Mu Ju didn't understand what kind of dimension-reducing blow his heart had suffered in this short moment.

The one in my family who never gave me a good look usually seemed cold and incomprehensible to the sophistication of the world.

The eldest lady was actually in the store at this moment with another person who looked familiar, but she couldn't bear it.

I couldn't help but whose girl was having an affair, and she looked happy and happy.

Only separated by a layer of glass, the wooden tenon is really unwilling to agree if it is not confirmed again and again.

I believe this is my eldest lady.

"Well, then, brother Tenon, is this Miss Ji Yue of the Yanmao family, right?"

"As a matter of common sense, yes."

"She, is she dating someone? I checked, this is a couple dessert shop?


"From a common sense perspective, perhaps, yes.

"But why is she dating a girl? ?" The young man's tone became more and more weird.

It was also full of horror.

"Could it be that your eldest Miss Jiyue is a lace? ?"

"From a general rational point of view, I can't say."

"Brother Muzhu, can you stop talking about universal rationality all the time and base yourself on universal rationality?"

On the other hand, I think you are very abnormal now. "

At this moment, the two girls hugging each other in the store were biting one end of the chocolate bar.

It's almost touching the white chocolate heart in the middle.

The blonde girl's face turned red with embarrassment and she closed her eyes without daring to open them, while Ji Yue had a charming look on her face.

The red tongue licked the corner of the mouth, and both parties felt each other's hot breath, focusing entirely on each other.

On Fang's body, it seemed as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

Muzhu didn't say anything, but picked up the young man next to him and came to the corner.

So that's it. "The young man suddenly realized. "I'll tell you why the Yanmao family

The young lady showed no interest in the opposite sex at all. After waiting for a long time, it turned out that she was...

"Shut up." Mu Ju glanced at the young man. "If you still want to die, you'd better forget about today's

matter. "

"Don't worry, I'm very strict with my mouth. I will never say this kind of thing to anyone. Brother Muju, you already know about this, right?"

"Sure enough, all fiancés are lies. The real situation is that Miss Yanzhao actually likes her.

Not a man. "Quietly, I stretched out my head and took a look. Previously, all my attention was on Ji Yue.

I didn't take a serious look at what Miss Ji Yue's little lover looked like.

"My brother, that blonde girl is too pretty! With Miss Jiyue,

Not to mention too much. "

"Stop looking, I think your saliva is about to drool." Muju frowned slightly, he always felt that

I seem to have seen this blond girl somewhere, but I can't remember it.

"Okay, stop looking, have you never seen a girl before? ?"

"It's not that I've never seen girls before, it's that I've never seen such a beautiful girl. I don't even know.

Besides Miss Ji Yue, there is this person. He must not be from our college, right? Otherwise

Her popularity is definitely not lower than Miss Ji Yue!" the young man said regretfully.

"It's a pity. Even if the famous flower has its owner, why do the two flowers overlap each other? ? This is not the future.

It would be too much of a waste of resources. "At the corner, the young man's fingers were almost embedded in the corner.

"Brother Muju! You, do you know that girl?"

"Which one?"

"Who else could it be? Some blonde girl!"

"do not know.".

What a pity... I don't even know her name. "The young man beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Didn't you say before that you were a loyal fan of Miss Ji Yue? Why, so quickly?

Changed your mind?" Mu Chu snorted coldly.

"Hey, how can this be called a change of heart? I call it renewal, renewal! Moreover, people always

You will yearn for beautiful things, right? Don’t you feel moved when you look at that girl? Impossible

Well, if you don't feel moved, you are no longer a man. This is a hormonal problem, you can't help it!

"Mu Ju didn't say anything.

Indeed, the moment he saw the blond girl, for some reason, his heart was beating wildly, and his eyes

I wanted to try my best to avoid letting her find me, as if all the functions in my body were running at high speed.


This is something that never happened when I first met Ji Yue. It’s really

All his previous thoughts were on Ji Yue, so he didn't think much about it. When he came back to his senses,

Mu Ju immediately discovered the clues to this matter.

Didn’t the eldest lady go out with Bai Jin to live in a world of two? This sudden appearance of Jin

Who is the hair girl?

Could it be, a third party? -

Thinking of this, Muzhu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It is obvious to all that the relationship between Bai Jin and Ji Yue is very good. The two of them want to stick together all day long.

Together, on one side is the noble and beautiful Miss Flame Spear, who is attracting much attention, and on the other side is the unpredictable future.

A limited number of talented knights.

A talented man and a beautiful woman are a match made in heaven. It can be said that all the maids and servants in the Yanzhao family are the same.

These two people are a CP party, but this combination has been brutally interfered by a third party.

So, where is Bai Jin? Where did he go? Could it be that Ji Yue took him away? ?

Mu Ju thought of a terrible possibility. Ji Yue's usual behavior was just acting.

Forget it, the person she really likes is actually a girl with blond hair, and Bai Jin is just

It's just her shield

How, can this be done? ?

Mu Ju, the pure love warrior, immediately expressed his extreme unwillingness. In his opinion, pure and flawless love

There should never be any ramifications.

So this time, he decided to help his friend, at least not to keep him in the dark

In the dark, even if he is against the wishes of the eldest lady, he must convey the truth to Bai Jin-

After thinking about this, Mu Ju dialed Bai Jin's phone number.

"Um, um. Well, I'm full."


When the two soft lips were about to finally collide, Bai Jin was defeated in shame and twisted.

Head silent.

"Are you full now?" Ji Yue glanced at the other end with regret.

It's obviously only a little bit close to biting the heart of the heart together, but she also knows this kind of thing

The strategy cannot be forced, otherwise it will arouse Bai Jin's resentment or create a bad feeling in her heart.

The image of a domineering woman is not worth the gain.

"Sorry, Ji Yue, I'm going out to take a call." Hearing the ringtone, Bai Jin took out his mobile phone from his bag. He was stunned when he saw the person on the caller ID, and then said sorry to Ji Yue.

"Well, let's go~" Ji Yue looked nonchalant on the surface, but was alert in her heart.

Bai Jin never shied away from hearing her phone calls. How?

Who wants to order? ?

Looking at the direction where Bai Jin left, Ji Yue's eyes flashed with complexity. At this moment, she

She is completely different from that proud woman who is full of glory. She just likes to think and be jealous.

adolescent girl.

Holding her head with her hands, Ji Yue looked sad, as if she couldn't figure out whose phone number meant to Bai Jin.

It's so important that she can't even say it in front of her. In her impression, Bai Jin's mobile phone

There is no other contact except her.

Could it be that he created other new contacts behind his back? ?

The more I think about Ji Yue, the more confused my heart becomes-

next to the corner.


"Hey, it's me." She didn't know if it was Bai Jin's illusion, but she always felt that the sound of the wooden tenon sounded like this.

The sky is a little weird.

"Well, what's the matter?" Bai Jin knew that Mu Tong would generally not give anything to him unless it was something important.


Her mobile phone was bought for her by Ji Yue. If Ji Yue hadn't taken the initiative to ask for it, I'm afraid she would

Stick to your old machine and remain motionless.

"Where are you now?" Mu Ju didn't go straight to the topic in a hurry.

"My Bai Jin's pretty face is red. She can't tell Mu Yan that she and Ji Yue are in a relationship.

There is so much chatter in the dessert shop! This is really shameful.

"I was out."

"Why are you outside? ?" Mu Tenon was a little anxious over there.

"?Where else could I be if I wasn't outside?" Bai Jin didn't understand. Didn't she just tell Muzhu the day before?

Are you going to go shopping with Ji Yue today? Isn't it normal to be outside at this time?

Where is the eldest lady? Is she with you? "

"Ji Yue, no."

"Mu Yan was a little speechless. "Why are you not with the eldest lady?

Aren't they two together? Why did they get lost?

"I'm not lost.

Mu Ju hesitated to speak, he realized that Bai Jin's personality was too simple.

, considering whether she could bear this kind of thing, Muzun - - half a hour) L didn't dare to explain the matter clearly.


I am really glad that he is not a girl, otherwise he would have been deceived. Had sex hundreds of times.

You, how do you want me to say hello to you? You don’t even know that you are being cheated on? ?

"Do you know where the eldest lady is now?"

"I, I don't know if I should tell Mu Yan that she is waiting for her at the love shop? No,

It's too shameful, I definitely can't say it

Recalling the shameful PLAY that the two of them almost kissed, Bai Jin also felt that she was afraid

Only when your brain is overloaded will you conform to Ji Yue's behavior.

"Ha? ?You don't know?" Mu Chu felt that he was even more anxious than Bai Jin, the client. "That

Why don't you go find her quickly? Do you know what she is doing now?"

"I know."

"No, you don't know at all." Mukuo took a deep breath and recalled the time between Ji Yue and the blonde girl.

It was an interaction that was beyond the level of best friends, and I felt mixed emotions.

Although they are an unmarried couple, this is already considered cheating.

"Anyway, go find her now, immediately, do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand." Bai Jin didn't understand what the wooden tenon meant, but she whispered in her heart


Didn't I leave just because you called me?

"Ahem, that

After hanging up the phone, Mu Ju finally remembered that there was an unknown person next to him.

The people involved listened the whole time.

"This is my housework, don't ask any questions." Mu Ju glanced at the young man.

""Okay, okay, I don't ask too many questions. The young man had to purse his lips and put away his words.


But the wooden tenon on the side began to worry.

What should I do? Do you want to talk to the eldest lady in private?

No, the eldest lady won’t listen to him. Or should we discuss it with grandpa? This situation can

It's not necessary.

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