Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 173: The returning saint

[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of the starting point, the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and school bags, this 515 red envelope must be watched. There is no reason not to grab red envelopes. Set an alarm clock~

"As you said, miss. It was His Majesty Roland who sent me here to investigate the truth."

"Roland... Your Majesty? Are you an Elkat?"

As a result, the girl curiously said something that Shira could not ignore.

His sense of responsibility and honor made him unable to explain this: "No, I am from Bansa. My name is Sheila, the loyal messenger and shield of His Majesty the Pope... Now temporarily serving as a cardinal."

"Huh? Roland has become Tyre's Pope now... It's really interesting."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but chuckle. Then she turned her head and commanded a crow behind her: "Charles, you go get a pair of 'boots'. This lord is a distinguished guest."

The crow nodded silently, glanced at Sheila, and then turned away.

After giving the order, the girl turned her head with a smile and said enthusiastically to Xila: "Introduce myself, I'm Claudia. Claudia Crowley... By the way, I'm the long-sleeping mentor. Saintess."

"The teacher's saint?"

Sheila was taken aback.

He naturally knew what a great existence the Long Sleeping Master was.

On that night, after he indicated to Roland that he wanted to know the truth, Roland baptized Sheila and presided over a conversion ceremony to bring Sheila into contact with the long-sleeping mentor.

Because of Tyre's fall, Syrah was not punished in any way. But because his soul has been assimilated by Tyre once, the synchronization between him and his mentor is not high, and his rank has fallen to the peak of the silver rank in one breath.

But the mentor has recognized him. And let Cyrah get the profession of martyr.

Although Xila's rank has dropped by nearly two steps due to the change of belief, Xila is confident and relies on her own perception ability. It will take more than a month at most to reshape the soul and return to the golden stage again.

At the same time, because Xila really had a complete grasp of the realm of justice, after he obtained the magic of the long-sleeping mentor, the magic of the realm of justice and a small amount of magic of the field of the sun were not completely covered, but independent. It has become a magical art that belongs to Shira himself.

However, although Syrah really no longer believes in Tyre, his speaking habits still cannot be changed. He would always subconsciously pray to the dead Tyre, but in fact he is indeed the pastor of the mentor.

Therefore, he naturally knew what kind of concept the saintess of the dormant mentor was.

The saint of saints and the saint of gods are not of the same level at all. The latter is at best a mascot, while the former is the shackles of the Holy One restricting the Pope's rights.

In other words, the saintess of the mentor and Roland, who is the pope, should be of the same rank. Sheila should respect Claudia as she respects Roland.

Now, thinking back to the sentence "My Tyre" that he accidentally blurted out before, Sheila felt a wave of unease in her heart.

The instructor was on, he really just said it smoothly. A habit that has lasted for more than 30 years is not easy to change.

"That... Lady Saint..."

"Don't worry about the details, Xila." Claudia said with a gentle smile, "I can see the piety and integrity in your heart. You are a rare righteous person in this era, don't let your heart be polluted by the twilight. ."


Sheila obeyed.

In Claudia, he felt a sense of tranquility that was similar but different from that of Roland.

If the sense of tranquility in Roland is the kind of unconscious and permanent peace after death, then the sense of tranquility in Claudia is the tranquility, sadness and solemnity at a funeral.

Just looking at her makes me feel a touch of sadness, but also because of this, I can feel her purity. Even the most irritable and rude person will hold their breath and lower their voice in front of her.

Just as Cyla and Claudia were talking. The crow has turned back. One of his "forelegs" was carrying a package, and within the slightly blood-soaked package were four long oak sticks.

Sheila couldn't help turning her head: "My Lady of Saintess. This is..."

"Don't worry, I didn't want you to cut off your limbs."

Claudia said with a smile, and helped Xila fix her gaze on Xila's arm with a special rope buckle: "Just saying that you'd better not touch this swamp... There are not only plagues in it, but also some other stuff."


Sheila noticed the word keenly.

However, Claudia stopped explaining. After tying four wooden sticks like stilts to Shira, he walked towards the swamp.

Xila watched Claudia walk onto the swamp, and then she seemed to have no weight. It was easy to step on it.

No, not stepping on a swamp.

Shera stared for a while before noticing a small gap between Claudia's feet and the scarlet swamp. She was silently suspended in the air like a phantom.

No witchcraft reaction, no magical aura. She didn't even see any signs of the ritual being launched, she simply walked in the air. If it weren't for her, she did have a shadow. Xila had to doubt whether the Lady Saint was a ghost.

Just after Claudia took three or four steps without leaving any footprints on the swamp, her figure suddenly paused, and she turned to look at Xila, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, her meaning was self-evident. .

Xila sighed, then awkwardly propped up her body with four wooden sticks, and moved towards the swamp step by step, imitating the crows.

With the support of his agility, it seems that it is not difficult to support himself with a wooden stick to walk. But in the next instant when all his limbs entered the scarlet swamp, Sheila felt that the stick on her right arm seemed to have hit something slippery. , you will lose your center of gravity and slip directly.

Sheila had even closed her eyes, and a strong golden holy flame emerged from her body, ready to dry the scarlet ominous swamp directly to prevent it from touching her own flesh.

But at this moment, Xila's peripheral vision saw a slender and white hand stretched out from the side, easily breaking through the holy flame, and firmly fixed Xila's body.

"Aah, you have to be careful," Claudia said with a smile, as if she had succeeded in mischief, "it would be terrible if you fall. Also, you'd better remove your holy flame... You are shocked. Here are the kids."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Xila unconsciously used the honorific title, but she was still in shock.

How did she get here?

One second, she was clearly three or four meters away, but the next second she instantly appeared behind Xila. The whole process between them seemed to be cut out artificially, and Xila had no impression at all.

Even with his perception, he clearly did not perceive her behavior within the range of perception.

And she didn't rely on brute force for the one she held on to Xila.

The moment before she came into contact with, there was a huge uniform force that wrapped Xila firmly and drove him to balance his body.

Just as she didn't touch the swamp, Syrah could be sure that Claudia's hand didn't touch her body. It was as if there was an invisible wall in between.

... what kind of power is this?

But Xila didn't ask her questions out.

Just when he was tangled in the same place, Claudia "supported" him, and carefully guided Xila's limbs to move forward in the swamp with that great strength. This time, Xila did not encounter any obstacles and followed Claudia all the way.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, the dense woods suddenly became sparse. What Shira saw was a village that could only be described as bizarre.

In other words, the gathering place of human beings.

It's raining red packets at the starting point of ps.5.15! From 12:00 noon, there will be a round every hour, and a large wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all go grab it, and continue to subscribe to my chapters with the starting coins you grabbed! (To be continued.)

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