"How come you can't even do this well? Look at the good things you've done! What's wrong with these scum at my feet?


"Sorry, I was too careless." The blonde girl lowered her head and apologized, begging for something.

The forgiveness of the woman in front of me.

"Hmph, as expected of a concubine, the things born from a humble slave are indeed the same! Even the trivial matter of cleaning

If you can't do it well, what use do I need from you? ?" The girl in gorgeous clothes in front of her was arrogant and domineering, her face full of contempt and contempt.


"I'm sorry, sister

"Don't call me sister, I don't have a bad sister like you!" The girl in gorgeous clothes looked disgusted, although she lived in the same

Under the roof, they are both the daughters of a viscount, but their identities are completely different.

The girl in gorgeous clothes is the orthodox eldest daughter, and the blonde girl is just the Viscount's whim, and he has an affair with a

It was just the product of a low-status maid, so naturally she was ostracized by the entire mansion.

In the eyes of the girl in gorgeous clothes and her mother, it was a mistake for the daughter of this humble woman to be born in this world.


With the tacit consent of the Viscountess, not only the girl in gorgeous clothes, but also the servants at home refused to give the blond girl

He has a good face, but he often makes things difficult for her and makes her embarrassed.

Even her mother died of illness in the mansion and no one cared about her.

The girl has no feelings for this place. She cannot live without it, but she suffers torture and humiliation here.

But she was used to this.

Until that day, her father, who had never cared about her life or death, suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Ke'er, hahaha, father, can I discuss something with you?"

"Father, please speak." Ke'er knew that the other party would not take the initiative to find him unless he wanted to ask for something.

"That's it. Do you want to visit the palace?" Sensing that Ke'er was as submissive as ever, the Viscount paused.

Shi was very happy and continued to ask.

"Royal Palace?"

"Yes, after all, that's what you think of him, and your father is helpless and can't give you a better life, so

I thought it might be better for you if I sent you to the palace. "The Viscount smiled kindly.

"Okay, I understand." The other party's smile was so hypocritical, but Kerr accepted it, she did not refuse.

She has a lot of capital, and she has no nostalgia for this mansion. It doesn't matter to her wherever she goes.

According to what my father said, when you go to the palace, you will have delicious food and decent clothes to wear, and as a reward for serving the royal family, the viscount and his family will be blessed.

The latter sentence is obviously the key point.

Ke'er obeyed her fate as always without resisting. Even before her fate, she was nothing more than

He is just a small and unappreciated ant. Instead of resisting, it is better to accept it.

Soon, Ke'er stepped into the royal court and the highest power hub of the Blood Spirit Empire. However, she obeyed

The object of her decoration was somewhat unexpected to her.

Ke'er had ever imagined how majestic and noble the Blood Spirit royal family was. The so-called emperor was so angry that he shed thousands of blood.

Here, not only every step he takes is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, but at least it is an existence that covers the sky with one hand.

However, what appeared in front of her was a man who looked sick, had a weak temper, was indecisive and had no opinion.


"Ahem, did your mother arrange for you to come to my place?" In the courtyard full of weeds, I heard the girl introduce herself.

After the introduction, when the latter mentioned her mother, the silver-haired girl's eyes lit up, and she looked sickly for a moment.

Everything became a bit more energetic.

Your Highness seems to like her mother very much.

"That's right, Your Highness." Ke'er nodded.

"Quick, come in." The silver-haired girl immediately stepped forward and grabbed Ke'er, pulling her into the house.

"Well, the eldest daughter of the Scarlet Queen of the Blood Spirit Empire actually made such an intimate move, Ke'er has

Somewhat flattered.

"Mother, has she told you anything else?" After entering the room, the silver-haired girl's eyes were shining brightly.

Holding her, making her feel uncomfortable

Without her, let me take care of your daily life. "

"Is that so?" The silver-haired girl was a little disappointed after hearing this, as if her beloved mother didn't tell her anything.

But he recovered quickly.

Her mother personally hired a maid for her, so she must be thinking about her!

The silver-haired girl thought happily.

"This is the first time we meet. Hello, Your Highness, my name is Ke'er." It seems to be because this His Highness has no pretensions.

Therefore, Kerr quickly let go of his ideological baggage.

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Solanya, the eldest princess of the Blood Spirit Empire.

The eldest daughter of Her Majesty the Queen. "Solanya caressed her chest and introduced herself. Although she seemed a little sick, Solanya's etiquette

Still done very well.

"Then, please give me more advice in the future." Solanya gave a beautiful and sincere smile. "This is the first time

I’m so happy that a maid is willing to come and serve me!”

This smile without any impurity made Kerr happy

Stupid, she was used to seeing the ugliness of human nature in that mansion.

This was the first time she saw such a sincere smile and pure kindness, which made her feel excited.

For the first time in her life, she was treated with kindness. Ke'er didn't want to live up to this smile and trust, and never left Solanya from then on.

Never give up, stay by her side even in the most difficult moments.

She is the only person in the world who is willing to accept herself, and doing everything for her has become a lovely thing.

The only motivation to go down.

And Solanya also regarded Kerr as her friend and even family member. The two depended on each other for life in this narrow place.

In the small attic, although life was not very good, it was very happy.

As the time spent with Solanya grew longer, Ke'er also gradually learned about Solanya, the first emperor of the empire.

The girl's life is not good, and so far she has been almost relegated to the sidelines by her mother.

Due to her extremely low bloodline talent, she was looked down upon by her relatives, and even the ministers and nobles in court did not look at her.

Fortunately, she is the eldest daughter with low blood and stupid talent. It is rumored that all the nutrients in the queen's belly are given to the second daughter.

Yana, while the eldest daughter Solanya is made of the residue within.

Of course, Ke'er didn't dare to tell Solanya about such rumors -

This innocent first

The princess always talked about her mother and lovely sister, but little did she know that she had been completely abandoned by them, and even

It's forgotten.

Simply, just like myself, it is the extra part of a family, the part that is not needed.

As the days passed, Solanya was about to become an adult. Logically speaking, after becoming an adult, she should immediately

The reception ceremony for the first heir was held, and the eldest daughter Solanya was established as the first heir. However, so far

, there was still no movement in the palace.

Moreover, Solanya's body was getting worse day by day, and she suffered from a strange disease. This strange disease appeared in her body.

It took root in the bone marrow and is now bedridden.

"Your Highness, go to bed early and stop reading."

"Oh, yes, son, it's okay. Soon, I will be an adult. As a queen, I must study hard.

What about Xi’s knowledge of governing the country? "Solanya smiled and shook her head.

Seeing Solanya's happy smile, Ke'er couldn't bear to tell her the truth. She was afraid

She couldn't accept it.

Poor princess, your presence in this courtyard full of weeds means that your mother and sister have long since died.

You abandoned me, why can't you understand?

The longer Ke'er stayed in the palace, the angrier he became.

She was resentful that no one cared about the princess's illness. She was resentful that no one even knew that the princess was sick. She resented that the princess was ill.

Everyone in the palace was resentful of Solanya's irresponsible mother.

Finally, the heir announced that the ceremony was coming. That day, Solanya was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

Even the next day, I had to go to the festival even with a cane and desperately trying.

Ke'er couldn't bear it. This stupid princess didn't realize that she was not informed of the significance of the heir announcement ceremony.


When Solanya arrived, she saw her beloved mother and sister on the high platform.

Then, her mother put the crown that should have been on her head on her sister's head, and suddenly

There was a burst of thunderous applause from below.

"Congratulations to Princess Yana for being crowned the first heir!"

"Long live Her Royal Highness Princess Yana!"

"Under the leadership of Her Royal Highness the Princess, the Blood Spirit Empire will surely move to a new level!!"

“Long live Her Royal Highness the Princess!!

"Solanya Dian Ke'er looked worriedly at Solanya who was silent beside her. She had never seen her Highness before.

This situation.

The palms of her hands were shaking violently, and she looked as if she had been abandoned by the whole world.

No one noticed the princess. All the nobles present only saw the dazzling second princess on the stage.

Nuyana, no one can hear her voice or understand her feelings

Since then, Solanya's illness has become more serious. She can hardly speak, and her throat feels like a piece of lead is blocked.

, looks extremely pitiful

Kerr risked his life and broke into the palace to inform the Scarlet Queen Victoria, but was beaten away by soldiers with sticks.

come out.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Solanya, I'm sorry that Kerr was crying in front of Solanya's bed, and her legs were injured because of this.

She almost had her leg lame, but she still couldn't see the ruthless queen.

"There's nothing I can do to apologize for!"

Solanya didn't say anything. She used her last strength to wipe away the tears from the corners of Ke'er's eyes and replied to her.

An innocent smile - just like the one when the two of them first met.

Spring was warm and flowers were blooming, but Solanya could not survive that winter after all. She left quietly one morning in winter.

The world has passed away, no one wishes blessings, and no one sends condolences, as if no one has ever known that this person existed -


From that moment on, Kerr completely turned dark.

She resented the queen, resented the second princess Yana, and resented the world that had taken away the person she loved most.

She suspected that Solanya's illness was a conspiracy. On that day, she swore that she would take revenge and save Solanya.

Even if he is against the world.

Your Highness, if the Blood Spirit Empire destroys you, I will destroy the Blood Spirit Empire!

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