"Okay, okay, don't cry, Your Highness, cats cry and mice fake mercy, as far as you are concerned, there is no good at all.

Oh? Don't be sad, because soon, you will be able to find the same kind in our prison, of course, different

It must be alive, hahaha! .

"You, you even treat your own people so cruelly, aren't they the object of your protection? ?"

There was resentment in Lilith's trembling tone.

"I said it, Your Royal Highness, the person who caused the tragedy of that poor boy is not us, but you,

You are the culprit. "The cleric pointed at Lilith and said viciously, with a heartbroken expression

The appearance of the heart.

"One day you demons are not dead and clean, human beings will have no peace!"

"You must all be killed."

You always have one devil at a time, but you don't know it, you are also invincible in the eyes of aliens and demihumans

Undead demon!" Lilith looked at the priests coldly.

"Ha, what are you talking about, Your Highness, we represent the supreme gods of this world, and I

They are his agents in the world, gods love people, but they don't love you maggots who can only live in the gutter!"

The clergy kicked Lilith to the ground fiercely.

"As for you, Your Highness the Vampire Princess, your own existence is an insult and blasphemy to the gods." St.

The worker stepped on Lilith's head with a look of contempt.

"Okay, since you've caught her, hurry up and bring back her limbs, I'll see the weather

It's almost light," a cleric suggested.

"Don't be in a hurry, this stinky vampire has delayed us so much time and wasted so much energy, it's not good

Play - how can play be worthy of our efforts? Hehe, Your Royal Highness caught it, the cleansing of the source of pollution

It's here. "The clergyman took out a small bottle of blue potion from his pocket, opened the cork,

Pour the blue liquid on it onto Lilith's back.


After gnawing, the skin was ripped open immediately.

"Ya Ming

"Hahaha! Your Royal Highness screams really nicely, why, why don't you continue with such a beautiful scream?

? We can all wait to hear it. "The cleric laughed loudly.

Lilith remained silent.

"Oh, that's not going to work. How can it be done if Her Royal Highness doesn't call me? We've been busy for so long just for this." A cleric came over, smeared the silver sword in his hand with holy water, and then sternly stabbed lily

silk thighs

'Lilith endured the pain and did not make a sound.

As the arrogance of the blood royal family, she does not allow herself to be the plaything of a group of human scum, so she never sends out

Any voice adds interest to these clergymen.

"Hey, don't you plan to make a sound? Really, don't hold back if you can't help it, it may relieve the pain if you call it out

Oh. "The cleric pulled out the silver sword embedded in the flesh little by little, but only halfway, when the blade was about to come out completely.

When it came, stab it slowly again, let the holy water fully adhere to the wound, and give Lilith the greatest pain.

"!" Lilith remained silent.

"Hey, hey, I said you two are too much, you don't call me for such a fun thing, hahaha,

I want to play too!" The clergyman brutally opened Lilith's mouth and poured holy water into it.

"Ugh..." The holy water flowed down the throat into the esophagus, burning down the road, and Lilith was in so much pain that she couldn't bear it.

This pain was enough to make an adult with full concentration roll over in pain. She actually gritted her teeth and held on.

"Look at what good deeds you have done?" Another clergyman said dissatisfiedly. "If the throat burns out and you can't utter

What should we do if the sound is gone? Isn’t this what we are waiting for? ?”

"Yes, isn't it as boring as torturing a puppet if you can't make a sound? You see, they are all dumb now,

Just now, at any rate, he made some hesitant voices, but now he can only act like a dumb person. "

"Hahahaha, the vampires probably didn't even think about it. One day, their incomparably noble princess hall

Lie down on the feet of several humans like a puppy. "

"Since you say yes, puppy, come and lick my shoes." The priests kicked Lily boldly.

Si's face.

"Yo, Your Highness the Princess is not willing? That's right, how can the noble Princess think highly of us commoners?

What? But please figure out your current situation? ?”

"Maybe Her Royal Highness did as she did, and when we were in a good mood, we let Her Royal Highness go. There are different opinions.

Don't you want to take advantage of this rare opportunity? After passing this village, this shop might disappear.

"The clergymen laughed and teased to their heart's content, looking extremely happy.

After all, there is nothing more interesting than building happiness on the suffering of others, especially this

It should be the feeling that the existence of the strong is stepping on the soles of the feet, which makes people want to stop.

"Hey, do you have a camera?

"No, who would bring that kind of thing on a mission?"

"That's a pity. I originally planned to record this beautiful and eternal period."

"Don't worry, I brought my mobile phone." A clergyman smiled and took out a mobile phone from his purse.

"Oh, that's great! If this video is uploaded to our internal forum, it will attract a lot of attention

Right? ?Hey, I think it's better to send it directly to the blood queen, as long as the queen's heart is not iron, just

I'm afraid that we will agree to any request!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until that time." At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew past.

The face of the clergyman holding the mobile phone became stiff, and the mobile phone in his hand was separated from his head.

"What??" The remaining two clerics were shocked, and they all pulled out the weapons in their hands.

"Who? Who's where??"

"Are you scared, human?" The immature and indifferent girl's voice sounded in this narrow and dark alley, sandwiched between

With a gust of desolate wind, people can't stand the goosebumps.

"Who? Hidden, do you know what you're doing, you're obstructing the temple, obstructing the gods

Your will!" The priests shouted sternly, but they were already timid.

"God? Interesting." That immature loli voice was laced with a hint of teasing.

"Swipe, brush, brush!" Dao Bailian took shape from the dark night, and countless blades superimposed together to make it bloom

The head, arms and thighs of a cleric were dismembered by knives, and they were cut like fallen leaves in the wind.

He died tragically on the spot before he could utter a scream, and became a pile of indistinguishable garbage on the ground.

"You, you, you, you! The last remaining clergyman was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and kept backing away.

He knew that he had encountered a tough problem this time, and he cut his two companions into pieces after hearing his voice and seeing no one.

Human stick, how strong is this strength? I'm afraid he can compete with the knights of the temple. How can he be such a young man?

Can it be compared??

"Are you scared?" After the sound of the sword retracting its sheath, the priest finally saw the girl's true face.

Sharp ears, cherry-colored double ponytails tied with bat-wing hairpins swaying in the wind in the night,-

The pair of olive eyes are full of playfulness and meaning.

The girl appeared to be only about ten years old, but she was wearing a revealing and bold dress with a close-fitting navel, and her breasts were exposed.

One piece of black silk under the body is long and the other is short, but the soles of the feet are attached to show ten delicate little feet like jade grains


She held the two-meter-long scarlet long knife in her hand, which was far from her height, and looked down teasingly, frightened.

The trembling clergyman seemed to be looking at a bedbug.

"Human, where is your god?" It seems that because of being very happy, the girl stood with her hands behind her back, quite

With a seductive smile, he stared at the clergyman, and the heart-shaped tail behind him flicked, as if expressing the director's intentions.

The emotions of the moment.

"You! You are a succubus! ?

"A bit knowledgeable." The girl said with a giggle. "But I'm not one of those who kill people and drag things around,

Oh those troublesome succubi that make people die in bliss. "

"If you fall into my hands, you won't die so cheaply." The girl's smile is beautiful, but in the eyes of the clergyman

However, it has become an out-and-out nightmare.

"As you can see, I'm not interested in tedious charms or mind control. But with you-

In the same way, I also like and enjoy torturing my prey in despair. "The succubus licked~ the blood on the blade, wiped-

He painted something on his own tail, and stabbed it into the clergyman's hand bone.


"Hold it, Mister Human, I can't stop hearing your screams, maybe I'll stop at this moment

I can't come down anymore. "The succubus girl smiled wickedly.

"Don't make a sound, maybe it will give you a good time, the more you are in pain, the more you yell, the more I can't hold back

Control your excitement!" the succubus girl said intoxicated while holding her flushed face.

Saying that, the succubus girl chopped off a finger of the priest.

The clergyman screamed in agony, and ten fingers were chopped off in this agony.

This is not over yet, there is no finger to chop, the succubus girl-the knife pierces the upper abdomen of the human body to a point that is not fatal, but it can make

Acupoints where people are tortured and will not die completely until they bleed to death.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" After crucifying the priest to the ground, the succubus girl hurriedly leaned over to check Li

Liz's injury.

"You, you are Nalinya? Lilith regained some consciousness, said inconceivably,

Misheard for myself. "You, why are you here."

"Sorry, I'm late. Now that I'm by your side, you're safe~" the girl hugged Lilith, gently


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