Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 119: all become ashes

— But none of those things matter.

On Joseph's face, a hideous but pious monster-like smile began to emerge.

He could clearly feel that the teacher was watching him.

This kind of mad dog-like, monster-like fighting style, this kind of manic destruction that makes death like the autumn wind, must be what the teacher is happy to see.

Not only were new prayers emerging in Joseph's heart, but he could also sense that his charism was growing rapidly.

The silver-level barrier broke through in an instant, and under the scouring of the massive divine grace, Joseph's soul became crystal clear, like colored glass scorched in the fire.

Joseph opened his mouth and prayed aloud in a hoarse voice: "Today! I praise the Master among the people! I will tell of her glory and proclaim her might!"

"People have to agree, Gao claimed, until they sleep!"

His teeth were completely burnt out. The poisonous fire of the **** of despair clings to him, almost burning him out.

This was not Joseph's sacrifice to the Master. Unlike those evil gods, the long-sleeping teacher does not need the priest to sacrifice herself.

To be precise, it was Joseph's sacrifice to himself.

Every time he chanted the prayer of despair, he could feel the deep despair in that prayer.

Worrying about God abandoning you. Worry about God leaving you.

Not wanting God to free me from adversity - not wanting God's power greedily, but wanting to use God's power to take myself out of danger and for my own good.

It was purer, like the panic of a babbling baby when he can't find his parents.

As long as God is by my side, I can feel at ease even if I die. If you cannot enter the place where your own gods are after death, your soul will be imprisoned and thrown into the kingdom of other gods. That would be unimaginable desperation for any pastor.

Imagine being left in a station full of strangers or whatever when you can't speak or move. That despair and fear of being abandoned. Desperate for pastors to want to prove something.

Even if he sacrificed his own children, even if he jumped off a cliff. Even if he removes his limbs and his eyes, he is willing to do so. A pious and desperate attitude is enough to give birth to all crazy actions.

Exactly—everything goes wild.

His shoulder blades, skull and spine began to burn, his ears and tongue had turned into pure bands of light, but his legs were still charging forward. It looked as dangerous as a blindfolded man sprinting down the edge of a cliff.

Before Joseph's silent prayer was finished, he had already rushed to the golden field beside the tree of suffering.

The huge Burning Man's body was squeezed and deformed, and the entire human figure was pressed into a slender posture like a pie, and it was spread over the gold field.

The pose that seems to be somewhat joyous can only give the impression of a "monster".

It is like a frozen tsunami, or a roaring volcano that is still rumbling. The gray-white flames were still rolling and entwining, but the Tree of Suffering hesitated, not knowing where to start for a while.

And this time. Joseph's silent prayer was drawing to a close.


Joseph exclaimed, in a hoarse voice, "—there are no words in this world, and no voices to hear!"

The next moment, a silver-white field also unfolded beside him. And then sank into the sea of ​​fire.

But obviously, the monotonous gold field around the Tree of Suffering was strongly affected. The brilliance of silver, centered on Joseph, gradually spread to the realm of the Tree of Suffering.

After being dyed silver, the voices around the tree of suffering suddenly disappeared. But at the same time, it also seems to have lost its ability to resist Joseph.

The thin barrier was vulnerable in front of the huge human figure. Just as Joseph was crouching on it, the sound of bang bang bang kept coming. under the weight of Joseph. The areas that had been dyed silver had undergone considerable deformation.

Seeing that the tree of suffering was not good, it tried to extract something from the man's head again and put it into the field.

But obviously, it was too late.

A tooth-searling bang bang bang sounded for about two seconds. In the end, as the huge flame humanoid raised his fists and slammed it down, the crisp sound of glass breaking instantly sounded. The realm of gold shattered directly.

The next moment, a huge gray-white flame humanoid rolled up a hurricane. He rushed directly towards the tree of suffering.

The tree of suffering was in danger of death, and it went berserk.

Its vines became three or four times thicker. A carapace like dragon scales appeared on it, and the speed of waving suddenly increased by more than three times. Just the hurricane that rolled up when it was swung shattered the flame's human form.

The golden water and the gray flames mixed together, and the fierce explosion sounded continuously. Jets of water large enough to pierce the building directly out of the large hole spewed upwards.

But although the Tree of Suffering had been armed to such an extent, the flame figure still grabbed a large number of vines with his hands, and then tore them apart.

As long as there is a trace of damage to the scales above, ash flames will pour into it, and the vines will instantly turn into ashes. The Tree of Suffering can only choose to cut off this part of the vines. But fortunately, its roots are still underground, its injuries will soon recover, and the vines seem to be endless.

And the vines wrapped in dragon scales slapped Joseph, and a huge gap would appear on the surface of Joseph's human figure, and the gray-white flames splashed backwards like surging water.

The war between giants and giant trees, although it looks like a child's play, is enough to set off a phenomenon-level disaster that destroys mortals.

Both sides tacitly did not attack each other's vital points below - such as Joseph's body or the head above the tree of suffering.

It's not that they keep their hands, but they all know that those key points that seem to be defenseless are actually the most terrifying positions on the enemy's body. Without depleting the opponent's strength to a certain extent, they did not dare to shoot at will to expose their flaws.

The situation on the field can be said to be evenly matched. Both are injuring the other at a synchronised pace, while both recovering from their injuries in their own way. The battle situation was firmly dragged in the direction of the protracted war step by step.

But at this time, a serious problem was placed before Joseph.

- He's almost burnt out.

Not an adjective. He was really about to burn out.

The flames in his chest and abdomen were about to go out, and he had already started to burn the skin and muscles of his whole body. His legs turned into firewood after he rushed to the tree of suffering.

In order to maintain his long-lasting combat capability, he said that the silver fireball remained at a radius of a little more than half a meter and did not increase. Joseph didn't even dare to launch these silver-white real poisonous fires, and could only fight with the light of the flowing fire after being burned by the poisonous fires.

But even so, Joseph was about to burn himself out in just over a minute after entering the most tragic fight.

- I will die.

Such a clear foreboding appeared in Joseph's heart. UU reading

And he knew very well that this time, Roland would not come to save him again.

The manic fighting intent gradually subsided as the premonition of death gradually subsided, and a determination gradually emerged in Joseph's heart.

It’s okay to be led by someone, or it’s okay to be used as a gun. It is pointless to pursue these things at this moment.

The more and more intense silver-white light began to flicker in the huge flame humanoid, becoming stronger and brighter.

If he had to die, Joseph didn't want to be dragged to death like a fool. It's enough to live a life of indifference and go with the flow all your life.

Enough is enough.

At least at this holy moment in a person's life, when he died, Joseph wanted a more splendid and unforgettable death.

To be remembered by everyone - to be continued.


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