Blood of Mercury

Vol 3 Chapter 66: doomsday

In fact, the professor is not exhausted. 〔(?network?

Apart from the variable Roland, the professor miscalculated at least two things.

One of the things is that even without his help, the undead still defeated the plague beast Del Ramos.

In a posture no one expected, in a situation no one expected, they won an unexpected victory——

That is, Higgs suddenly jumped out of the ground, opened a huge mouth like a big crack, swallowed the disaster beast and the undead that had just been provoked and stood up, and then sank into the ground again.

After a brief silence, clack clack, crystals formed on the ground on a large scale.

The pale yellow crystals protruded from the ground on a large scale, clinging to the epidermis of the wing tree, forming strange protrusions.

In just a moment, the forest permanently shrouded in darkness turned into a twilight crystal jungle.

Deviating from the benchmark of natural objects, the stubborn oak locks that formed the four-layered enchantment disintegrated instantly, and the black gust of wind whistled away to the surroundings, forming a strange black vortex in the sky.

After the stubborn oak lock was broken, the surrounding earth was also infected by the dim yellow crystals. It quickly spread to the surroundings, and while making the sound of cracking the ice surface, it covered the ground with frost.

A strange sound like the chirping of a fox sounded, and the pale yellow crystal clusters like deer antlers spread and grew from the ground, and the ground bulged high.

At this time, the army from the Principality of Saya had just arrived nearby.

"...What the **** is that?"

Before the spreading crystalline earth, the leading knight suddenly reined in his horse, and a vague and frightening voice came from the metal mask.

But from his angle, he couldn't see the sudden acceleration of the spread of the dusk crystals beneath him. Like a thirsty beast, like a camouflage crawling in the water, these crystals pounced on lifelessly, freezing the front feet of the armored warhorse under him.

Hearing the angry and panicked neigh of the warhorse, the knight realized that something was wrong.


He called out the name of his beloved comrade-in-arms, and loudly encouraged it to break the crystals: "Escape quickly! We retreat! Quick!"

His steed is the finest of the Caral steeds, capable of shattering the sternum of a good warrior with just a single step through the metal plate armor. But even with its pedaling force, it couldn't get out of the crystal at all.

Although he shouted with all his strength, the young knight realized in despair that those crystals could not help but not be broken, but climbed up like snakes greedily, fixing the four hooves of the war horse on the dim yellow crystal ground. .

The next moment, a shield with fine thorns flew from behind the knight in a weird arc, and the chain quickly wrapped around the knight's body several times. The thin blade of the shield rubbed violently with the armor on the knight's body, and was immediately bent by something else, stuck in the gap of the armor on the knight's body, and sparks splashed around for a while.

After that, the knight's body suddenly detached from the battle horse, flew backwards, and landed right on the horse of the retreating comrade-in-arms.

That is the skill of the shield dancer to use the shield to cut off the enemy's knight owl, cut off the horse's leg, or drag the opponent's knight from the horse. Only a very good shield dancer can strike with such precision on a horse...or throw.

As if the unwilling prey had escaped, those dim yellow crystals subconsciously wanted to capture the knight, and followed them from the crystal ground, forming sharp protrusions like thousands of raised arms.

After the failure to capture, those crystal clusters became angry, and instantly accelerated the speed of devouring, and instantly completely solidified the tall warhorse, forming a crystal image shining with golden light.

"No, Nord—"

The knight groaned, reaching out to grab something. But as soon as he lifted it up, he calmed down.

"Deputy head, let's retreat! Those things must be conjured by the magic of the devil!"

The tall shield dancer said dully: "We have to go back to the priest! Only they know how to deal with this monster!"

"...Yes, you are right."

After taking a few deep breaths, the knight nodded heavily and shouted loudly: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Turning his back to the knight who did not turn his head, the eyes of the horse whose crystals were condensed and the crystal clusters condensed in pain suddenly lit up with an extremely dazzling yellow light.

Then, it moved silently. He teleported to the front end of the dim yellow crystal carpet with a lightning-like speed and jumped high.

As proud as its former owner. It only took a volley and shook the tall shield dancer sitting in front of the knight and the warhorse under it into a muddy flesh. Its owner was caught off guard, covered in sticky blood, and rolled on the ground several times.

The warhorse flew lightly and gracefully to his side, and while the knight was still struggling, several crystal-yellow chains like whips suddenly pierced out and nailed into the knight's limbs.

In his pained wailing, he was pulled up by his mount and tied to his chest. Just like the stabs that the Bansa like to put on the chest of war horses, or the statues of the Titans hanging in front of their ships - his limbs are turned into crystals, bent inversely, and buried deep in the body of the horse , and his head and chest were immediately covered with scale-like crystal-yellow protrusions.

His eyes have completely turned into crystal yellow stones, but just by looking at his painful expression, he can tell that he is still not dead——

The knight who once rode the warhorse completely replaced his position with his warhorse in a matter of seconds.

Seeing this scene, those knights were so frightened that they didn't even dare to turn their heads, and ran away desperately.

The tall spar warhorse stared at those people for a few seconds, then jumped into the sky and leaped forward at a speed like a gust of wind. In just two jumps, it caught up with those in front.

In its neighing sound, the wall made of spar rose from the ground for no reason. Those knights stopped their horses, slammed into the wall one by one, fell off their horses, and then were trampled into flesh by their companions behind them. filling. Only a handful of lucky ones were on the other side of the wall.

More terrible than that.

Those meat sauces were covered in crystal yellow wriggling on their own, connecting to each other. Formed an indescribable crystalline monster that was stranger than a stitched corpse and completely inhuman.

About each group was nearly two meters high, and monsters equal to the number of knights climbed up from their corpses. When the dim yellow behind him spread here, the ground has become extremely clean.

The knights were trembling and terrified, and they rolled and crawled away.

"Don't chase. Let them spread fear."

Just as those twisted monsters wanted to pursue, they were stopped by an old voice.

The arrogant crystal cluster warhorse also lowered its head in front of the voice, and an old man in a crystalline cardinal red robe came up from behind and gently touched the crystalline mane of the war horse.

His face was pale and clean like scales, but it could be vaguely seen that he was Guderian who was transformed into an undead by the professor.

Behind Guderian, countless undead with their bodies covered in scales and yellow eyes stood silently and resolutely.

——The second mistake made by the professor is that he should not delusionally think that the undead can resist the assimilation of the Twilight species.

Guderian stared blankly at the northwest. After a long time, he calmly turned his head to the north and mounted his horse sideways.

"In the name of Higgs, you should step on Suze."

"In the name of Higgs, you should hunt the ice dragon."

His old voice sounded leisurely under the sky: "In the name of Higgs—"

"Mountains, wake up."

The next moment, the mountains on both sides of him were squirming, raising his head, straightening his body, shaking off the floating soil on his body, revealing the crystal clear body below.

They only took one step, and the earth shook.

That's a real living mountain. (To be continued.) 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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