Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Traces of Ithma

Of course Roland didn't want Elucado to save Joseph.

Undoubtedly, Joseph couldn't stay, but Roland also didn't want Elucado to shoot him. After all, he was a martyr. If he tried his best, he would definitely cause great trouble to Elucado, and Roland might also be killed by him.

The best-case scenario is that Joseph and the Passion Tree die together. But the problem is, Joseph wasn't stupid either.

Not to mention desperate, it's a good thing that he doesn't take the opportunity to escape.

Part of the reason why Roland asked Elucado to follow him was based on this consideration. If Joseph was to tear his face and prepare to run away, Elucado would kill him at all costs.

Of course, this is unlikely. After all, Roland is very likely to become the pope now. Once he has the authority of the pope, even if Joseph sets up another portal to recruit believers to set up a new religion, Roland can easily abolish their magic and wipe out their miracles. At that time, no matter how devout belief is, it will be self-defeating.

Taking a step back, Roland also has Claudia. The saintess are immune to all attacks against believers, and it doesn't make any sense for Joseph to turn against the water at this time. If he is smart, he should wait until after the establishment of the sect, when Roland and Claudia have a conflict.

If Claudia really wanted to protect him, even Roland couldn't really kill him.

A bigger possibility is that he really followed Roland's direct gaze, risking the possibility of being taken away by the first attack by the Tree of Suffering. He went deep into the hinterland to help Roland collect information on the Tree of Suffering, and used this to prove his loyalty. .

Then, what Elucado has to do is to wait for Joseph to enter the attack range of the Tree of Suffering, and directly attack the Tree of Suffering from the dark to wake it up. The enraged Tree of Passion will immediately attack Joseph. If Joseph does not want to die, he can only use divine magic to fight back.

Facing the Tree of Passion - even if it had been weakened twice by Roland and had not yet matured, Joseph would not have been able to beat it even if he sacrificed half of his body. As Kakarit feared, Joseph could not have survived the attack of the Suffering Tree without burning his own soul.

And once it starts to burn the soul. He just couldn't stop. There is only a dead end waiting for him.

Either by Elucado's hand, by the Tree of Passion, or by his own hands. Roland actually had many choices, and he didn't need to use a person who was full of resentment towards himself. Joseph's fate was already doomed.

Of course. If he finally chose to fight the Tree of Suffering with all his strength, Roland wouldn't mind making him a saint and letting future generations sing about his glory. It doesn't matter if his soul ascends to the mentor, as long as it doesn't hinder Roland.

As for Akakajika... Roland believed that Kakarit would handle it. And if Kakarit is not around. Roland is also more convenient. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to explain why he was so familiar with the organs and guardians of the Great Cemetery. This is no longer an issue that can be explained by experience.

The White Wolf Cemetery is only about half a day away from Richelo. If there are no accidents on the way, Roland will be able to reach Crowwood Village before night falls. Then, just in the middle of the night, I finished the strategy of the Great Cemetery, took away what should be taken away, and left what should be left, and then turned around and went to the city of wealth. You can guarantee that you can kill the Passion Tree before Kakarit.

On the other side, the turmoil in Richelo City was drawing to a close.

It's not that people have reorganized their defenses, it's just that there are basically not many people left.

After Akakaji flowers began mass slaughter. A strange inertia dominated his whole body.

He just wanted to kill the bandaged people. But after swinging, swinging, swinging, swinging the sword over and over until the swing was mechanically precise, a drunken ecstasy dominated his entire mind.

He was pleasantly surprised and terrified to find that in the repeated simple killings, his swordsmanship, which had reached the bottleneck for a long time, was actually showing some signs of progress.

It's like the weapon came alive, slashing the enemy by itself. Akakaji was fascinated by this wonderful feeling.

"not enough."

A cold and hoarse voice came from under the iron face, and Akakajika swung the sword and smashed the head of a girl without a bandage on her body.

Merely killing the wounded in bandages will not put an end to the plague.

Akakaji Flower repeatedly told herself in her heart that she couldn't relax.

And those who bandage them. And the people carrying the bandages...and the people standing around the wounded.

All to be killed. All have to be killed...

A voice resounded in Akakajika's mind repeatedly.

The slashing sword in the iron-faced butcher's hand was already full of gaps. The blood of the innocent soaked through the blade, and it looked as if the blade had been rusted and dimmed a lot.

A dim yellow light ignited faintly in his bloodshot pupils, and Akakajika murmured almost morbidly. Repeated in a hoarse and low voice: "Not enough, not enough, not enough..."

His eyes were completely stained with scarlet, and he couldn't see anything clearly. With his instinct, he hunted down everyone around him and killed them with his instinct. More like a beast than a warrior.

A voice similar to Akakaji Flower resounded in his heart.

The spores could spread and kill an entire street.

Do not. It should be said that the entire street must be killed.

In other words, the whole city, the whole Richero, including himself...

...Wait, yourself?

Suddenly realizing something, Akakajika was slightly startled, and the dim yellow flame in her eyes instantly went out. After a violent dizziness, the vision in front of him suddenly became clear.

"Shameless thief! Get out of my head!!"

Akakajika was furious and roared in a low voice.

His voice shook the surrounding sounds.

A purple and transparent strange life that was somewhat like a snake and some like an octopus seemed to suddenly hit an invisible wall and emerged from the void.

Chikajihua stretched out his hand and crushed it directly, feeling that the voice completely disappeared in his mind, and he was relieved.

Who is calculating themselves? What is this? When is it?

But before he could sort out the doubts in his heart, Chikajika felt the standard Carrar Slashing Sword in his hand buzzing violently, and then shattered out of thin air.

Akakaji Hana's eyes gradually became clearer. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

...well, at least we know when the problem is.

"That devil, even if he dies, it doesn't make me feel at ease..."

Chikajika didn't even bother to look back, and knew that there must be a sea of ​​corpses and blood behind her. But Akakaji Hana didn't look back because it wasn't because he was afraid of it, but because he didn't think there was any need to pay attention to those things. Even though her behavior just now was done under controlled behavior, Akakajika didn't bother to explain such a thing at all.

Now that they have all been killed here, it would be too ridiculous to regret it again. If he is such a timid and timid person, those who have been killed before will be uneasy after death.

There was only silence around. The whole city seemed to be dead, and he could no longer feel anyone around him.

The 400 people in this half-street have been killed by him Fortunately, this is a dead end, and there is only a collapsed port in front of it, and Akakajika doesn't have to worry about the infected people escaping.

There are only seven people left. Aside from the six seriously wounded people who were wrapped in bandages, there was only Marquis Saya, who stood in front of them with a sword like a sinking stone.

"Is it only you left. Lord Marquis."

Akakaji Hana asked in her original voice.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Arsu."

But Marquis Saya was not surprised at all: "Sure enough... that lord's expectations were not wrong in the slightest."

A huge sense of threat struck, and Akakaji Hua's pupils instantly shrank.

The next moment, the regular monarchs in the surrounding ruins stood up, holding crossbows with enchanted arrows on them.

"Give it up, Arsu... No, Mr. Devil," said Marquis Saya in a deep voice, "you have no room to escape." (To be continued.)

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