Net If there are no road signs, how should we walk back later?

Rely on intuition. "Ji Bai replied calmly.

Can you be more reliable? Can you answer me seriously? "

I have a very serious answer. "Ji Bai said with conviction.

"You guy

Xiao Sha felt that the channel she was communicating with Ji Bai was completely inappropriate, and she rubbed her sunburn with a headache.

Go this way. "Ji Bai pointed to the cave on the left.

You didn’t choose the path based on intuition again, did you?”

not at all"


Here, there's a smell. "I don't know when, Ji Bai had already taken off the nose plug, and raised his cross-helmet head meaningfully.

This familiar and disgusting smell

Smell?…Why don’t I smell it? Except for a smell that’s not very pleasant to my nose. "Huo Lei sniffed around and felt a little strange.

There are goblins, and there are quite a few of them. "There was a slight fluctuation in Ji Bai's tone, and his tone was lowered.

"Goblins? How did you know there were goblins?" Xiaosha asked strangely.

Goblins, weak creatures that are not favored by gods, are neither humans nor demons. In fact, these creatures are just like cockroaches.

In this way, it existed for an unknown amount of time long before the demon species invaded the mainland.

Some scholars have suggested that these ferocious green-skinned dwarves who live by burning, killing, and plundering are close relatives of the trolls, and there are some unknown ones as well.

The literature speculates that they are a super-ancient race that runs through ancient and modern times. Some people say that they are the remnants of ancient races and were born by mixing with humans.

Various documents and legends emerge one after another, but no clear answer is given.

In the final analysis, the human race’s interpretation of this world is not deep enough. Except for some history from the old era, this continent’s ancient history

What happened in the past, where did the devil species come from, the metal of [dark matter] and the so-called [divine veins], all of these have an impact on...

They are all unsolved mysteries for humans.

"The smell is very obvious, and there are living people." Ji Bai said with a matter-of-fact tone.

Are there any living people?" Huo Lei was stunned for a moment, then geared up. "There is indeed something fishy in this sewer, and I'm worried that this trip will be in vain.

So, uncle Xianshi, how do you know?"

You don't want to know. "There was a hint of gloom in Ji Bai's tone.

Uh-huh...are you really good at pretending to deliberately arouse my curiosity?" Xiao Sha puffed her mouth and kicked Ji gently.

White heels and two feet

Come closer. "Ji Bai knelt down and whispered a few words into Xiaosha's ear.

Xiao Sha's face changed from curious at first, then to doubt, and finally turned into a miserable pale color.

"Hey! Uncle Xianshi! Pervert! He deliberately speaks pornographically to scare people!" Xiaosha hurriedly jumped away like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Stay within three steps away from Ji Bai

"Just treat it as a joke." Ji Bai stood up and took off the fanged two-handed sword tied to his back.

"Take this, it might be useful later." As he said that, Ji Bai took out a few masks from his pocket and asked them to accept them.

No matter what, prepare yourself for war, slow down and speak as little as possible. "

Huo Lei silently took off his giant hammer, while Xiao Mu adjusted his breathing and tried the bowstring.

Don't get lost. The scale of this sewer is amazing. If you get lost, you will only be able to get rid of cockroaches and worms.

Ji Bai's abrupt words made Xiao Sha jump into action and hurriedly followed the team.

The four of them walked in a cat-like pace, trying their best to maintain a stealth posture.

Ahead, a few wisps of fire appeared faintly

Ji Bai motioned to the three people behind him not to be disturbed, and a stern look came out of his iron helmet.

At the end of the walkway is a spacious circular venue with water pipes of varying widths on all sides. It looks like a centralized sewage control center.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time, and this place is occupied by another group of creatures.

"Chichi woah..." the green dwarfs chirped, chewing something with their companions in front of the fire.

Ji Bai and the other two lurked behind a polished square stone slab, keeping silent.

Goblins have a wide range of branches. This weak, cunning and highly reproductive creature lives in various caves in the suburbs, but only

It is impossible to be alone in a town now protected by walls and barriers.

There's only one reason why they're here

Someone let them in on purpose.

Don't alert them, make a surprise attack and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Ji Bai gestured to his teammates

Ji Bai, who has had several experiences with goblins, knows that he must not underestimate these little creatures. If he can defeat them one by one, he must not let them hug him.

Huo Lei grasped the stone hammer calmly and skillfully, Xiao Mu swallowed nervously, and Xiao Sha hid in the back timidly.

For a time, the four of them were ready to clarify their division of labor.

Huo Lei charges in the front, Ji Bai is the center to protect the back, the archer Xiao Mu is in the rear, and Xiao Sha is in the rear soy sauce.

"Pack!" There was a crisp cracking sound, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Yes, I'm sorry..." Xiao Mu hurriedly apologized to the three of them. When he was about to take action, due to the extremely low visibility, Xiao Mu could not

He didn't notice the rotten brittle bone under his feet.

Hey, hey, hey!? Uuuuuuuuuuuah?!"

The pointed ears of the spirits moved, they screamed loudly, and moved the meat in their hands.

Throwing the string aside, he picked up the crudely made pottery vessel. His small golden eyes shrank suddenly and he looked at the stone slab where Ji Bai and others were hiding.

The raid was canceled and replaced with a long drive. "Ji Bai stood up first, a cold light shining from his iron helmet.

You two be careful. "Huo Lei stood up with Ji, with murderous intent flashing in his lion eyes.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The moment Xiaosha and Xiaomu showed their faces, the goblins were completely excited, roaring and cheering.


Xiaosha held her hair in fear and took a step back involuntarily.

The way these goblins looked at her made her feel uncomfortable, just like the trolls who invaded her hometown...

Only then did she suddenly recall what Ji Bai had said to her before.

‘Goblins, these filthy creatures have no female sex. The foreign women captured by them will be worse than dead, and this smell is probably

Xiao Sha swallowed hard.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!" Covering the iron armor that he had snatched, the leader of the goblins raised their weapons high, pointed at Ji Bai and the four of them and shouted loudly.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo more ~ ​​~ ~...

This feeling, like countless hands roaming around on one's body, made people feel palpitated, and both of their faces were frighteningly pale.

Woohoo!" The goblins rushed over with weapons in hand.

Ji Bai winked at Huo Lei.

"Come on, you bastards!" Huo Lei shouted and advanced with a thump.

Unexpectedly, he hit two broken hammers, fought against the wolves with his back, and used the wind and thunder. The stone hammer whistling in the wind suddenly swung, and the gun shot out the first bird.

The three goblins that came towards me were instantly smashed to pieces.

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