The battlefield was deserted, and the remaining wind carried the smell of blood.

After several hours of rest, the vampire sergeants were ready to go, like an undead army returning from hell. Ji Bai took a step forward. At the same time, the vampire army moved and let out an inhuman roar. They moved.

Like a tidal wave, it surged toward Ji Bai. The waves were as powerful as breaking bamboo, and at the same time, there was also the overwhelming bombardment of magic spells.

After learning the previous lesson, the vampire army fought in an orderly manner, with sword and shield soldiers blocking the front row, spearmen in the back, vampire cavalry riding black-blooded beasts following behind, and finally the vampire magic masters who were protected by layers of protection. them.

The eyes of these vampire soldiers were all caught by Ji Bai. They were eyes that did not seem to be life. The eyes of the hungry wolves had nothing but the nature of a predator.

Ji Bai knew after glancing at the eyes of the elven soldiers that he could not win this battle. In terms of momentum and morale alone, the elves were far behind the vampires.

The relationship between predators and prey has been clearly arranged from the beginning. White rabbits and sheep that live in peace with the world cannot deal with a pack of wolves.

Not expecting these sheep to stand in front of him, Ji Bai understood that he had to use his own strength to boost their morale and tell these sheep that this was not a losing battle.

A huge sword as blunt as an iron rod swirled around, with a broad blade, a blade made of complicated materials, and a crudely made handle. It was heavy, had an unstable center of gravity, and was so blunt that it had almost no cutting power, but in the hands of the knight, it turned into an invincible war blade. The steel shield and refined armor made of vampire craftsmanship, the body with extremely high regenerative ability and toughness, were destroyed by a sword. The golden holy flame wrapped around Ji Bai's sword blade like a viper, and then penetrated the enemy's chest.

What is extremely threatening is not only the ever-burning holy flame, but also the terrifying strength of the knight.

The mixed sword was stirred up by the dance, with powerful destructive power. Just the strong wind stirred up the bones of the vampires, twisting and deforming them. Before the blade fell on these vampires, they seemed to be knocked away. It spins like a polo ball and flies up.

The vampires let out sharp roars, as if the commander was giving orders to his subordinates.

Soon, the vampires who attacked Ji Bai changed their actions. They spread out and formed a human wall to surround Ji Bai. They made a way out and the vampire cavalry riding black beasts rushed in like hungry tigers. .

This is a typical tactic of soldiers giving way to the cavalry, each performing their duties, and annihilating the enemy in the encirclement.

Yabai stood there, motionless as a mountain. He closed his eyes. For a moment, the messy sound of horse hooves, the sound of piercing spears, the messy breathing, and the howls of wild beasts were all gone. Escaped Ji Bai's ears.

His world was isolated from this world, but overlapped at the same time. In an instant, Ji Bai opened his eyes, and the sharp black spear was very close to him. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and pulled the vampire cavalry off his horse along with it.

Ji Bai pulled off the vampire cavalry's helmet with crisp and neat movements, and smashed his head to pieces with a sword, as easily as smashing a watermelon. The black beast, which was panicking because of the death of its master, was grabbed by the nose by Ji Bai, then it was lifted up and smashed out with all four legs in the air.

The flying black beast knocked over several soldiers before stopping.

Ji Bai picked up the black spear that fell on the ground, threw it out, and stuck it in the head of a vampire cavalry who fell to the ground before he could get up. His life or death was unknown.

Three cavalrymen drove the black beasts from the front and pierced Ji Bai's face. Ji Bai lowered his body and avoided the spear that was thrust straight at him. He reached out and grabbed the other two spears on both sides, and thrust the other two spears at his handles. hold.

Seeing this, the sword and shield men behind him launched a sneak attack while Ji Bai was dealing with the cavalry in front and had no time to look behind him, regardless of the destruction of the formation.

Ugh! The refined vampire saber struck Tianhui and was bounced back. The vampire soldier who attacked Ji Bai only felt numbness in his palms and could barely hold the blade.

After throwing the three cavalrymen in front of him off their horses one by one, Ji Bai turned around and used his sword to push back the attacking vampire soldiers. He pulled a black beast and threw it towards the vampire.

Vampire Cavalry.

The vampire commander roared again. Seeing that the ordinary formation could not deal with Ji Bai, they changed their lineup again. The infantry was on the outermost edge, and the cavalry rotated in circles on the inner layer, surrounding Ji Bai in the center.

The magicians chanted loudly, and several meteors fell from the sky.

The calamity-level curse fell and hit Ji Bai's head hard, creating a big hole in the ground where he was.

"It's over." The elf elder wanted to release magic spells to help support, but there were too many falling meteors. Faced with so many magic clouds and stars, releasing protective magic was like paper and had no effect.

"Ji Bai Yanxia!"

Amidst the violent bombardment, Ji Bai could no longer be seen.

See this. The elven soldiers had no morale, looked timid, and did not dare to step out of the city gate.

"Close the city gate quickly!" Seeing the vampire cavalry rushing towards the city gate on horseback, the elf elder shouted from the top of the city.

The elf soldiers below the city were barely able to react. Just as they were about to close the city gate, they were shot through by a curse and fell into a pool of blood.

Hurry up and close the city gate! "The elf elder was anxious, but his anxiety was useless. The elf soldiers wanted to close the city gate, but they were interfered and attacked by the vampire magicians, and they couldn't free their hands at all.

After being besieged for several days and unable to do anything, the Vampire cavalry would not let go of this great opportunity. With a single stroke, they knocked away the elf soldiers beside the city gate and rushed into the city.

"It's broken, it's broken!" The elf elder's eyes widened.

I was at a loss for a while.

"Your Majesty Queen, hurry up and escape from the back door with Her Royal Highness Princess Ruo! The vampire cavalry has come in and this city can no longer be defended!"

""Quickly, you guys, escort Her Majesty the Queen out of the city!" However, the shouts of the elf elders were completely drowned in the uproar of shouts and screams. No one heard it, or in other words, no one carried out it.

Everyone is running away, why are you still caring about the queen?

Nowadays, all the surviving troops are the elves' common troops, and there are even many miscellaneous agricultural and industrial troops among them. It is ridiculous to expect an army of this quality to have combat effectiveness and fighting will.

Before relying on the city wall, they might still obey the elders' orders out of a desire to survive, but now that the city is broken, these undisciplined soldiers will naturally fly away when disaster strikes. Whether they can run or not depends entirely on their own abilities.

On the other hand, the vampire army knew exactly who the biggest fish was. They abandoned the elf soldiers who were fleeing in panic, went straight to the city gate, and went up the city wall to catch the elf queen.

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