da Shi and others.

Gu Ye, who is in the yellow jacket, personally assists, although he is only seven years old, but he is the eldest son of a serious and legitimate name.

Scholar Li is very serious and responsible. He first re-read the test papers of these candidates before they came up with the questions.

After it came out, he showed it to Gu Ye first.

Gu Ye has maintained a very humble and respectful attitude during this time, and treated the several civil servants who were in charge with courtesy.

As usual, in order to prevent favoritism, the officials in charge of the exams have been living alone since March.

Gu Ye's identity is naturally unnecessary.

But since he registered in early April, he has not exercised his privileges, so he isolated himself, and lived with Li Da Shi and others.

The living conditions of the officials in charge of the palace examination are acceptable, but it is not for them to enjoy. In some aspects, it is slightly worse than the senior officials themselves. It is impossible to say that some servants were sent in to be driven by them.

But Gu Ye didn't choose to live or eat, and he didn't even bring the trails in. He could take care of himself. Anyway, he only lived for a month. When the time comes, I will take it back and let the servants wash it slowly. It can suffer more than some officials who are used to enjoying it.

This is just a case. Emperor Zhengyuan sent him here, not only to supervise officials and prevent favoritism and fraud, but also to be despised by literati since ancient times. The people who were promoted were not as famous as Mr. Wen, so Emperor Zhengyuan was worried that they would live and eat together, and they would have any grudges.

, the thinking is naturally different.

Disputes are commonplace.

There was a time when the smell of gunpowder was frightening. The benefit is the part of the students who fit his liking, don't take any bribes, and let those people go?

The one who was scolded was also a liar, saying that the one who scolded him was the one who received the bribe, so I sang the opposite of him, I am afraid that the student who bribed him is not good at doing such policy papers.

There are no good things to say in the fight. Seeing that these two people are about to fight, Master Li mediates from it.

Gu Ye came forward and brought in two pots of chrysanthemum tea.

Confronting a child, two years old who can be his grandfather's civil servant, stopped arguing and just sat on each side angrily.

Gu Ye didn't seem to know anything, "I brought this chrysanthemum tea from home. It's dry this day, and people are easy to get angry. Take it easy."

Who can save his face?

The two who were quarreling hurriedly got up and said they didn't dare, took the tea and drank it.

Inside are dried lotus leaves.

The two elders were drinking tea, and soon realized that what the other was holding was different from theirs.

Gu Ye explained: "One of the two adults has been rubbing his eyebrows frequently recently, and it seems that his eyes are uncomfortable, so I used this tea bag with wolfberry. It's best. Another adult, recently, a fire blisters on his lips, it seems that the internal fire is strong, so I used this one with mint, mint and chrysanthemum are both cool, usually not suitable for drinking more, but internal fire It is very suitable when it is strong.”

He can see the recent discomfort of these people and drink his tea, who can be so embarrassed to continue arguing in front of him?

So the two quickly got off the donkey along the slope, and said, "It turns out that I have a strong internal fire. No wonder I speak so aggressively today."

Another also said: "It's also that my eyes have been uncomfortable recently, and people are a little irritable."

The two apologized to each other and reconciled.

This kind of thing rarely happens in the future, even if it happens again, Gu Yezi has a way to mediate.

In the past, the civil servants said they supported Gu Ye, but in fact they followed the style of Mrs. Wen. And it's not support, at best, don't fight against him first, and wait and see.

So, when Li Da Shi sent the prepared exam questions to Gu Ye, no one else objected.

Only Gu Ye waved his hands again and again: "I learned a new word from the "Han Shu", called 'cai shu shu shu ', and it's perfect for me. Now I only know a few words. , how dare you choose exam questions for so many insightful people? Or let other examiners help you with your reference."

Scholar Li is more and more satisfied with his attitude of wearing as many hats as he is capable.

What is the sign that the literati loves a child? Anyway, before the palace exam started, everyone wasn't so busy, and they were not allowed to go out, so let's teach Gu Ye a lesson.

So from morning to night, a group of civil servants took turns taking classes, and they arranged a class schedule later, which was even busier than when Gu Ye was in Wenhua Palace!

He complained bitterly in his heart, but he also knew that this was a great good thing, which many people could not hope for in their lifetime, and it was also the kindness of the officials, so he had to bear it with gritted teeth.

He is smart from the beginning, but now he has the patience to learn, and his progress is naturally much faster than the average child.

In half a month before the palace exam, Gu Ye's cultural level rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During the final exam, Emperor Zhengyuan saw Gu Ye again and said that he looked more and more polite.

After the palace examination, Emperor Zhengyuan and a group of civil servants reviewed the papers together, and judged them to be one, two or three.

This year's number one scholar was unexpected, it was Wen Lang of the Wen family, and the second place was a middle-aged scholar named Lu You. Although he had no official position, Lu You was famous in the previous dynasty. The talented man just didn't like the atmosphere of the court at that time, and he wrote poems and articles to satirize many times, so that the former emperor deposed him and took away the right of his scientific examination.

One of them is the third generation of the literary family, and the other is a well-known scholar. It is not surprising.

Unexpectedly, it was Xu Qingchuan who stood out in the first imperial examination of the new dynasty, which was extremely competitive.

Although Xu Qingchuan was able to understand Yuan in the township examination earlier, there are more Yuan understandings in the prefectures, and there are many more talented and famous than him. Xu Qingchuan's performance in the exam is also considered outstanding, but not in the top three.

It is also Xu Qingchuan's good luck. Although Emperor Zhengyuan didn't write the questions himself, he told Li Da Shi and others that he should be more pragmatic and practical when setting the questions for the palace exam.

Although Xu Qingchuan was born into a wealthy family, he was already down in the family when he was young.

Other students are better in literature than him, without him understanding the suffering of the common people. Those who understand the suffering of the people better than him are not as meaningful as his words.

It's just so right, his article is especially in line with the intention of Emperor Zheng Yuan, and he became the third-ranked Tanhua Lang.

Gu Ye got the news early, and before the court announced it, he had already communicated with the British government.

Wang is happier than anyone else and can't wait to tell Xu the good news.

But it's definitely not good to be big in the past. That doesn't mean telling others that their family got the news by relying on the news in the palace?

So Gu Yin and Wang Shi did not take their own carriages, so Song Shiliu went out and rented a donkey carriage and rushed to the back door of the British public house. The two went to Xu's house quietly.

Xu and Xu Qingchuan are now renting in a small yard bought by Wang, not too far from the British government.

The donkey cart drove slowly for more than a quarter of an hour before arriving at the door of Xu's small courtyard.

Song Shiliu jumped out of the donkey cart and knocked on the door first, and Xu Shiliu came over to open the door.

Seeing Song Pomegranate at the head, Xu Shi smiled and said: "Pomegranate is here again, is this running errands for your old lady again?"

After she went to Beijing in January, Mrs. Xu, as a parent to accompany her students, was embarrassed to only focus on her own entertainment, and spent most of her time taking care of Xu Qingchuan's food and daily life.

But from time to time, Mrs. Wang asks Song Shiliu to send some things, sometimes it is a book that she thinks is good, sometimes it is a snack she doesn't make... In short, it has never been broken. communication and correspondence.

Mrs. Xu took Song Shiliu's hand affectionately and invited her into the room to speak.

Song Shiliu said with a smile, "I'm not alone."

She said and turned her mouth back, only then did Xu Shi see Wang Shi and Gu Yin who came over with her heels.

Xu Shi was really surprised, and asked, "Why did you two come together?" while inviting them in.

"Hey, why don't you come here without saying hello, I don't have anything good to entertain you." As soon as Mr. Xu spoke, he was about to poke into the stove, "I'll make two bowls of sugar water for you! "

Wang hurriedly stopped people, "Don't be busy, we came here full of food and drink. And don't dare to let Tanhualang's mother make sugar water for us!"

Xu Shi first laughed and spat at him when he heard it, "Just make fun of me before it's released, right?"

Laughing and laughing, Xu Shi was stunned again, and said to himself: "No, you definitely didn't come here to make fun of me, this is, this is..."

He became more and more excited, his lips were trembling and he couldn't say the next words, and he looked softly and was about to fall to the ground.

Gu Yin and Wang Shi immediately took her by one arm and carried her into the main room.

He poured a glass of water and fed it to Xu's lips.

At this moment, Mrs. Xu didn't have the mood to argue with her, she hurriedly raised her sleeves and wiped her eyes while saying, "Yes, yes, you can't embarrass Qingchuan."

Tears kept falling.

Afterwards, Mrs. Wang asked and learned that Xu Qingchuan had gone out and was not at home. She and Gu Yin didn’t stay at Xu’s house for much—after all, Mrs. Xu, like Mrs. Wang, also had a good face. Yes, he turned his head and calmed down, thinking that he was so rude in front of the Wang family, he should be unhappy again.

Before leaving Xu's house, Mrs. Wang left a pack of copper coins for Mrs. Xu, so that he could be happy money at that time.

, there must be many other people watching the fun, and even the beggars nearby will come to ask for money.

A thousand copper coins are only worth one tael of silver, and this package of copper coins is not worth much, but it saves Mr. Xu’s time to go out and exchange them temporarily after two days.

Mrs. Xu was not polite to Mrs. Wang, so she accepted it.

After leaving the Xu family, Wang Shi and Song Shiliu went back to the house. Gu Yin was not with them, she had her own business to do.

In my own Xiaohua Theater, "Tale of Two Foxes" has been staged for a while, and I have to find a new book to arrange a new play.

Mr. Jiang is very useful. After the last rehearsal, he has mastered the skills of drama, and Gu Yin has given him the position of director. As the owner, she only needs to be responsible for finding the new book.

There are many scholars and bookstores in this area where the Xu family lives, so Gu Yin simply went to a few bookstores.

Coincidentally, Gu Yin met Xu Qingchuan at the first bookstore she went to.

Gu Yin shouted "Brother Qingchuan" generously, Xu Qingchuan turned around and saw Jingchai in a cloth skirt, she was a little dazed for a moment, as if she was back in Hanshan Town when.

However, Xu Qingchuan soon came back to her senses. At that time, Gu Yin was busy with her livelihood. Although she had an optimistic temperament, it is impossible for a person who is running for life to have such a free and easy joy. smile.

Now Gu Yin, there is no more disturbing color in the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, and the whole portrait will glow.

At that time, Gu Yin knew that the two parents wanted to marry, so she was polite and distant from him. In his impression, she never seemed to call him so enthusiastically.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Xu Qingchuan bent his lips and put down the book in his hand.

Gu Yin blinked slyly, "I came here with my mother to congratulate your family, but I didn't want to attract attention, so I specially changed clothes."

As she spoke, she held out three fingers for a three.

Xu Qingchuan immediately understood what she meant.

Han Chuang studied hard for many years, and suddenly knew that he had obtained such a good result.

But Gu Yin and Xu Qingchuan have known each other for several years, and they know him somewhat, so he is not the kind of person who can't stand ups and downs.

Sure enough, as Gu Yin expected, Xu Qingchuan took two short breaths, then closed his eyes, and quickly recovered.

He smiled and handed over to Gu Yin, "Then thank my sister and aunt for making this trip."

Gu Yin waved her hand and said that he was too polite, and smiled again: "It happens that I want to change some words, and you are here, help me to refer to it."

The palace exam is over, Xu Qingchuan likes to read again, it is time to relax.

He also came to the bookstore, purely because the day of publishing the list was just around the corner, he was inevitably a little nervous and couldn't stay at home.

Now that she knows the ranking, a big stone has fallen in her heart, and Xu Qingchuan is naturally willing to help her.

The update speed of this book is really fast, almost every month.

Although many of them follow the trend, there are also well written ones that follow the trend and need to be carefully distinguished.

Xu Qingchuan's reading speed is much faster than Gu Yinke's, and after a glance and ten lines, he can know whether there is any merit in this sentence.

It is impossible for the people in the bookstore to let the guests read the book slowly, so Gu Yin bought everything that Xu Qingchuan said was true.

She ran to three bookstores in one go, Gu Yin bought a large stack, and when she came back to her senses, Xu Qingchuan had already helped her hold it for a while.

Xu Qingchuan said that she wanted to help her move back, but Gu Yin had already delayed his work for half an afternoon. How could she be so embarrassed to bother him, so she discussed with the shopkeeper of the last bookstore and asked if she could send the book Store it here first, and let someone pick it up later.

The shopkeeper said cheerfully: "You are welcome, madam, you have bought so many things in the small store, it is really difficult to get them. There is a utility room in our store. Put it there."

After saying that, Gu Yin gave the shopkeeper a few extra pennies to pay for food and storage, and then called Xu Qingchuan to follow the direction indicated by the shopkeeper and put the words book in the utility room .

Xu Qingchuan said it was okay, and added: "In the past, it was my aunt and you who took care of our mother and son. The words of thanks are full of life, but those kindnesses are all in our hearts. A little busy. That's it, you don't have to be so polite."

"In the future, who will take care of whom. Not to mention, when I have a child, Mr. Qingchuan will not be able to run away."

Xu Qingchuan paused at his feet, and there was a trace of stunned in his eyes, "So soon..."

Gu Yin also noticed that she had made a slip of the tongue. Maybe it was because of the constant good things in the family recently. First Wu Qingyi asked him for a kiss, and Gu Ye won the double love and good reputation of Emperor Zhengyuan through the birthday banquet. Coincidentally, she knew about Xu Qingchuan's third flower in high school, so she was very happy, which made her speechless.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she hurriedly said no, "No, I said nonsense, it's not a shadow."

"It's not nonsense, my mother said that you are lucky, and there is no need to worry about the children."

Gu Yin couldn't help laughing, "Then I will entrust my aunt's blessing."

While they were talking, the two had already reached the utility room of the bookstore.

Xu Qingchuan stared at her for a while, and then withdrew his eyes, only looking at the heavy words in his hand, and said softly, "Then I'll put it down."


At the end of April, the weather suddenly warmed up and summer was approaching.

The results of the palace exam have been announced a few days ago.

When the top three paraded across the street, Wang also brought a whole family to watch the fun.

Zhuangyuan Lang Wenlang and Tanhua Lang Xu Qingchuan are both young and handsome, and the folk customs in the capital are more open than other places. Many young girls throw flowers and sachets on them.

Especially Xu Qingchuan, because his family background can only be regarded as ordinary in the ordinary, so there are more daring people, and even dispatched family members to come to the list to catch the son-in-law.

Wang has long heard that the capital has this kind of atmosphere - there are many wealthy people, and there are naturally many people who are eager to enter the upper class. She had been guarding against this for a long time, and sent out a number of servants to be by Xu Qingchuan's side, which prevented those people from succeeding.

Gu Ye got a lot of benefits because of this co-chairman exam.

Recruiting talents for the new dynasty...don't mention myself at all.

Scholar Li and others were embarrassed, they felt like they were bullying a child.

Several civil servants discussed the matter in private, and they unified the caliber. When they wrote the book, they also praised Gu Ye. At the same time, they did not hesitate to help him spread the matter, which made his reputation even higher. building.

So some students call Gu Ye "Little Master" in private.

A student who has passed the palace exam is considered a disciple of the emperor. To address him like this is no different from calling him a prince.

After knowing the news, Gu Ye ran to the Hall of Mental Cultivation immediately.

The sub-definition is stateless?"

Gu Ye ran like a puppy, stretched out his tongue and exhaled, and quickly waved his hand, saying that he would let himself take a breather.

Emperor Zheng Yuan asked Qian Sansi to serve him a cup of tea.

Gu Ye lifted the lid and drank it, finally recovering.

After recovering, he bowed his hands and said, "The son is here to plead guilty to the father."

Gu Ye blushed with embarrassment, looked at his toes, and told Emperor Zhengyuan what he had heard.

Emperor Zheng Yuan was not surprised, he was naturally more informed than Gu Ye, and he heard about it two days before him.

"Isn't this very good? You are like a prisoner, living in isolation with so many officials for so long, and mediating and mediating conflicts several times. There is no credit and hard work."

"What the hell!" Gu Ye patted his thigh anxiously, "They are the protégés of the emperor, and I am also at the behest of the emperor, to assist in such a big event at this age, to be a town It’s just the mascot of the house. There are not many people talking about it right now, but if it spreads later, maybe some people really believe it. When I am some kind of child prodigy, I can be a small teacher for the world’s students at the age of seven.”

Emperor Zheng Yuan smiled and put the pen down, touched his chin and looked at him, "Why, are you still afraid of being praised? Afraid that when you grow up, you will not be as powerful as the rumors, and let those people down?"

"Afraid, definitely not afraid." Gu Ye scratched his hot cheeks, "It was the charity birthday banquet that I held earlier. Although it was my idea, it was also your approval. You didn't let me tell outsiders, I took all the credit. Now it's like this..."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Is the reputation good?"

Gu Ye sensed some meaning from his father's reaction and words, his heart was beating wildly uncontrollably, he took a few deep breaths, his face changed from nervousness to incomparable determination, " I'm not afraid of those, I'm afraid, only you are unhappy."

Emperor Zheng Yuan felt both admiration and pride in his heart, and at the same time he was very ironic, he reached out and patted Gu Ye's back, "I am not unhappy, if I am unhappy, I will not let all this Happened. So you raised your chest..."

At this time, he no longer called himself "I", not as an emperor, but as a father, looking forward to his son to move forward bravely.

Speaking, Emperor Zhengyuan's eyes fell on the dragon case beside him again.

Since ancient times, the emperor's dragon chair and dragon case will be much taller than the ordinary table and chair, showing the emperor's unique status in the world.

So Gu Ye is not as high as that dragon case now!

Emperor Zheng Yuan showed a helpless smile, feeling that he was thinking too early, so he swallowed some words that had already reached his mouth.

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