"Adopted daughter of the Yanzhu family?" Bai Jin tilted her head, as if she was very unfamiliar with this term.

"From now on, you will no longer be alone, you will become the leader of our Flame Spear family.

Member, officially joins our Flame Spear family, that is, my sister. "Ji Yue caressed her breasts


"Sister? Well, I, how can I be your sister? How can this be, I just

How can a commoner become a noble? "Due to the solidification of class thinking, the so-called nobility

The clan is born with a noble race, which comes from the nobility of blood, but she was just born in a slum.

How could he, just a little bastard with unknown parents, tarnish a noble family?

"Of course, why not?" Ji Yue smiled and got closer to Bai Jin.

“Nobles, as nobles, have the obligation to protect and cultivate the people under their rule.

Sometimes people are easily bewitched and driven by some confusing voices. At this time, you need to

The tribe stepped forward to point them in the right direction. ’

"So, that's what it is!" The blonde girl's eyes were filled with little stars and she clasped her hands together.

It was as if Ji Yue was the angel who guided her towards the light.

"So, Bai Jin, do you understand? Nobles are not just for pleasure. We

It is an obligation for you as a noble to lead by example rather than to enjoy privileges. If you are right

It's a pity that the noble's understanding only remains at this superficial level. "

"I understand, I understand!" Bai Jin nodded desperately. "Such a great and noble existence,

Can I really be that person? ?”

"That depends on you. It doesn't matter what you or I say about this kind of thing. Virtue lies in people's hearts. Competition

Prior looked at us all. "Ji Yue pretended to be serious and continued to cheat in a serious manner.

This innocent little girl has been completely deceived.


The corner of the escort's mouth twitched slightly as he won the first-class seat at the annual cheating competition.

Seeing how my young lady deceived a pure and innocent girl and made her admire her.

He was so convinced that he couldn't bear to see life and death anymore.

This was the first time he realized that his eldest lady was so capable of deceiving people. If he held a human

In the federal cheating competition, Ji Yue is expected to get an extremely high ranking.

Oh my god, how old is my young lady? Who did she learn this deceptive knowledge from?

The nobles really have to take on so many responsibilities and are really under so much pressure, so why are there so many?

A man would break his head just to become a lackey of a noble??

What human beings cannot tolerate is not privileges, but the lack of privileges.

It has to be said that members with Shenglun bloodline have more or less weird brain structures.

After just a few words, I couldn't be more impressed by Ji Yue.

It can be said that one is very capable of deceiving, and the other is very capable of being deceived.

"Now, let me ask you again, Bai Jin, are you willing to become a member of our noble family?

Will you become my family?" Ji Yue smiled lightly and put the question to Bai Jin again.

"Yes, of course I am willing." Without thinking, Bai Jin immediately knelt down on one knee and imitated a

A knight swore allegiance to his lord.

"Miss Jiyue, I am willing to become a member of the nobility and take on this lofty and heavy responsibility.

Please make me one of yours. ""The guard next to him was speechless.

He thought that this girl was not very normal. At least someone who came out of the slums was absolutely normal.

It is impossible for someone to say something stupid like this.

Before setting off, I often heard my master talking about the canned heads of the men of the Shenglun family, and the canned heads of the women.

Big breasts and no brains, more or less everything.

He still didn't believe it, seeing is believing, but now he believed it.

But having said that, my lady seems to like this silly girl? But they don't

Is this the first time we meet? Is it possible that there is love at first sight among people of the same sex? Or is it just that my lady is just a girl?

Are you kidding this silly girl?

He doesn't know the truth, but he just needs to watch from the side. This kind of scene is not yet his turn.

His subordinate pointed.

"Get up, no need to be polite, from today on we are a family that shares weal and woe.

, no need to be so unfamiliar. "Ji Yue is now trying her best to gain favor in front of Bai Jin, even Ji Yue

She has a white personality and knows how to speak and what details to pay attention to in order to win the favor of the Shenglun clan.

To be honest, it's a bit easy. In terms of the degree of deception, Ji Yue may not be able to compare with a certain scheming person.

The old vampire is an expired loli, but it’s not a problem to fool the idiots like Sheng Lun -

Personal character is developed, but nature also plays a large role.

For example, if Ji Bai was smart enough in the previous life, he would not have been deceived by the Church and the Flame Spear Clan.

After so long, I became a lot smarter after becoming a vampire. I saw through this conspiracy and

He also went straight to Huanglong and destroyed Ji Feng's long-planned plan with a vigorous and resolute manner.

Facts have proven that bloodline and IQ are somewhat linked.

For example, pull

Among Sambo's group of scheming vampires, there are only a few who are not smart and are old and treacherous.

Even the cunning deceivers can't deceive them. As for Sheng Lun's words, it's hard to say that this ethnic group can't change their minds.

Turning the corner, there are countless Shenlun girls who have been tricked into sleeping with scumbags.

"Okay, then from today on, you will be a member of my Flame Spear family." Ji Yue supported

The blonde girl stood up.

Looking at the blonde girl's face, Ji Yue showed a sincere smile.

In this life, I will never be separated from you again, sister

Having mastered the script, she is very confident that the plot will develop as she planned.

There will no longer be any external factors that will interfere with her and her sister.

Not Ji Feng, not the Vampire Queen, not even the Outer God!


White hibiscus is really beautiful.

With her dazzling golden hair and armor, she looks like a heroic knight.

She is the little princess at the banquet when she wears a long skirt. With such an appearance, one can already imagine that no matter where she goes,

You will be the center of attention wherever you go.

Yes, this life is different. He has become her, and is no longer the person who doesn’t know how to be funny and doesn’t like her.

The opposite sex welcomes men. She is a beautiful girl, and beautiful girls will always make mistakes no matter what they make.

Being tolerated and regarded as cute means that now my enemy is not women,

But the men

As long as she is a girl, she will be pregnant. Ji Yue is very worried that as she grows older, the white hibiscus will become "red apricot".

"Get out of the wall" and was taken away by some pigheads who took advantage of her lack of time to care.

Moreover, since her brother is a girl, she also has to think about a serious thing, that is

After knowing that the heir of the Shenglun family is a girl, will Ji Feng cancel the engagement?

Are you planning to allocate yourself or Bai Jin to others?

There is no doubt that that man is totally capable of such a thing!

How can we prevent those flies from approaching the white hibiscus and prevent Ji Feng from breaking the engagement?

Suddenly, an excellent and extremely bold plan flashed in Ji Yue's mind.

"Mr. Shopkeeper."

"Hey, Miss, what do you want me to do? I'm here."

"Do you have suitable men's clothing here?"

"Oh, yes, there are many, there are many men's clothing suitable for this gentleman, whether we are here

Men's short lining, men's cotton-padded jacket, or banquet dress are all available.

"It's not him." Ji Yue shook her head and pointed at Bai Jin. "It's men's clothing that suits her

Huh?" The man who was so excited was stunned, and for a while he didn't understand what Ji Yue was doing.

What's the meaning.

"I want some men's clothes that suit her.

"Miss, what do you mean?"

"You don't need to know what I mean." Ji Yue's voice cooled down and became like the voice outside

The cold wind was biting and biting, and the man suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Although this girl is not very old, her aura is extremely intimidating.

"Treat her like a boy, got it?"

"I, I understand, I'll do it now."

The guard standing next to him almost knew what his eldest lady meant and gasped.

The mouth was cold, as for Bai Jin, her face was calm, yes, she didn't understand what Ji Yue wanted to do at all, so

Just give up thinking.

Soon, the maid brought out several sets of men's clothes, and she led Bai Jin into the dressing room again.

In the dressing room, it was obvious that he understood the shop owner's instructions.

Bai Jin didn't know why, but the maid looked a little weird.

After following her into the dressing room, she first took off her luxurious dress,

She looked in the mirror and began to play with her blonde hair.

"Look, are you satisfied with this?" After a while, the maid used her skillful hands to

Fa arranged Bai Jin's flowing blond hair into a long braid, which made her look a little more extravagant.

Neutral feel.

"Hey, it looks good." "It's just a little weird.

Not long after, Ji Yue, who was waiting outside the door, saw a well-dressed aristocratic man with a mid-length hairstyle.

The sexual "little boy" came out.

After looking over it again and again to make sure that no flaws could be found, Ji Yue nodded with satisfaction.

"Miss Ji Yue, this Miss Bai Jin's development is a bit too outstanding compared to her peers.

You may not be able to see anything now, but after a while, you may need to use a bra wrap

Clothed. "The shopkeeper kindly reminded me.

"Yes, I understand." Ji Yue nodded calmly, and then looked at Bai Jin tenderly.

"How about this outfit?"

"It's very comfortable, but isn't this a boy's clothes?" Even Bai Jin knew this.

The clothes were not meant for her as a girl, and they looked awkward.

"That's it, Bai Jin. From now on, you have to dress like this in front of outsiders. Not only do you have to

To wear it, you have to pretend to be a boy. "Ji Yue caressed Bai Jin's soft cheek.

"Outsiders? Who do outsiders mean?"

"Everyone but me is an outsider

,Understand. "

"Oh." Bai Jin nodded in understanding.

"I know you want to ask why this is, but I can only tell you that this is to protect


"I believe that Ji Yue must have her own reasons."

Ji Yue didn't expect that Bai Jin would choose to believe in herself without asking anything, and couldn't help but

I felt a little guilty in my heart.

But it's all worth it, her sister can only belong to her!

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