"Grandpa, the young lady and Master Bai Jin are here." The old butler had obviously vaccinated Jifeng in advance. After the task of leading the way was over, the old butler walked away wisely.

Ji Feng turned his head, and the little boy next to him who was chatting happily also moved his head.

"Are you back?" This sentence was said to Ji Yue.

"Well, Father, I'm back." Ji Yue nodded.

After that, Ji Feng gradually shifted his gaze to Bai Jin and looked at her.

Bai Jin showed no expression. Seeing the latter looking at her, she also looked up at him.

As expected of a descendant of the Shenglun family, his temper is quite stubborn.

Ji Feng secretly confirmed it in his heart, but what he didn't know was that it was just that Bai Jin didn't know what expression to use to face him, so she simply stopped making any expression. As for why she looked back at him, it was because she hadn't learned how to do it. Etiquette, don't know that it is impolite to look at your elders.

"I heard that you grew up in a slum?" Ji Feng spoke, not as a greeting when they first met, but as a slightly discriminatory statement.

Ji Yue glanced at Bai Jin nervously. What she feared most was that Ji Feng would cause trouble for her sister, thus discovering her true gender.

"Yes, as you said." Bai Jin nodded.

"Well, very good." Ji Feng sat upright, feeling quite calm and confident. "—Looking over here from the road, there are no conditions like this in the slums, okay?"

"Yeah." Bai Jin understands this very well.

"Yes, as you can see, this place is incomparable to the slums you once stayed in, but on the other hand, there are no rules, and there are rules here, you know."

"If you don't understand, it doesn't matter. If you don't understand, you can learn slowly." Ji Feng's tense face suddenly smiled. "Your name is Bai Jin, right? Do you know why I want to adopt you?"

"I don't know." Bai Jin thought for a while and answered truthfully.

"Come here." Ji Feng smiled and waved to her, then pointed to the garden where they were. "Do you know how much money and time it costs to build this garden?"

Bai Jin shook his head.

"Even if you don't know and can't give a specific value, you should still understand that building this garden

How much effort does it take?" Ji Feng continued. "So, do you think it's worth it for me to spend so much energy and wealth just for this garden whose ornamental value is greater than its actual use?"

"Bai Jin didn't know how to answer.

"Of course it's worth it, as the saying goes, make the best use of everything." After a while, Ji Feng asked and answered to himself. "And you are the same. Now, do you understand?"

Bai Jin nodded to show that she understood, but deep down she didn't understand at all. "From now on, you will live and study here as the adopted son of my Flame Spear family. In addition.

"After studying, can I become a knight?" After automatically filtering out other useless information, Bai Jin's eyes lit up and she caught a key point worthy of her attention.

"Knight? Of course." Interrupted by Bai Jin, Ji Feng was more or less dissatisfied, but did not show it.

It should be said that he is worthy of being a member of the Shenglun family, so passionate about becoming a knight. Ji Feng snorted coldly in his heart.

If this continues, the young man in front of him will lose control sooner or later. Ji Feng never thought that he could understand the brain structure of the Shenglun family, and he didn't want to, so he planned to take a simple and efficient method.

"Bai Jin, you have to abide by the rules in this family, do you understand?"

"Yeah." Bai Jin nodded. "Kind sir, I will pay attention. Where can I learn the rules?"

Although what he said was very strange and she couldn't quite understand it, Bai Jin still had a good impression of this man.

In her eyes, as Ji Yue's father, the latter must be a man of high moral character and principle.

"If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask my daughter, Ji Yue. In addition, I have to entrust you with something." Ji Feng's words gradually became meaningful.

"Bai Jin, my daughter will be entrusted to you from now on."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Yue immediately turned away her red face.

"Don't worry, kind sir." Bai Jin, who didn't understand the situation, promised firmly.

"Okay, I'm ambitious." Seeing Bai Jin's firm promise, Ji Feng showed a few hints of


"From today on, you are a member of my Flame Spear family, and from now on you are my adopted son.

, remember, when you go out, you are a descendant of my Yanzhu family, and you represent our family wherever you go.

face. "Ji Feng's words meant that he wanted to completely tie Bai Jin to his chariot.

"Yes, I remember, kind sir." Bai Jin was very moved after hearing this, and expressed her gratitude to a stranger.

When strangers who know each other reach this point, it turns out that the true love in the world has always existed.

At this point, Bai Jin secretly vowed to treat anyone kindly like this kind gentleman in the future.

A weakling, kind to anyone who asks for help from him.

"Do you still call me Mr. Merciful? As my adopted son, what should you call me?"

"Father, sir?" Bai Jin learned the name Ji Yue.

"Yes." Ji Feng smiled, like a kind old gentleman.

"Come on, come on, Ji Yue, come here too. Let me introduce to you. This kid's name is Mu.

Tenon, with your years

Ji is about the same age and is my apprentice and adopted son. From now on, you three

People should live in harmony, understand? "

"Hmm! Hello, my name is Bai Jin." Bai Jin extended his hand to the gray-haired boy very friendly.

hand, but the latter turned his head away in a very disgusting manner and did not intend to pay attention to her.

Bai Jin was not embarrassed by this at all. Seeing that the other party didn't want to shake hands with her, she didn't care.

He put his hand down with interest.

Ji Yue grabbed Bai Jin's hand in private, as if she didn't want her to come into contact with the man named Mu.

Tenon boy.

"Okay, now it's time for you young people, I'm an old man

Staying here will hinder your communication and getting along with each other, so I will go and do my business first. "After that,

Ji Feng left the garden, leaving the three children in the garden.

The three people in the garden looked at each other, but none of them spoke.

Mu Ju broke the situation, he saluted Ji Yue, ignored Bai Jin and left.

"Did I do anything to make him annoying?" Bai Jin was confused when she was left out. She didn't understand what she had done to make Mu Yan unhappy.

"Ignore him. This person's nature is just like that. It's not Sister Bai Jin's fault." Ji Yue stepped forward.

He hugged Bai Jin's arm.

"But in the future, we will all be companions living together under the same roof, right?"

"For this kind of thing, take your time and don't rush. Maybe he can't say it even if he is alone.

Oh, by the way, sister, you are not familiar with this mansion yet, how about I show you around~? "


The Flame Spear family is worthy of being one of the thirteen families of the Human Federation. It is located in the Flame Spear territory.

The mansion is so large that even the rooms of the servants and maids are more luxurious than those of some rich people, and the treatment is

It can be said that it is full immediately.

As one of the big families, the Yanmao family would naturally not neglect the education of their successors.

The next day, Ji Feng found a noble etiquette teacher, a basic swordsmanship teacher, and an art appreciation teacher.

The instructor and others carried out major remedial actions for Bai Jin, who knew nothing about etiquette.

After all, Bai Hibiscus is just the name from now on. I am an adopted son of the Yanzhao family. I am embarrassed wherever I go.

It was also a disgrace to the Flame Spear family, so etiquette education must be firmly grasped.

For this reason, Bai Jin and Ji Yue's activities were separated. After all, although they both had to take etiquette classes,

But Ji Yue's progress was obviously better than that of Bai Jin, so in front of the elementary etiquette class desk,

There were only Bai Jin, the teacher, and, yes, a classmate.

"Good morning, Mu Chu." Bai Jin, who is not very good at greeting others, learned the lesson after seeing Mu Chu.

Then he said hello to him.

However, the movements and facial expressions of greeting were very stiff, as if greeting him was forced.

As a last resort.

Mu Ju was the same as yesterday, he just glanced at Bai Jin lightly, folded his hands around his chest, as if

There is no such person as Bai Jin.

Seeing that the other party still ignored her, Bai Jin could only sit back in her seat.

The etiquette teacher is a very serious middle-aged woman. She wears a luxurious dress and has long hair.

A very iconic aristocratic hairstyle.

The professor's content was a bit boring, but Bai Jin always listened attentively.

No matter how carefully she listened, she always made mistakes when practicing. She just couldn't remember all the details, big and small.

On the contrary, the wooden tenons were made very well. The same teacher taught the same etiquette.

Just remember it, but Bai Jin is a bit clumsy, and no matter how serious she is, she will be punished by the teacher.


"No, no, it's still wrong, Bai Jin, can't you learn from the wooden tenon?

Every action has been done over and over again. Why do you always make mistakes in these details? You move your hands again and again.

Wrong. Also, my head is tilted in the wrong direction. No, no, no. I can't stand straight enough.

Bai Jin is really not good at etiquette. Every move she makes will be criticized by the teacher.

For a long time, at this time, Mu Ju would be watching the scenery and completely ignoring Bai Hibiscus.

The boy was a little cold.

After taking the etiquette class, Bai Jin was exhausted both physically and mentally. She was even more tired than running twenty laps around the city.

After class, after the teacher left, I lay on the table and kept breathing heavily.

"Sheng Lun, is that all?

"Hmm?" Bai Jin raised her head after hearing what Mu Ju said. If she remembered correctly, this counts as

This was the first sentence Mu Ju said to himself.

"Are you talking to me?"

Mu Ju glanced at her and left without saying anything.

Fortunately, he thought that the talent of the descendant of the Paladin was so terrible, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be a

Just a Muggle with a good skin.

In the afternoon, there is a swordsmanship lesson. I guess this descendant of the Paladin is just like this. He doesn’t know anything about anything.

No talent.

Just like this, is he worthy of staying with the Shinra clan?

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