Although the food brought back by everyone has been enough to last for nearly two months, sooner or later it will be empty.

Therefore, most people's thinking now is to be able to grow a non-toxic, edible crop.


Most of the concrete floors have been torn apart and covered with dirt in the open space of the complex, where a variety of odd-shaped crops are grown.

Somewhere in the clearing, Liu Jingyi was holding a gardening shovel and planting some black and purple garlic seedlings.

This kind of thing, as soon as the hand touches its branches, it will itch, producing a series of allergic symptoms.

Therefore, Liu Jingyi brought gloves to deal with it.

"Is this really edible?" the girl looked worriedly at the garlic sprouts and at the other crops around her.

At this time, Xu Ye walked over with some flower pots full of small seedlings and put them next to Liu Jingyi.

After seeing the mud on the girl's nose, she smiled slightly, took off her gloves and reached out to gently wipe her off.

"Tut-tut~ These two guys are unabashed, it's so good, I also want to find a girlfriend.

Wang Jianyi stood in the distance, looking at the intimate couple of men and women with a nonchalant expression, revealing a jealous look.

It's been a few days since Liu Jingyi came back, and I don't know what happened between them, and the two are tired of being together almost all the time.

And once when Wang Fatzi went to call Xu Ye, he learned about the relationship between the two from Tang Xiaoyue, and shouted directly everywhere, so that the whole community knew about the relationship between Xu Ye and Liu Jingyi.

At first, Liu Jingyi was still a little shy, but Xu Ye's guy took his cheekiness to the extreme, and clinged to the girl even more, almost writing that she was my girlfriend on her face.

"So envious? I remember that you didn't save a girl from a transport team not long ago, I think she is quite grateful to you, why don't you try to get along with her?"

Yu Zixu laughed.

"Forget it, I'm a fat man with small eyes who is still self-aware, how can I be like a handsome guy like you, and I am still a doctor with good looks.

"What a doctor, it's just a nurse in the internship period, and there are no doctors in our community, so I can only come."

"Who doesn't like a handsome male nurse?" Anyway, there are several girls who have shown their hearts to you, aren't you impressed at all?"

"What's the use of showing up, it's a question of how long you can live in the current situation." Yu Zixu shook his head.

"That's why you have to enjoy it as soon as possible, you see Xu Ye's proud look, they all moved to live with Jingyi, and every morning when I see Liu Jingyi's walking posture, I guess I have been bullied..."

"I don't need to, I already have a girlfriend. Yu Zixu smiled slightly.

"Really, tell me which girl you have a crush on?" Wang Jianyi looked excited.

"Dead, five months ago I strangled her to death when she became infected. "

Uh... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, I don't want to talk about this, let's work, don't touch the fish."

After Yu Zixu finished speaking, he walked into the residential house with the medicine box on his back, some people were infected with strange diseases, and he had to take a look.

Wang Jianyi looked at Yu Zixu's back and sighed slightly, squatted down and continued to transplant crop seedlings.

Just when everyone was still busy, a noise suddenly came from the sky in the distance.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and a huge transport helicopter was flying over the sky not far from the community.

People's expressions changed from shock to excitement.

"That's... It's an army helicopter, and we're saved!

" "Great, the government hasn't forgotten us

!" "Haha, I'm sure I'm going to take a hot shower when I get to the safe zone!"


On the helicopter, a military man in camouflage uniform clicked the headset on his ear.

"Captain, a group of ordinary people have been spotted in the area.

""Number of people. A response came from the headphones.

"About a hundred people. The

person on the other side of the headset was silent for a moment, then spoke.

"Leave them alone, prioritize the delivery of supplies to the city police station. "


the soldier nodded, waving at the driver.


The people of the earth hugged each other and wept with joy.

Slowly, however, they realized that something was wrong.

The helicopter just hovered above them for a moment, ignored them, and flew straight into the distance.

"Hey, we're here

!" "Come down, where are you going?!"

the expressions on people's faces gradually changed to despair, and they stared blankly at the helicopter away.

"What's going on??Why didn't they come to save us?!"It's

over... The government has abandoned us! we are left to fend for ourselves!"

the people wailed.

Wu Jiang frowned and walked to Gao Heng's side.

"The helicopter is flying towards the city center, only one of them can't be here to pick up people, it should be to transport supplies, Gao Heng, you take the members of the search team to the nearby high observation point to see if they have dropped supplies. "

Hmm. Gao Heng nodded, and took Xu Ye and them to the roofs of the residential buildings near the community.

After they left, Wu Jiang looked at the residents with desperate faces and spoke to reassure.

"Rest assured, it may be the vanguard, they are only here to find out where we are, and the rescue operation should come soon.

Under Wu Jiang's appeasement, people's spirits gradually calmed down.

"Yes, the government will not give up on us, they value the lives of the people more than their own!"




The perspective came to Gao Heng and a few people, and in order to observe the helicopter, the search team split up and walked to the roofs of the empty residential buildings near the community.

Xu Ye naturally walked with Liu Jingyi.

As soon as they reached the top of the building, the two looked towards the place where the helicopter had flown away.

Xu Ye took out a telescope and put it on his eyes to look at it.

The military helicopter was hovering in the city a few kilometers away, throwing out black dots one after another, and then slowly drifting down with an orange parachute.

"They're really dropping supplies!" Xu

Ye looked surprised, but Liu Jingyi next to him was not as optimistic as him.

"The stuff they put in was so far away from us, and it was in the city center, we couldn't get there. "

Well... It seems so.

Xu Ye was disappointed for a while, and handed the telescope in his hand to Liu Jingyi.

On the military helicopter, the lead officer watched as the soldiers pushed out box after box of supplies, and when there was finally one box left, he told the soldiers to stop.

I recall that I just passed by the community, and it seems that most of the people there are elderly people and children.

Thinking of this, he moved a little selfishly, he had just put so many weapons, thinking that it should be enough for the people of the city police station, and this box still contained four or five pistols with silencers, so he would use them for the people in those neighborhoods.

Thinking of this, the soldier issued an order for the driver to fly in the direction of Xu Ye's community.

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