Blood Princess and the Knight

32~The non-existent forest

"Have you finally gotten rid of them? Yelena found a dead tree and sat down, hugging her knees and taking a rest.

"So, why are there so many horned snakes here? Snakes are never social animals, right?" Nuoqiu gently put down the frightened Ruoya on his back.

"Nuoqiu, you must not have taken the college's Balande biology course well." Yelena teased with a smile. "No one who has taken a few biology classes would say that horned snakes are not social animals."

Wu er. "Nuo Qiu thought about it for a moment. He was probably catching up on his sleep during the biology class.

Ah, speaking of which, everything is Bai Ming's fault. If it wasn't for guarding this guy, why does he get up so early every day? ? He wakes up so early, and he wants to sleep as soon as he goes to class.

"So, where are we escaping to now? Forget it, anyway, at least it's a lot safer." Safe, not necessarily. " - Bai Ming, who had been silent until now, spoke, as if murmuring to himself. "Why did the horned snake retreat after chasing us here?"

"?you mean?"

"There may be something here that scares even the horned snakes that live in groups." Bai Ming thought.

"In other words, we didn't escape, but we just stepped out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth again?" Nuo Qiu swallowed. He never questioned Bai Ming's intuition. After all, Wen Dao had successively specialized in arts and crafts.

"Not sure yet." Bai Ming broke off a branch and waved it a few times. "Get out of this forest as soon as possible, it makes me feel bad.

"Well, this is probably the first time that I feel so close to you. After regaining her breath, Ruoya stood up and supported the tree trunk. "I have to leave this place quickly. I always feel that there is something wrong with this place.

"Listening to what you said, it seems a little bit true. It should be noon now, right? But the woods are so dense that people can't even see the sun." Nuoqiu looked at the sky.

"Do you think we might have strayed into a devil's lair? Or a vampire's cave or something like that?" Yelena licked the corner of her mouth.

"You, can you please stop saying such childish words? This is the outskirts of the royal capital of the Gulan Empire. Where did the vampire demon come from?" Ruoya said with disgust, a trace of imperceptible fear flashing across her face.

"I'm serious. Look, this forest is weird, isn't it? We were running all the time at the beginning, but we didn't feel any obstacles at all, but now when we look back, there are lush and dense trees behind us. "Are there really these trees just now?" Yelena tilted her head.

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense after saying this kind of thing, be careful if your words become a prophecy!"

"Ah? ~Miss Ruoya, no, don't you really believe it? Are you afraid of vampires?" Yelena seemed to have found someone to tease, and her expression suddenly became happy. stand up.

"Well, who is not afraid of that kind of thing? ? It is said that their teeth are bigger than rhino's! And they stink so much that they don't take a bath, they run around in a tattered dress, and they even sleep on the floor. These are clearly a group of monsters!" Ruoya said tremblingly.

The teeth are bigger than those of a rhinoceros and they stink

Nuo Qiu imagined Ruoya's description in his mind, which was a bit funny.

That's not what a living thing can look like at all, is it?

Although he has never seen a vampire, there are vampires in this world, right? He doesn't know what the vampires' expressions will be like when they hear Ruoya's description just now.

"Besides, they can eat people!

"Miss Ruoya, we need to be more realistic. Vampires do suck human blood, but I haven't heard of cannibalism." Elena narrowed her eyes and said.

"So, why do you know those monsters so well? ?" Ruoya's eyes widened.

"Ah, well, because I'm usually interested, I went to check some information, and by the way, I collected some organs from vampires."

8 Wu Ruoya quickly stepped back and stayed away from Yelena. She used to think that Yelena was abnormal, but now, there is another pervert behind the word abnormal.

"So, how can we get out of this jungle now?"

"Well, I probably have to ask Miss Bai Ming, who has a lot of experience in field operations." Nuo Qiu glanced at Bai Ming.

"Can't see the sun, can't tell the direction." After a long silence, Bai Ming shook his head.

"Then, what should we do now? ?"

"Go back the way you came and have a look."

So after taking enough rest, the four of them got up and walked in the direction they came from.

What surprised the four of them was that it was clear that they had not run very long when they came, but they could not see the end of the road when they returned.

"Why haven't we walked out of the forest yet? We didn't run such a long way when we came here, right?" After walking for a while, Ruoya couldn't hold on anymore.

Among the four of them, except Nuo Qiu, no one had time to put on shoes, so now, the three eldest ladies are walking barefoot, and the soil on the ground is covered with some rough and small particles. Bai Ming is okay and can bear it. Yelena follows

Ruoya was tortured so much that her socks had several holes.

Not only did I not go back. "Bai Ming stroked the mark on the tree trunk. "We are back to where we were.

"What? ? After such a long time, not only did you not go back, but you also returned to the previous position? ?"

Ruoya looked around, feeling familiar, and she held her head in despair.

"Sure enough, yes, indeed

It's really back to the starting point

The direction was unanimously confirmed by them, so there was no mistake. They returned the same way, but they seemed to be walking in the same place.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Nuo Qiu and Yelina showed varying degrees of solemnity on their faces.

"What should we do? Will we never be able to get out for the rest of our lives?"

"Ah, calm down, Miss Ruoya, from another perspective, if you take ten thousand steps back, there is nothing wrong with not being able to get out for the rest of your life, right?" Yelena covered her mouth and smiled. “I think this forest is rich in products and food is not hard to find, so survival shouldn’t be a problem.

"What I want is life, not survival! Even if I'm trapped, I'm still trapped with you." Ruoya said desperately. "If I stay with Qi Pao for a long time, I won't be able to breathe!"

"It's rude to say that. If you want to talk about weirdness, Nuo Qiu is the weirdest one. It's actually very dangerous for the three of us to stay with him." Yelena said with deep meaning.

"Huh? No matter how you look at it, Nuoqiu is much more normal than the two of you, right?" Ruoya said matter-of-factly.

"Not necessarily, after all

"Yelena, don't say such strange things." Nuo Qiupi said with a smile.

"Ah, pretend I didn't say it, it's nothing."

"Speaking of which, Nuoqiu, how did you find this strange forest? ? I haven't been to any corner of Cypriel City? But I have never been to this forest."

"Eh? But I just looked at the map and chose the location."

"Speaking of which, was there really a forest here before? Why didn't I know?"

"But shouldn't you be the first to meet up at this place?"

"Ah, okay, okay, let's love who it is, I don't want to worry about who is right and who is wrong now." Ruoya hugged her knees and buried her head in them. "I just want to know if I can still see my mother."

"Don't be so depressed, Miss Ruoya, you can definitely see her, but you won't know whether you are complete or not when you see her." Yelena fanned the flames.

"Based on the current situation, it is quite difficult." Bai Ming thought rationally and then came to a conclusion.

You two. "Nuo Qiu was a little helpless.

We are all in trouble, but there are two teammates next to us who like to quarrel and don't say nice things. It is indeed difficult enough.

After being able to get along with these two people for a year, Nuo Qiu began to feel that it was not easy for Ruoya.

"The soil is dry and the woods are dense. There should be no need to worry about rain." Bai Ming continued his analysis. "There is no need for a temporary tent." "

The tired four people rested against a big tree in the jungle, and soon they realized another serious problem.


So hungry, Ruoya held her stomach pitifully.

"Isn't it not long after you have eaten? Why are you hungry?"

"You still have the nerve to say that I didn't even take a few bites of that sandwich just now!" Ruoya said sadly. "It's not because I lost my appetite just because I saw Sheng Lun's face."

"Bai Ming, who was lying on the gun for no apparent reason, said nothing and looked elsewhere.

"I'll go look for something to eat." Nuo Qiu sighed. After all, he is the only boy in the team now, and he is also the only one who has shoes, so it won't be too difficult to walk. .

After a while, Nuoqiu returned. He used the hem of his skirt as a belt and wrapped many large and small mushrooms inside.

"Hey, it's a mushroom. It looks delicious." Picking up a mushroom, Ruoya was about to put it in her mouth when Bai Ming snatched it away and stepped on it under her feet.

"Bai Ming, what are you doing?" Ruoya, who was extremely hungry, was a little annoyed.

"These mushrooms cannot be eaten." Bai Ming said concisely and concisely.

"But these mushrooms are not bright in color? Why can't they be eaten?" Bright mushrooms cannot be eaten. Nuo Qiu still knows a little bit about these little things.

"There is no question of whether they are bright or not. Try not to eat the mushrooms in the jungle if you can." Bai Ming explained emotionlessly. "They are all more or less poisonous, even if they are not brightly colored."


"Tsk, you can't eat this, you can't eat that, you won't starve to death, right?" Ruoya muttered.

"Nuo Qiu, lend me your gun." Bai Ming said.

"Ah? Lend you a gun? Which gun?" Nuo Qiu didn't understand for a moment.

"Do you have a second gun on you?" Bai Ming tilted his head.

And Yelena's expression became weird.

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