"I don't know why you attacked me. You can only choose to fight back. I'm sorry."

"Stop being so pretentious, woman!" The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks moved faster than his voice, almost almost

He arrived in front of Sheng Lun in just one breath.

Sheng Lun also realized that this man was by no means an ordinary person. The fighting system of this world was different from that of

The original world is very different. The enemies in this world are undoubtedly extremely difficult to deal with. Almost all the enemies in the original world are extremely difficult to deal with.

Unencountered levels.

You have to do your best to deal with them from the beginning.

Although Sheng Lun doesn't like meaningless disputes, he also won't forgive the enemy's malice. Shen Lun

The heavy stone sword deflected the enemy's attack, and the swordsmanship and swordsmanship were head-to-head. The man was obviously not Shenglun.


People who make good use of swordsmanship are often good at physical skills such as kicking. The thin man is far less good at physical skills.

After several confrontations with Sheng Lun, the latter kicked him in the midsection, causing him to stagger.

Sheng Lun uses the swordsmanship handed down from his family, and he is one of the best in the world.

swordsmanship genius,

"Sir, stop fighting. You are no match for me.

"Little girl, watch your head!" The man grinned a mean smile.

"?!" Noticing the crystal-colored sharp knife floating on his head, Sheng Lun hurriedly dodged, but he didn't have time.

He was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife.

"Well! Sheng Lun held his belly and took a few steps back. Naturally, the man would not let this opportunity go.

A great opportunity for people in danger.

"This is the Immaculate White. It is just the first knockout round on the road to becoming a god. Even divinity is not there."

If you don't know how to use it, you will die sooner or later. It is better to die in my hands. "The man laughed ferociously.

God, sex?

Sheng Lun didn't know what this term referred to, and she followed her own instinct to fight.

She never gives up even when she is at a disadvantage.

She had no reason to give up, no matter if it was for the day when she would be reunited with her sister.

Fall down here.

Saint Lun, the future Baland's original swordsman, at this moment defeated divinity and defeated


Without the use of divinity or any form of energy, she defeated her opponent with pure swordsmanship.

Why don't you give me the final blow?" asked the man who was paralyzed and lying on the ground.

"I said, I don't like this kind of meaningless battle."

"It's meaningless? Hehe, hehe, are you serious? ?" After hearing this statement, the man stared.

His bloodshot eyes widened.

"Do you know what this world means? And how many people do not belong to this plane?

Did Chu go to pieces just to get here? ? A man who knows his time is running out is evil.

He looked at Sheng Lun with a smile.

"Forget it, I want to see how long a woman like you with such thoughts can go."

"Woman, my death is just the beginning."

"I didn't want to kill

"But I want to kill you!" The man stared angrily. "Not only do I want to kill you, there is no such thing in this world

There are friendly creatures on your side, and everyone wants to kill you! They also want to kill each other, becoming the most

One of the survivors. "


"Why? People who come to this world still don't know why? ?" The man was funny

Looking at Sheng Lun, maybe he really made a mistake. This woman is more innocent than he thought.

For many, even becoming an entrant may be an accident.

"Forget it, even if I can't kill you, you will never be able to survive in this world for a long time.

This world cannot tolerate you. If you want to survive, you have to integrate yourself into this world, otherwise

Before Sheng Lun could understand what the man was talking about, the latter lost his breath.

He was eliminated as a player.

"Integrating into this world? Sheng Lun couldn't figure out how he could actively cater to this world.

If you don't cater to this world, you won't be able to survive.

No matter how doubtful she was, she could only keep going.

Pick up the man's sword and cloak and continue moving forward.

She noticed that the number behind the column of devouring level changed from 2 to 3.

After killing the man, a force in his body seemed to be absorbed by her, thus improving her

Got this thing called Devouring Level-

After a fierce battle, daybreak came, but

She still didn't feel sleepy at all. Not only was she not sleepy, she didn't even feel sleepy at all.

I don't even feel tired, my body is full of energy, and I feel like I won't be tired even if I fight hundreds of rounds.

The most incredible thing is that she hasn't eaten for a whole day and night, but she doesn't have any

Feeling of hunger without any desire or need for food.

She began to doubt whether she could still be considered a human being now.

In the endless desert, a petite figure is forging ahead. She is dressed in gray and plain clothes.

His cloak and blond hair were blown around in the storm and flew behind his head.

She could no longer remember how many days and hours she had been separated from her sister Rasambo.

There are only countless yellow sand particles and flying sand and rocks.

distance kills that

The man had passed away for a long time. Sheng Lun rubbed his belly and felt

There was no feeling of hunger, not even thirst.

As if invisible, she turned into a zombie puppet.

Suddenly, she heard a faint voice from far away, as if someone was talking.


This time she did not run forward excitedly, but chose to sneak.

"Tsk. I thought I would meet some kind of opponent, but I didn't expect it was just a half-year-old.

Little brat, hey, boy, do you know where this is?" Behind the rock, a strong man gently

He easily lifted the little boy up.

"This is the road to God. How dare you, a little brat like you, covet the power of God? ?No.

Look in the mirror and see if you are qualified, hahaha. The man will mention the child who has lost his fighting ability.

He got up and was beaten for a while.

"Stop!" Sheng Lun, who has an upright personality, can never sit idly by and watch such a scene.

No matter when and where, kindness and justice are always at her core.

"Huh? Another entrant?" The strong man looked at Sheng Lun in a funny way and scratched his ears.

"Did I hear you correctly? What you just said was that you wanted to save this little kid?"

"Bullying a defenseless child is nothing, you have no shame." St. Lombard

~ Take out the long sword.

"???What are you talking about?" After hearing Shenglun's words, the man was stunned. There were so many flaws that he

He didn't know where to start complaining for a while.

"Unarmed, are there any unarmed people here? Wait, you really want to save this little kid.

Son?" After a brief daze, the man's mouth was full of ridicule. "Pity? Haha, it is really a rare and superfluous thing. "

"Let him go." Sheng Lun didn't say much, he stepped forward and drove straight in with his sword.

"Tsk, damn it, we actually got into trouble! The strong man checked Sheng Lun's throat.

Devouring the level, his pupils suddenly tightened.

I'm in bad luck, so I'll leave immediately!

However, Sheng Lun didn't give him a chance to escape at all, and chased him fiercely, destroying both of his wrists.

After that, he carried him back completely.

"You woman! A man with a devouring level of only 2 was beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back. Like

A dead dog can only admit defeat.

"Are you okay?" Sheng Lun comforted the boy who was still in panic.

"No, no thank you, eldest sister." The boy's eyes were filled with tears, and he jumped into the

into the arms of Sheng Lun.

"Ha? ?" The strong man's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene. To be honest, he really

I've never seen anyone so stupid

"It doesn't matter, the person who bullied you has been subdued by me.

"Sister, you are so kind, why don't you help me to the end and give me your devouring level?"

Let's go!" The boy who threw himself in Sheng Lun's arms grinned ferociously, and the dagger that popped out of his cuff pierced hard.

Sheng Lun's chest.

"Why, why did Sheng Lun look at the dagger on his chest in disbelief? The cold feeling suddenly

Spreads from the soles of the feet to the whole body.

"Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. I never thought I was so lucky.

So good, I met two idiots in one day. "The boy's immature voice said something completely inconsistent with

cruel words.

"Two copies of Devour can be delivered to your door, hahaha, you are so lucky.

"Stupid woman, it's all your fault!" The strong man who lost his fighting ability cursed at Sheng Lun. "you

My own sympathy is overflowing, so don’t involve others even if you want to die? ?"

"Which person can come to this world who is a good person? ?"

"Uncle, you felt good beating me just now, didn't you?" Seeing the man shouting and screaming, the boy felt hollow.

He tilted his head and gave a frightening smile.

"You, little bitch!"

"Shut up!" The boy stomped on the man's hand bones.

"Failed garbage, die."

"Ahhh!" The dagger that pierced the heart took away the man's life. Soon, he turned into a human being.

A pile of pitch-black bones, buried in the sand.

"Sister~" After swallowing the man's power, the little boy turned around with a smile. "feel

Thanks for your kindness, sister, I can eat very well today."

"In order to thank you, let me let you die slowly. Hmm. Let me think about it. Let's start with both feet.

Start by cutting your skin bit by bit!


Why, why did Sheng Lun cover his head and gasp for breath.

The world's malice towards her almost made her breathless.

"I am clear, the moon is bright

"Shhhh, don't scream. You'd better endure it. I hate noisy women the most."

If you speak out, I will make your life worse than death.

"I obviously just want to live!'

Stay alive and find Ratsambo

"Why are you all forcing me??"

"Clang!" The moment the dagger stabbed, the silver armor suddenly appeared from the boy's attack like a flash in the pan.

Protected Sheng Lun

What Dongyou? ?" The boy took a step back and gritted his teeth.

Awakening new abilities, abilities that even Sheng Lun herself didn't know about, she just blindly

My resentment towards the world is constantly being fed into this armor, so much so that it should

The pure and flawless armor was dyed with a hint of gray and black, turning into dark silver.

[Awakening of the Divine Source: Radiant Armor]

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