Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Deviated hope

After finally saying goodbye to the old woman who was muttering some vague words, the three of Roland left the old woman's house and prepared to continue to Bansa.

But as soon as he stepped out of the door, the almost visible joy reverberated in the air welled up.

"It really doesn't hurt anymore! It doesn't hurt at all!"

"Really! I feel strong again!"

"Hey, can you smell it, the wind is so fragrant!"

"Look! The bloodstains on these walls are gone!"

The patients who were still huddled in the corner the night before, waiting to die, came back to life overnight. They gathered in a pile, pinched the place where the bloodstains were on their bodies, and shared themselves with their life and death partners in almost ecstasy. joy.

Lilia immediately realized that Roland's magic not only dispelled the plague, but also saved those who were almost dead in one breath.

Lilia remembered how seriously ill these people were yesterday. The internal organs were rotting, and the belly was waving like a balloon full of water.

But now, they are standing blushing, the muscles on their bodies bulging again, except for the fallen hair that has not grown back, and even the color of their skin has returned to the state before the disease.

In the vibrant voices of the former corpse reservists, gradually, almost desperate, yellow-faced and skinny residents simply opened their windows. Looking at the power-filled notes on those patients, they were so surprised that they couldn't even utter a word.

The re-strengthened patients laughed and shouted upstairs: "Come down!"

"Come out! It's all right!"

"The bloodstains on the walls are gone! The bloodstains on the trees are gone! It's really over!"

"The plague is over!"

a little bit. The ecstatic chaos begins to spread.

"The plague is over?" "It's really over?"

Someone had this question. With the affirmation of the living evidence, many of them burst into tears. Some people roared and cried hysterically, some fell to the ground helplessly, and some people hugged and cried.

One door after another opened. Come out alone. Someone knelt on the ground tremblingly and kissed the earth. Some people were praying randomly to something, and some people were hugging the sick and crying.

Almost half of the people were crying. Half of the remaining half were unable to cry. But even so, ecstasy and joy filled the town.

The scene in front of her gave Lilia a strong sense of shock.

What is salvation and what is hell. Compared with yesterday, the earth-shaking changes that took place in just one night gave Lilia a lesson in an extremely profound way.

That is "what is the use of power". and "how to use power".

But even so, Lilia was still full of doubts.

"Brother Roland... You see they are so happy, as if they were saved... Will they really become so vicious in the future?"

Facing Lilia's questioning, Roland just smiled: "What do you think, Lilia?"

"I think it's like a cold. They have antibodies to disasters. They should be able to adapt next time." Lilia replied solemnly.

Roland shook his head and denied Lilia's point of view: "No, it's impossible. It's impossible for people to adapt to disasters."


"Look at their eyes, Lilia," Roland said flatly, "you should be able to see better than me."

Under Roland's guidance, Lilia turned her head. Turning attention to the eyes of those who have just been rescued.

Because many people were crying, only a few people could see Lilia in their eyes.

For a while, she couldn't help feeling a little chill in her heart.

Even when they were rescued, there was no immediate hope in their eyes. Although most of the despair had been eliminated, the lack of vitality and strong suspicion still remained in their eyes.

The plague has changed them forever, both in life and in character.

Roland didn't look back, just walked straight out of the town.

Almost everyone saw Roland. But their eyes only stayed for a moment before moving away. Lilia saw a very obvious disgust and alienation in their eyes.

"Wait, wait for me, Brother Roland..."

Lilia hurriedly chased after him. Gahalad followed Lilia unhurriedly.

"No one can be saved, Miss Lilia."

The young knight sighed like an old man: "They only want more. People are not elves, not fairies, not dragons. Original sin is in their blood, and greed and laziness are always in their nature. ."

"Because... Twilight?"


Gahalad replied ambiguous: "If you know how fragile and strong life people are, you know that they can't adapt to disasters."

"Disaster is a knife. Even if the knife hadn't killed them at the time, it would have left long, ugly scars that left them with pain and the smell of cold metal. It's impossible to adapt to disaster... The word "adapted" is too powerful."

"Numbing. That's the word."

Roland answered suddenly.

Gahalad nodded: "Almost. Many people think they are accustomed to disasters and misfortunes. In fact, not many people really see through everything. What they are used to is only their own pain."

"Disaster brings pain. Most people are used to pain, feel numb to pain, and think they have nothing to fear... Oh, what an arrogant and ignorant idea."

The young knight laughed self-deprecatingly.

"I want to correct you one thing, Lilia."

Roland turned around suddenly and looked at Lilia seriously.

What puzzled Lilia was that his eyes at the moment were not as calm as his tone. A mixture of anger, sad nostalgia, and pleasure emerged in his seemingly indifferent silver-gray pupils.

If it wasn't for Lilia's ability to see through delusions, she wouldn't be able to see it.

Roland's abnormality cheered Lilia up.

Sure enough, Roland then said something incomprehensible but seemingly meaningful: "Lilia, you must not save anything for the sake of others... that will only lead you to death."

"Other people's wishes?"

"Yes. You can be a judge, you can be a savior, but in any case, don't always act on the wishes of others... Although you can also get the pleasure of saving others from it, it actually does give yourself Carrying a burden that cannot be thrown away."

"Once you start behaving like this, you can't stop. Those people will haunt you like nasty flies, **** with moral flags and a superficial 'friendship' with you, Force you to save something. Although they didn't use force, they were more violent."

"If you only act for the wishes of others, you can only be a wishing machine, not a person—"

Roland's emotions became more and more agitated, and even Gahalad could see that Roland was abnormal, let alone Lilia.

Taking a breath, Roland slowly calmed down: "...Sorry, I'm excited."

"What happened? Brother Roland?"

"Nothing. It's over."

Roland said contradictory words, and took Lilia and Gahalad out of the central area of ​​Ram and into the no-man's land.

Suddenly, Lilia realized a detail.

Those who are healthy... appear to be far fewer than the patients who were dying last night.

Faced with Lilia's Roland's reaction was flat: "Because they gave up."

"……give up?"

"That's right. All the dead bodies were treated as the plague and purified. I got the plan to disperse the plague at one o'clock in the morning, and it was three o'clock after the ceremony. And those people...they could have persisted. It was dawn. But some people thought, 'Oh, it's better to die', so they gave up early and ended their own lives... Oh, they didn't save themselves, how could others save them? Complain?"

Roland's words were low: "He ended his life because of his own pain... What about those relatives and friends who miss them?"

He said that he should not act on the expectations of others, and that he should ask for help in time. Roland's words seemed contradictory, but they were not contradictory - Lilia finally understood.

Roland must be missing someone, recalling someone.

Although I hadn't seen it before, Lilia thought, that must be a very gentle and correct person.

A man with warmth in his smile. (To be continued.)

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