"Well, classmate, do you live in this dormitory?" Nuo Qiu asked casually.

Bai Ming nodded.

"That's it, what a coincidence, I think so too." Nuo Qiu took out his door key with some embarrassment.

"Are you a new member of this dormitory?" Bai Ming asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes, what's the problem?".

I'm not the only one living in this dormitory. "

"I know.

“There are two other students.

"I know too.

"Then why are you still living here?" Bai Ming's words were a bit subtle. Whether it was the red-haired girl or Ye Lin,

Nadu expressed her welcome to Nuoqiu's move in. Well, although it was only a superficial welcome, at least the formalism was

He came out, but Bai Ming bluntly expressed that he was no longer welcome.

"The roommates are very friendly, I don't think there is any problem." The only problem is that he is the wrong gender


"Very friendly, huh?" Bai Ming's rare tone contained a hint of doubt.

"Yeah, they all seem to welcome me. Classmate, don't you mean to tell me that they both

They are all very weird people, so if you don’t want to have contact with them, try not to have contact with them, right?”

Bai Ming didn't speak, and after a long time he spoke slowly. "If you want to stay at this academy

If so, don't provoke them. "

This is the longest sentence Nuo Qiu has ever heard her say since she met Bai Ming.



"Aiya aiya, it seems that I came back at the right time." Just as the two were talking, a voice broke off midway.

Come in.

The two of them looked to the side at the same time. The red-haired girl stood in the long wind, looking at her with a pair of eyes full of smiles.

Wearing Bai Ming and Nuo Qiu.

"I'm really lucky today to meet two roommates who are returning to the dormitory at the same time." As she said that, the red-haired girl walked slowly

Come closer.

"Oh, isn't this classmate Bai Ming, who is busy with everything, why did he come back so early today? I thought

You don't want to come back today as always, and you are planning to lock the door directly. ”.

"Bai Ming didn't say anything, and he didn't even look at the red-haired girl, as if she was completely absent.

Same as this person.

"Go back, it's getting late." This sentence seemed to be said to Nuo Qiu, but it didn't seem to be the case. Bai Ming opened the door.

Ignoring the two people standing at the door, he walked in.

Sure enough, the relationship between these three people living under the same roof is not very good, it can even be said to be bad.

From the words just now, Nuo Qiu could hear the strong smell of gunpowder. The red-haired girl seemed to have been unhappy with Bai Ming for a long time.

However, Bai Ming's attitude towards the former was to simply ignore her and not communicate with her at all.

Seeing this, Nuo Qiu had no choice but to follow in, leaving the red-haired girl alone to enjoy the cold wind outside.

Haha, - as bad as ever. "After silence, the red-haired girl sneered.

"Classmate, can I know your name?" Nuo Qiu caught up with Bai Ming. "After all, there is a house behind this

I'm my roommate under the roof. I should know how to call you, right?'

Of course, Nuo Qiu already knew what Bai Ming's name was. This was just a formality and he didn't tell his name.

Isn’t it unreasonable to know the other person’s name?

"Bai Ming Shenglun." Bai Ming said without looking back. After entering the house, he went straight to his room, closed the door, and there was a bang.

The wind caused by the voice blew Nuoqiu's face.

"Ah, no wonder these three people are at odds with each other. With Bai Ming's character and attitude of not letting strangers in, I'm afraid...

Anyone who wants to get close to her will be rejected by her. It's a ghost to be able to have a good relationship with others.

Of the other two, only Yelena looked normal. The red-haired girl and Bai Ming actually had a crush on him.

The attitude is very cold, even bad.

Well, although their superficial attitude towards him was pretty good.

But this was enough. As long as nothing unexpected happened, he thought he could probably get along with these eccentric people.

The eldest ladies coexist peacefully

"Saint Lun?"

Opening his identification panel, Nuo Qiu looked at the column of his last name.

‘Saint Lun/Evening Star.

He flipped up his gorgeous white blond hair and looked thoughtful.

Judging from the information on the identification panel, Bai Ming is likely to be related to her, but Sheng Lun is a big

Bai Ming is most likely a direct member of the clan, and he has been abandoned in the countryside, so he must be a proper collateral member.

Members are correct.

Therefore, even if there is a certain blood relationship between the two of them, they will not have anything in common.

Speaking of which, is Yelena back?

Nuo Qiu passed by Yelena's room and didn't hear any movement inside, but the light was on.


"Huh?" Nuoqiu, who was about to go back to his room, was stunned. He wondered if he had heard it wrong, and then said:

He put his head next to the door and listened carefully.

After nearly a minute, he was convinced that he had heard correctly. There was someone in the room, but the voice did not sound like Ye's.


, and the man's voice was whimpering and hesitating intermittently, as if he was crying.

No way? Why is there a girl crying in Yelena's room?

Nuo Qiu became even more confused, and at the same time, a somewhat terrifying suspicion arose in his heart.

"Um, is there anyone inside?" To test whether there was really anyone other than Yelena inside, Nuo Qiu tried

Knocked on the door so that even if Yelena was inside, there would be no suspicion.

The crying stopped suddenly, and the corridor was surprisingly quiet. Except for the sound of Nuoqiu's own breathing, there was no sound.

There are other voices.

not talking anymore?

"Excuse me, is Miss Yelena here?" Nuo Qiu knocked on the door again, but there was still only a moment of silence.

"Excuse me, is there anyone in the room? I thought I heard someone crying just now, so I came over to take a look. If

If anyone is there, please say something. This is a student dormitory. In theory, no one other than students is allowed.

People move in. "Nuo Qiu's words were very tactful, and he clearly expressed to the crying girl in the room that if

If you are kidnapped, then speak out and I might be able to rescue you. "

"There was still silence in the room.

"Excuse me, are you a student of this college?" Nuo Qiu spoke again, asking more directly.

The room was still silent, seeming to be hesitating.

"Don't be afraid. Okay, let me ask another question. If you say yes, just say it. If you don't, just stay silent. That's it.


There was still silence in the room.

"In other words, you're not? Then... you are.


At this moment, a hand fell on Nuoqiu's shoulder, and his voice also stopped abruptly.

"Guwuwu?! Nuoqiu felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his body stiffened, as if he had been

Like a frog illuminated by a lamp, he dared not move.

"Oh my! Isn't this Mr. Nuoqiu? Why are you squatting at the door of someone else's dormitory instead of going to your room to sleep so late?

What~?" Yelena's voice was full of playfulness and teasing, making Nuoqiu break into a cold sweat.

"Ye, Yelena's classmate Nuo Qiu swallowed hard, maintained a half-crouched position, and looked up at Yelena who was looking down at him.

Yelena now gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Classmate Nuoqiu, can you tell me what you are doing? ~" Yelena had a warm smile on her lips.

"I, ah, I happened to be passing by, and I wanted to see if you, classmate Yelena, are in the dormitory."

"Oh, that's just it."

"Yes, I'll leave right now, right now.

"Wait a minute." Just when Nuo Qiu was about to run away at the speed of light, he was pulled back by Yelena.

"Hey! Nuoqiu tried to break away from Yelena's hand, but found that her soft and boneless hands were like iron pliers.

Once you clamp him, you can no longer break free.

It's embarrassing. Nuoqiu, a boy, is not even as strong as Yelina, a girl.

He immediately started the appraisal.

Name: Yelena

Last name: Ned

Race: Quran

Skills Mastered: Strong Body LV10, Physical and Mental Wellness LV12, Ned Spearmanship LV22, Torn 2

The numerical value is not as abnormal as that of Bai Ming, but it is enough to deal with this scumbag of war!!

Just with his strong physique at level 10, he can knock him to the ground with his rice transplanting skills at level 1!

This academy is full of perverts, their strength is too exaggerated!

Before entering the academy, Nuo Qiu thought that everyone awakened their bloodline at the age of fifteen, so there shouldn't be much difference until

Now he understands that people cannot be generalized. In this college, he is the lowest on the food chain.

The one at the end.

"Well, is there anything else important, Miss Yelena?" Since he couldn't escape, Nuo Qiu could only put on a show.

He looked weak and begged the other party to let him go.

He has realized that the other party is not a normal person and knows the other party's biggest secret. In this case, Nuo Qiu

I feel that the other party will probably not let me go.

"I see, classmate Nuo Qiu seems to be very interested in my room." Yelena grabbed Nuo Qiu, a bit like carrying someone

Chicken pose.

"Since you are so interested, then come and be a guest in my room. Oh, by the way, I also have -

She is just a little obedient puppy. No matter how much I treat her, she is not nice to her. On the contrary, she prefers strangers. This makes me very miserable.

Hey, classmate Nuoqiu can be her companion and help me coax her or something, okay? "

"No, no, this is inappropriate, this is really inappropriate."

"I think it's okay." The girl with long beige hair came closer to Nuo Qiu's face, and her eyes reflected Nuo Qiu's

The face of fear and terror at this moment.

"After all, Nuoqiu-san is so cute, of course it's okay? I like cute people like Nuoqiu-san the most, right?"

My beloved child. "Yelena licked the corners of her mouth, her eyes moving back and forth on Nuo Qiu's face.

She seemed to be very interested in Nuoqiu's olive eyes and long, shining golden hair.

"Sorry! Sorry to bother you, can you let me go?"

? Wow, come on, someone is coming!"

Just when Nuo Qiu was about to be dragged into the room by Elena, the door at the other end of the corridor opened.

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