Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 135: Helga's Ambition

She said this, but Kakarite calmed down.

He believed that when the final decision was made, Helga would know what to do. And if she wants to do something that she regrets, Kakarite will try her best to stop her.

Kakarit didn't want the child to regret his past actions in the future.

It was only around this time that Kakarit realized that she was still a child.

But taking a step back, even if he didn't stop Helga, His Majesty Roland would definitely be able to save her from despair before that.

In fact, Kakarit was more interested in the price Helga paid.

She said, "Loyalty to Roland", then, is this effect time-limited or permanent? Is it the interference of the mind or the manipulation of memory? What is the level of loyalty? Is it obedience or general hiring?

All of this affects Kakarit's attitude towards Helga.

After all, a person who dares to sell himself, what else can he dare to do? If there is no rope that can restrain him, with her madness, she will definitely destroy herself and the people around her.

Looking back now, I am afraid that when Helga saw his father being brutally murdered by the man in the face, he must have gone crazy.

However, there was one more thing Kakarit didn't quite understand.

"Helga, we are now a faction partner, right?"

"Of course."

Helga answered cheerfully.

She sat in her seat and didn't get up, she pointed to the chair that had been set up opposite her with her chin, and motioned Kakarit to sit on it.

When Kakarit was seated, she said leisurely: "You don't have to worry about me, Lord Kakarit. I didn't sell myself to my mentor for hatred."

"That is?"

"My father was a genius."

Helga abruptly diverted the topic and scratched the plate in front of him with a fork: "He could almost become a Druid with his own interests. And even if he didn't choose the natural way in the end, But my father has already mastered a level of knowledge beyond the average Druid."

"Well, you probably guessed it. I knew the existence of the saint from the beginning."

Speaking of this, Helga's face showed a bit of sarcasm: "Not only me, most Druids in Caral know about this. Smart words. They should have realized that the saints are coming soon. , and they were powerless to resist."

"But the truth is, aren't those old guys unwilling?" Kakarit immediately realized what Helga meant.

Helga just snorted contemptuously, and the dull blue pupils made Kakarit think of Roland.

With her right hand subconsciously, she poked the fork directly into the fish bone: "Why are those stubborn old immortals willing to hand over their rights? My father chose to stay out of it when he realized that the druids were also beginning to corrupt."

Speaking of which, Helga paused slightly. Then asked: "Do you know the Ring of Ashes?"

"what is that?"

"Forget it if you don't know. It's just a bunch of rabble. They even dreamed of leading a mob to overthrow the lord's rule, and brought down the royal family of Caral in one breath with anger enough to burn the three thousand worlds to ashes. Going to glory with the will of 'human beings' evolution or something"

Helga described it with dramatic exaggeration. Before she could finish speaking, Kakarit laughed out loud: "How is it possible. Without the king's will to control it, no matter how many soldiers are just furious souls, what else can they do other than kill?"

"That's why I said, it's just a rabble. If you don't count the man, they're just a group of defeated dogs. A defeated dog is a defeated dog, and they can't make a pack of wolves when they get together."

There was a hint of fear in Helga's eyes: "However, that guy is tricky."

"But, does this have anything to do with the Druids? No wonder"

"It's that one."

Helga's mouth twitched slightly. A cold smile that was the same as Roland half a month ago opened in Kakarit's frightened eyes: "They are a group of rebellious druids, and almost all of their high-level members are members of the World Ring Sect. They declared The first thing I set up is to burn the world's last precious amethyst wattle tree to ashes, which means that the 'resurrection medicine' prepared by Druid has become a masterpiece that cannot be reproduced."

"Their provocation completely angered the three sages. You may not know, the seemingly peaceful Kalal has entered a civil war. The trend of 'cutting the ring' has set off within the Druids, and the rest of the The Druids of the World Ring were also persecuted, which is why you can't see the blighted ones. They have been sent out to hunt down those innocent persecuted ones. All nobles involved will be killed regardless of their rank . Externally, it is claimed that 'the Ashes killed these nobles who love their people like children', hoping that the gray forces in the whole country of Caral will destroy the Ashes here together."

"It looks messy enough."

"Yeah. It's messy enough."

Helga said this, and indifferently said a sentence that made Kakarit stunned for a few seconds: "So, I think there is no need for Druids to exist anymore."


"I can say it a few times if I didn't understand clearly. For today's Caral, the Druid is no longer a protector, but a drag on Caral."

Helga's dark blue eyes were calm and confident like stagnant water: "Maybe at the beginning, Caral relied on Druids to exist. But. Now the gods are about to be destroyed, and Caral, the only one whose divine power is higher than the king's power, has fallen behind. It's time. If you don't hurry up and do something, when other countries break away from the constraints of the gods and enter into high-speed development, Caral will continue to crawl on the ground in pain, because of the trivial conflicts between a group of stubborn wooden heads. dead and alive."

As he said Helga lightly stroked his hair and tilted his upper body slightly towards Kakarite. With a charming smile: "Let's make it clearer. I want to overthrow Duide's control of the nobles together with His Royal Highness Roland. Then the Druid will return to the mentor, the people will belong to His Royal Highness Roland, and the land will belong to me. At that time , I might even dedicate the entire country to the mentor or, in other words, to His Majesty Roland."

"You will not."

Kakarit rejected her words without hesitation: "You won't let go, Helga."


Helga shook his head and stopped talking about this topic.

She turned around, turned to Kakarite, and stared out of the window dazedly, her tender face even more delicate under the morning light.

Then, she murmured in an inaudible voice.

"The mentor took pity on me at first, I just wanted to become an alchemist." (To be continued.)

"Think of friends, this article is collected from"

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