Blood of Mercury

Vol 3 Chapter 5: Innovation across eras

[Book Title: The Blood of Mercury Chapter 5 Innovation across the Ages Author: Do not pray for ten strings]

Welcome to the latest chapter of the blood of mercury! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Strongly recommended: The Gate of Creation, The Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Devils, Heavenly Records, Confucianism, Taoism, and Taoism, the Wisdom Emperor of the Song Dynasty, Yushan, Rivers, Three Realms, Blood Songs, Best Cultivation, Powerful Young Masters, Only My God, Reverend, Reckless Ji, I want to seal the sky, I am the honor of God's will, Han Yu The Road to Awakening Wu Zun Dao Invincible Yao Zun "Let's put aside some basic mistakes of Miss Rorona for now."

When Rorona was far away, the Marquis shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and asked Parbuchko: "You're telling the truth, Lord Starcaller - is there any value in Rorona's idea?"

"With all due respect, Lord Marquis Lyria, your brain is not much better than that of Miss Rorona."

Yin Mao Zhengtai yawned and replied unceremoniously: "If her design is not of sufficient value, I tore up her flawed design drawings and threw them into the gutter the first time I saw it. That's it. The flawed labeling and the use of runes that can be called surprising ideas, I felt dizzy and stomach ache just looking at it for a while."

"Yes, yes... you said..." Marquis Laria smiled helplessly and nodded in response.

I have been with this well-known wizard for more than ten days. During this time, he deeply understood what kind of sad situation those young White Tower wizards were in.

With talent and prestige commensurate, Starcaller's violent temper is also legendary.

Although Su Zeren's temper is not very good, but unlike the star callers, the group of white bears in the tundra prefer to directly smear the bear's face rather than swearing.

With such a grumpy mentor, you can imagine what kind of pain those apprentices who are not skilled in their studies will go through.

However, the Marquis of Lyria also knew that the Starcaller did not speak ill of his apprentices because of his own malice. His opinions are like a sharp knife, cutting into the core of the problem with great precision, and dissecting the most fatal mistakes for you to see.

That's the most unspeakable thing. Whenever the Starcaller starts spraying people, you'll find that he's always right. There is nothing more choking than someone scolding you happily but you can't find a word that can be sprayed back.

If nothing else, the Starcaller's temper should have something to do with his origins - as a wizard, they are always easily influenced by their own origins.

But fortunately, the Starcaller is just grumpy. His heart is still kind.

At least in the teacher-student relationship, the Star Caller will never make things difficult for a person because of personal reasons, nor will he be jealous of a person's talent and tolerate him in every possible way. Every apprentice who can humbly accept the opinions of the Starcaller will eventually go farther than those who stubbornly hate this "nasty white-haired dwarf". This kind of excellent apprentice resources accumulated over hundreds of years made him the most authoritative person in the entire White Tower.

However, now that the White Tower has collapsed, the authority of the Starcaller no longer exists.

As far as the outside world's perception of the White Tower is concerned, the name of the Starcaller is not as loud as "The Strongest Witch on Earth" Anvilia, or the Starcaller's close friend, "Dream Walker" Clavilai. The former is a powerhouse that makes the entire world of gods fearful and dares not take the initiative to attack for hundreds of years, and a top powerhouse who can petrify tens of thousands of people at the same time; A top assassin who can go beyond the perception of a weapon master and behead people directly from thousands of miles away. Clavi's origin nature makes his assassination impossible to defend against - unless you never sleep. In many local legends, Clavi's name was even used to frighten disobedient children.

But if you have a little knowledge of the history of the White Tower, you will know the name of the star caller Parbuchko.

As the most noble wizard mentor of the White Tower, who almost supports the inheritance of the entire White Tower by himself, the star caller Parbuchko will always make those who have not seen him imagine him as the kind of white beard The old man who reached the ground, wore a heavy and complicated starry sky robe, and smiled very kindly.

But it wasn't until he actually saw him in person that the Marquis of Lyria didn't know how unreliable the records were.

If it were other nobles, they would have been furious with the provocation of the star caller long ago. That is, Laria, a strangely gentle guy who is a different kind among the nobles, can adapt to the violent temper of the Starcaller.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said, "Then, if all the mistakes in Rorona's design are repaired...what level of work do you think this is?"

"—This is a great work across the ages."

Starcaller blurted out without hesitation.

Laria couldn't help laughing: "Oh? But you just made Rorona cry."

"It has nothing to do with that."

Yin Mao Zhengtai shook his head and replied seriously: "I should train her. If she does something wrong, I will train her, it has nothing to do with where she does well. Marquis, you must also know that excellence is impossible. Makes up for mistakes. If I don't train her, she will never have a memory and will make the same mistakes in the future... And as I just said, if I'm not around her next time, she's not sure she'll mess with her What a big trouble. I am responsible for Rorona and for those innocent people."

"You really are a good teacher."

The Marquis of Lyria couldn't help sighing.

The corner of the Star Caller's mouth raised, his face raised, and he said in a proud tone: "That's—my friend, only for this point I want to praise you, it seems that you are not too confused. Of course, if you If you're a little smarter, you'll find this advantage in me as you should."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The Marquis responded with a gentle smile, stepped forward, and spread out the design drawings that Rorona had laid out on the table.

Looking at the design drawings covered with dense runes and annotations, and the same dense red pens filled with errors and corrections, the Marquis of Lyria once again realized that this scolding guy showed no mercy. How did he get the respect and not the hatred of the wizards.

Although he did not know any witchcraft, the Marquis was deeply attracted by the curves, runes and words full of human wisdom, and realized the beauty contained in these boring Realizing that the Marquis was looking at the blueprint, the star also stepped forward, folded his hands on his chest, and said lightly in a plain tone that did not fit his character at all: "You don't need to look at the Marquis. You won't understand. to what a great invention this is."

"Please advise."

"Not to mention advice... I will introduce you in a way that you can understand. What an amazing and dangerous thing this alchemist hired by your family has invented. If you want me to say it, this is even whiter than some time ago. That communicator that towers popular is much better."

"Although this is just a long windmill-like waterwheel that converts water energy into some solid energy and stores it...but the real value is not the value that the waterwheel can create, and its power after detonation. superior."

"In this, the real value of the times is the solid energy that is stable enough for anyone who has not learned magic to store, transport and use easily. I looked at Rorona's blueprint, as long as With a little improvement, the extraction rate of this energy can be multiplied, and any normal person can do it after a simple training - you know what that means?"

"Yeah, you guessed it. That means people no longer have to cut down forests to keep warm in the winter, which means that supported wizards can use an unlimited number of sorceries, which means that any normal person can use wizards. It means that the energy of alchemical creations can be supplemented without gems and energy crystals, which means that inventions that were previously limited to the audience and were unpopular will be found out in large numbers and put on the world stage.”

Yin Mao Zhengtai stared at the design drawing, and clenched his right hand subconsciously.

He paused and said softly in a hallucinatory voice: "This means... the age of mortals has really come." (To be continued.) 2k Novel Reading Network

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