The next morning, the meeting was held, and a total of four people met the requirements and joined the collection team, and fifteen people joined the removal team.

Although the old man insisted on joining the search team, for the sake of safety, everyone arranged for him to be in the carrying team.

With so many people daring to face the infected and go out to collect supplies, presumably the community can hold out a little longer.

Later, with the discussion, the results of Zhang Xinlong's treatment also came out.

Anyway, they won't accept this kind of person who steals everyone's life-saving food, and it's a waste of food to be locked up in the community, and no one dares to mention killing him, everyone was still a normal person not long ago, although they have encountered infected people and seen many bloody and terrifying scenes, but they are still very resistant to killing the living.

So at the end of the meeting, everyone agreed to expel him from the community.


Soon after, the members of the transport team brought the scarred Zhang Xinlong to the back door of the community.

Zhao Yupeng looked at Zhang Xinlong and looked at the few people beside him.

"You guys go back first, I'll send him out alone. "

Officer Zhao, we know that you have a good relationship with Zhang Xinlong, for the sake of you always taking care of us, we will give you this face, but you must not cover him! The mistake he made is too serious, I hope you don't make it difficult for us..."




After a few people left, Zhao Yupeng silently took Zhang Xinlong and walked out.

After coming to the periphery of the community, Zhao Yupeng took out the key and untied Zhang Xinlong's handcuffs.

Zhang Xinlong didn't say anything, dragged his injured body without looking back, and limped forward.


Hearing Zhao Yupeng call out his name, Zhang Xinlong's figure paused.

"To do this... Is it really worth it?"

The man in front of him was silent for a while, then turned his head and looked at Zhao Yupeng with a smile.

"I thought I was doing a good job, and even you lied to me.

"Why are you doing this..."

Faced with Zhao Yupeng's inquiry, Zhang Xinlong fell silent.

After a while, Zhang Xinlong slowly spoke.

"The situation in the community is not optimistic, even if it is already very bad, there are still some people who can't recognize the reality, greedy for life and afraid of death, thinking that they can continue to be okay like this, waiting for the government's rescue.

I used to have more or less the same idea with them, until I overheard Captain Wu's call with the downtown police station and learned everything.

Captain Wu may be a good cop, but he is not a great leader, he is too indecisive and always wants to take care of everything, but the reality does not allow him to do so.

"However, what you said to the people of the search team is too much..."

Before Zhao Yupeng could finish speaking, Zhang Xinlong interrupted him.

"Yu Peng, I hope you can know that we are human beings, and if we are human beings, we will have a selfish side, no one can silently pay for others all the time, and when the crisis is approaching, they only think of themselves.

With the mentality of most people in our community at the moment, after leaving the search team, it will only fall apart immediately.

No one thinks that they are at fault, and they don't know that in the world that is currently occupied by the inhabited, it is already a sin to live.

The situation in the community is no longer optimistic, but most people are still afraid and unwilling or refuse to make changes, ordinary methods no longer work, I have to make them aware of the sense of crisis, and we can't continue to stalemate like this. "

But you..."

"Hehe, don't worry about me, maybe after leaving you, I'll be better off living alone."

Zhang Xinlong smiled cheerfully, compared with the previous guys, it still hasn't changed at all.

Then, he turned around, hugged the back of his head and whistled and left.

And Zhao Yupeng stood in place blankly, looking at Zhang Xinlong's figure gradually disappearing into the snow.

"Even if it goes on like this... How long can we hold on..."

Zhao Yupeng slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked up at the snowflakes falling gently in the sky.



After that, another two months passed, and in the beginning of spring and February, the heavy snow finally stopped and the temperature gradually warmed up.

But this is not good news, after the snow slowly melts, these plants affected by the virus also begin to exert force, thorny weeds and vines grow wildly, encroaching on the streets and buildings, belonging to human civilization, is being retaken by nature.

The situation in the community is also not optimistic.

Although the number of people willing to go out has increased considerably, the shortage of food in the community has eased.

But inevitably, in the process of gathering resources to search for food, many people still suffer accidental deaths.

It even included two veterans of the search team.

A swarm of rats the size of a watermelon, mutated mosquitoes, and even thorny plants that are sucked by other creatures with rattan are all threatening the lives of everyone.



One afternoon, on the side of the road in a former large supermarket, an infected person in tattered clothes and covered in mud came out of the lush grass with a fierce face.

With a bang, a crowbar was flailed, and the infected's body fell backwards like a broken kite.

Then, Xu Ye stabbed the steel bar into its eyes expressionlessly.

After dealing with the infected, Xu Ye pulled out a crowbar, and blood splattered.

Xu Ye was stunned, and reached out to wipe the blood on his face.

"Wow... It's dirty, use this.

Liu Jingyi looked at Xu Ye with disgust and handed him a towel.

Xu Ye took it and wiped the blood on his face, and after putting down the towel, he saw the girl walk into the store alone.

"Be careful..."Xu

Ye hurriedly followed.

"You don't have to follow me all the time. Liu Jingyi sighed and looked around.

Everyone has been to this place more than once, they were robbed here before, there was very little food in the warehouse, and after that, Xu Ye and they came back unwillingly to search a few times.

I didn't find much food, but I was able to bring back some groceries.

The place where the two are now is in a sporting goods store near the warehouse.

Liu Jingyi looked at the dusty gym equipment around the store, turned on the flashlight and looked for what she wanted.

"Huh, I remember that I found a bottle of sports equipment lubricant here last time, why is it missing..."

Liu Jingyi frowned, and after looking for a while, she still didn't find it.

At this time, Yu Zixu said hello outside the door.

"Have you found what you were looking for, everyone is ready to go back. "

Well, please wait a minute.

Liu Jingyi sighed, turned around and walked into the warehouse to continue rummaging, while Xu Ye followed her closely.

It didn't take long for Liu Jingyi to rely on recollection, and finally found the quiver that she had hidden not long ago and did not take away in the pile of debris.

After picking up the quiver, the girl looked at Xu Ye and smiled.

"Found it, let's go. "

Hmm. "



Loess slope community.

After the gate opened, the search team walked into the community with a tired face.

Xu Ye held the machete in his hand, and after confirming that it was safe, he put the machete behind his back.

When the snow melts, the plants grow very fast, and the machete is used to clear some of the thorny weeds on the road.


Xu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gao Heng, who was in charge of handing over to Zhao Yupeng behind him, and was stunned.

"Where's the senior sister?".

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