The two of them, who had been struggling for a long time before taking a shower, walked out of the bathroom in a bit of embarrassment, but then they met

A gloomy face solidified into substance.

"Master, can you talk to me?" The head maid put her hands on her hips and spoke with great momentum.

When Ji Yue went to change her clothes, she found an opportunity to talk to Bai Jin.

"Oh, sure." Bai Jin, wearing a bath towel, agreed subconsciously.

Because the voice rays are not fully developed, the white hibiscus in children's voices will not cause gender problems.

I noticed, but it would be different if I took off the bath towel, and my gender would be exposed.

Fortunately, Bai Jin remembered Ji Yue's instructions, pulled her hair up, and tied the bath towel securely.

Reveal flaws.

However, even so, the head maid felt that something was wrong the more she looked at it.

Under the white bath towel, the slender milk-white legs have no trace of fat, and they are slightly forward.

What's the matter with the bulging figure?

Why does this boy have no masculinity at all, but the more he looks at him, the more he looks like a girl?


Probably because they are not fully developed. After all, they are only in their teens. There are indeed some handsome boys who are growing up at a young age.

When I was young, I looked very much like a girl. It was probably just because the male characteristics hadn’t developed yet.

The head maid did not suspect this.

"Sit down." The maid cleared her throat.

"Oh." Bai Jin sat down obediently, with her legs together and her hands flat on her knees.

How does this look like a girl?

"Master Bai Jin, how old are you today?" The maid said nothing else and went straight to the point.

"It should be twelve, or thirteen?" Bai Jin tilted her head.

"You don't even know how old you are? He's right, he almost forgot that you don't

He grew up in the mansion. "The words of the head maid can be said to have given Bai Jin enough face, and she deliberately did not

He mentioned being born in a slum, but directly and implicitly said that he did not grow up in a mansion.

"So you don't know your birthday?"

"Well, yes, but according to Ji Yue's guess, I should not be much older than her, maybe a few

Months, maybe just a few days. "Bai Jin recalled what Ji Yue said to herself.

"Then let's pretend you are thirteen years old." The head maid turned to the topic and looked at Bai Jin with a serious face. "Look, you are not even fifteen years old yet. Miss Ji Yue has just turned twelve this year. Doing this

Is it really good?"

"Ah?" Bai Jin's face was confused. She didn't understand what the other party had done by doing this.

"You are all too young and not fully developed. That kind of thing is too early for you. Although

Based on your relationship, it should not be judged by a servant like me, but for the sake of Miss Jiyue

For the sake of your body, and also for your body, young master, please don’t continue this kind of thing. "

"Oh." Bai Jin suddenly realized that she finally understood what the head maid was talking about.

The fruits in the bathroom are certainly not generated out of thin air. It is probably rare to take a bath, so

Only the head maid would be so angry.

"I understand." Bai Jin nodded obediently. "Indeed, I don't feel any discomfort after using it.

It's enough, but it can't be sprayed out anymore. "

The servant chief was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed drastically and he said nervously. "You, where are you squirting?


"Hey, it's on my face." Bai Jin recalled the scene in the bathroom just now. The out-of-control nozzle was indeed

Sprayed water on their faces.

For some reason, the head maid breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't do this kind of thing again, you two

He is still too young, and doing this kind of thing may cause unpredictable consequences. "

"Eh? Is it so serious?" Bai Jin's eyes widened.

"Of course it's serious. Don't you think this kind of thing is not serious enough?" The head maid asked.

Yes, she felt that it was necessary for her to have a lively physiological lesson with this young master.

"You are all still too young and your hormone secretion is not perfect enough. In short, if you do this, you will get too much

It's easy to break, do you understand?"

"I understand, I will be careful in the future." Yes, I broke the shower head in the bathroom if I did it too much.

She noted it down.

"It's not about being careful, it's about avoiding it, you know?"

"Hey, okay, I understand."

"This kind of thing will have to wait until you grow up, you know?" Seeing Bai Jin's attitude of admitting his mistake,

So good, the tone of the head maid also softened.

"Ah, oh oh." She understood the truth, but why did she have to wait until she was ready to use the bathroom?

Years from now?

"After the wedding of the two of you goes smoothly, you can have whatever you want at that time."

"Okay, what about a wedding? What kind of wedding?" Bai Jin was stunned and didn't understand at all.

Why did Fang's mind jump so fast? A moment ago, he was teaching her not to play with the shower nozzle in the bathroom.

, went directly to the wedding the next moment.

"What kind of wedding? You don't know if what kind of wedding is difficult? What kind of wedding do you still think?"

It's all just for fun, and it's over after the fun?" The head maid's tone was a little angry.

"Wait, what are you playing? I really don't know."

right here

At that moment, the door was pushed open.

"Brother Bai Jin, why haven't you changed your clothes yet? Hey, Miss Maid, you two

what are you doing?"

Ji Yue's timely appearance interrupted the progress of this misunderstanding. After a brief explanation, the consciousness

Ji Yue, who realized that the head maid had misunderstood, explained it.

Under the latter's dubious gaze, the two left.

Although it was a farce, the head maid still realized that given their current ages,

The distance cannot be too close, so Ji Yue's plan to sleep in the same bed tonight came to nothing.

The two of them returned to their respective rooms.

After washing her body and hair and putting on clean pajamas, Bai Jin was a little uncomfortable. At first

I was also worried that I would stain such a beautiful bed and pajamas, and I was worried about it.

Until now, she felt confused and didn't believe everything so far.

Yesterday he was lying in the corner of the slum with nothing but clothes on his back, but today he was sleeping in the cotton padded bed of a nobleman.

Being on the big bed, this contrast made her feel a little unreal.

Perhaps it was the first time she slept on such a comfortable bed, and she fell asleep quickly.

The journey was short, within a few days, the carriage arrived at the territory of the Flame Spear family.

Bai Jin, who looked out from the carriage, fully understood how great this place is at Port Kera.

of desolation.

Even in the middle of winter, the streets are still bustling with people, and the streets and alleys are full of people.

It is full of life, towering buildings can be seen everywhere, and well-connected roads come and go.

with many carriages.

Luxurious stores similar to Keira’s can be found everywhere in the city.

It is said that only when there is comparison, comparison is needed to measure the quality of a city. For example,

Compared with Flamespear City, Keira Port is completely rural, maybe not even rural.

The nutrition level of the people here is obviously better than that in slums everywhere, and only some people have enough food.

The rise of the Port of Keira is enough to prove that the economic level of this area is much higher than that of Port of Keira.

It has to be said that even in this bustling city, no one can ignore this bustling car.

The long carriage, coupled with the coat of arms of the Flame Spear family engraved on the carriage, everyone in this city does not

Who knows and who doesn’t know?

They all moved out of the way and stopped to watch curiously.

The trivial matters of the nobles have always been one of the things that the common people talk about. Watching the excitement is a common thing for mankind.

With the same nature, most people who have nothing to do will choose to stop and make a few comments.


However, something is different this time.

"Hey, who is that blond young master? I've never seen anyone like him from the Flame Spear family before, right?"

"So cute, I want to pinch myself."

"He's really handsome. He can't be Grandpa Yanzhuo's illegitimate son, right? Tsk, tsk,

He's so cool, but he will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up. I don't know if I have a chance.

"Pull it down, you still want to eat other people's swan meat. When people grow up, you will be dozens of years older."

You are a person, and you still want to eat other people’s fresh meat?"

"Huh, what's wrong with me? You're not allowed to think about it?"

Bai Jin, who was admiring the scenery of the Yanmai area from the car window, didn’t even know that he had become Yanmai.

The topic that people are eagerly discussing is still lamenting how active and healthy the people here are.

Kang, I think the lord must have intention to manage this land and so on.

"Um, miss?"

"Ji Yue calmly took a sip of tea and placed the teacup heavily on the coffee table, quite a bit smashed.

the meaning of.

There are quite a few disgusting stinky women and vixens without self-awareness.

I thought that concealing my sister's gender would prevent flies from falling off, but unexpectedly, a group of more powerful people came.

Annoying, whimsical, stupid woman.

"Close all the windows in the car." Ji Yue ordered coldly. "Ordinary people,

It was noisy. "

Knowing that her young lady was a little angry, the maid immediately implemented the matter.

Soon, the carriage drove into the courtyard.

For Ji Yue, this is a familiar and painful area, but for Bai Jin in this world, this is the first time she has seen it.

After the carriage stopped, Ji Yue and Bai Jin stepped out of the carriage with the help of their servants.

"Miss Ji Yue, this must be the young master from the Paladin family."

An old man with a white beard dressed at home appeared in front of the two of them. He adjusted his single-frame glasses and looked at Ji.

The white hibiscus beside the moon.

"His name is Bai Jin, Mr. Butler."

"Master Bai Jin, welcome to your arrival." The old housekeeper bowed respectfully towards Bai Jin. "Grandpa is waiting for you in the back garden, let's go."

"Yes, I understand." Ji Yue nodded, while Bai Jin remained expressionless and said nothing.

Ji Yue, who understands her, knows that the other party just hasn't figured out the situation yet.

Bypassing the towering attic, Bai Jin and Ji Yue arrived at the mansion under the leadership of the housekeeper.

In the courtyard of the son.

"Grandpa is right there." After the place was brought, the old housekeeper stopped and the master spoke,

It is not convenient for him, the butler, to be present.

"Thank you, Mr. Butler." "It is my honor to serve the eldest lady.

Arriving in the courtyard, Bai Jin could see a middle-aged man sitting at a distance.

On the bench, there seemed to be a young man about her age standing next to that man.


They seemed to be talking about something.

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