"Who do you think we are?" The silver-haired girl on the throne was wearing a graceful and luxurious robe, holding up a black silk bag.

Her beautiful legs were wrapped up, and her hands lazily supported her head.

"I know the past and the future, I am omniscient and omnipotent, I am immortal, and I sit on the lonely throne at the highest point of Baland.

All living beings look up to me, but they don’t know the suffering I have suffered. "

"The things I carry are the things of all sentient beings. What I carry is not only the world, but also the way of heaven for all things!"

"You stand in front of me, just like a mayfly looking at a mountain or an ant looking at a ginseng tree. I am the strongest and highest arbiter.


"Wait a minute, what I have experienced is beyond your imagination! What we have to face cannot be seen to the end.

The vast universe above!" The silver-haired girl's disdainful voice carried the aura of a majestic and powerful person, looking down -


"Even if you are my clone and steal my divine power, it will not help. Mortal species will be mortal species after all. You

We cannot usurp God’s residence!”

After saying that, the silver-haired girl waved her hand, and in an instant, the thousands of troops under the throne turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Hmph, if you dare to challenge the authority of the God King, this will be your fate!" the silver-haired girl said with a disdainful smile.

"Your Highness, it's time for lunch." At this moment, an inappropriate voice came in.

We are gods, we don’t need to eat like lower creatures!" The silver-haired girl on the throne resented

The way.

"Also, don't call us Your Highness, we are now the King of Gods, the King of Kings!"

"Obey, Your Highness, you must eat when it's meal time. Okay, okay, stop playing. I will clean up the 'toys' for you.

Yes, you go to eat first

OK. "The silver-haired girl pursed her lips, jumped off the throne, and looked at the smiling face in front of her with some resentment.

The beautiful blond maid suddenly looked like she couldn't do anything with her.

"As I said, we are now Baland's gods. Don't call us His Highness. It sounds ridiculous.

"Is it weird? No, His Highness has obviously become weird. I have always called him like this and never changed it.

"I know, I know, okay, we will go and have a good meal. Don't worry about me." Bai Jilue

Feeling helpless, she followed the blond maid to the restaurant.

"Come, Your Highness, sit down

oh. "

"Here, put on your scarf."

"Well, we are not children anymore. We don't need to eat or wear scarves."

"Your Highness, be obedient. This is necessary. Look, your clothes are so beautiful. If they get dirty,

What a pity. It's very difficult to wash. "The blonde maid patted Bai Ji's head.

"Well, don't touch your head. If you touch your head, you won't grow taller! Bai Ji muttered and slapped the blond maid's hand away. "You

Did you take our words seriously?"

"In my eyes, Your Highness will always be His Highness, no matter what he becomes." Ke'er smiled.


"But we don't need to go in now.

"Listen, words, oh.".

Ahem, Keer, um, we will have a good meal, but as you can see, um, we are talking about our life

You can already regulate your life. Why don't you go and take care of it for us? What about a little fool who can't regulate his life yet?


"What do you mean, Your Highness? You don't want Ke'er's personal service anymore?" Ke'er tilted his head, his eyes gradually became...

It's getting dangerous.

"No, no! I mean, we will be good here, but you have taken care of us for such a long time.

It's time to take care of other people who need care! Well, this is our entrustment. "

"Entrust? Then who does Your Highness want me to take care of?"

"Well, it's like this. We now have a daughter, Bai Ji, who was gnawing on the blood bag while organizing a language test.

Picture explanation.

"Who is the father?" Ke'er's eyes lost their luster for a moment, as if he would pick up the kitchen knife the next moment.

The audacious bastard was punished on the spot.

"That's not the case! It's not like you don't know about the reproduction of the royal family." Bai Ji explained quickly.

"That's right, that child doesn't seem to be very obedient. Well, he always does something that bothers us.

Something happened, so I was wondering if I could ask you to discipline that child. "

"Since he is His Highness's child, he will be taken care of by Ke'er." Ke'er smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will

Train Your Highness to be your qualified heir.

"It would be great if that's the case. Well, we can finish the food ourselves, so you can go and do your work.

"Okay~ Your Highness must finish your meal obediently." After receiving a new order, Ke'er seemed to have found something.

A new goal in life and exited the room.

Bai Ji, who finally got rid of Ke'er, breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, I guess Lilina's Y-head won't be able to jump.

"Sister Tina, I talked to you last time."

"You kid?" Tina held her forehead with a headache. The little devil in front of her was even more sinister than her mother was when she was a child.

Naughty, I don't know who can control this child.

"Otherwise Lilina will just

Can I tell my mother that Sister Tina’s research on performance art has affected my mother?

Oh. "Lilia said with an expressionless expression.

"Am I being threatened?!

"Okay, okay, Your Highness, come with me."

"Hurry up, Lilina is going to play games with her great-aunt in the afternoon." Lilina urged.

"Okay, okay, here, don't let other people see it, do you understand?" Roll up the scroll and hand it over carefully.

Tina in Lilina's hand repeatedly gave instructions.

"Even if it's discovered, you can't say it was me who painted it! Do you understand?'

"But Sister Tina, who in the entire Saplan State wouldn't recognize your style of painting?" Lilina tilted her head and complained.


Isn’t it all your fault, you little scoundrel?!" Tina was unconvinced for a moment and pinched Lilina's two arms.

Cheeks, kneading the other person's soft cheek flesh, molding it into various shapes.

"Well, well, don't be like this, Lily RUA is still going on (come on, Lilya still has to play games).

"Humph, little rascal." Tina pursed her lips. "Come on, it won't be good if others notice you soon.

"Well, goodbye, Aunt Tina." Lilina first retreated to the door, then stuck her head out and talked to Tina.


"Ah, you little scoundrel, after you get the painting, you will be called Aunt Tina, right?" Tina gritted her teeth.

, but the little villain outside the door has already escaped at this moment, and no one can catch him.

"Ah, someone really needs to take this naughty little Highness away." Tina prayed devoutly.

"Auntie, is the game fun?" After coming out of Tina's residence, Lilina went straight to Lizi's villa.

"Ah? What nonsense is this? Games are my biggest passion in life, along with Coke and potato chips."

Lizi stared at the phone screen intently, shouting and typing. "Damn, where's the jungler? Why are you still thinking about it after we've already started a team?

Are you looking at the wild monsters in your jungle area? ? What's going on with the jungler on the opposite side? ! Is it your father who is single or the chestnut x your horse? 1

Aim directly at chestnuts? ?”

"Auntie, I also want to play games." Lilina trotted up to Lizi, clinging to the table with her fingers and resting her little head on it.

on the desktop.

"You? Tsk, what's wrong with learning at a young age? Have you done your homework?" Li Zi said disdainfully. "It's not that Li Zi is telling you. Li Zi has to study hard at your age. He has etiquette classes in the morning, spells classes in the afternoon, and politics classes in the evening.

Studying management courses, the schedule is so full that there is no time to play games.

"However, grandma said that when my aunt was this age, she was not good at eating, drinking and having fun all day long, otherwise she wouldn't have done it because of this.

And the head street that lost the heir

"Ahem! That idiot Lilias really tells this junior about everything!" Li Zi complained.

"Auntie, I want to play with you too."

"What game are you playing?" Li Zi glanced at Lilina. "I still want to play with Lizi, huh, Lizi plays games but

I hate meeting elementary school students the most. "

"Lilina is not a primary school student."

"That's right! Don't you know that if a young man doesn't work hard, he will be miserable?" Li Zi said, with a life experience

Rich looked like someone who had come before and poked Lilina on the forehead. "Be obedient, go do your homework, and don't disturb your aunt.

Do you understand?

Lilina was a little disappointed.

"Oh, by the way, hey, little Lilina, be good and come to my aunt and grandma."

"Eh? Auntie, do you want to take a nap with Lilina?"

"Why are you taking a nap? As a vampire, you actually take a nap. What a waste of time." Li Zi said disdainfully.

, pointing to a pile of empty potato chip bags and Coke bottles placed in front of the table.

"My aunt has run out of consumables. Can you go get some supplies for your aunt~?"

"But, grandma said that if my aunt asks me to buy something for her, I must not agree." Lilina Mo

He said emotionally.

"Hey, why? ?"

"Because grandma said this is the only reason for you to leave this mansion, so I can't help you."

"Ah, that idiot Lilias, why does he have to take care of everything!" Li Zi threw his hand away in frustration.


"Forget it, let's take care of myself, Lilina, come here and beat your aunt for a while."


"Hmph~~" Lizi handed the mobile phone with the game on to Lilina, completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

Lilina looked at the flickering screen of her phone curiously, swaying it up and down a few times, her little eyes filled with big question marks.

After a while, Li Zi returned to the villa humming an unknown tune. After ordering the little bat who was working for him to put down several bags of Coke and potato chips, he looked for Lilina.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lilina. Where is the kid?" Lilina was nowhere to be found, so Li Zi picked up the

The phone screen on the sofa was still flickering.

"Forget it, she has completed her mission. She continues to be beaten?! What is going on?!

Looking at the hats, staffs and other legal equipment in his equipment column, he confirmed again and again that he had read it correctly.

After that, the chestnuts fell


She was sure she was playing a shooter.


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