"Wrong, Your Excellency Ji Bai is a little over the top. You are a hero in this world, and you are the hero who saved our elves from the fire and water. How can you say you are not worthy?" The elf elders still don't give up.

""Now, my queen is in her prime of life and has no marriage contract. She still lacks a husband as she wishes. And you, Your Excellency Ji Bai, have not yet married or established a family. You two met during the war. What a fate. Isn't this not God's will? ?" he continued to preach.

"The nobles here all respect and admire you, and they all approve of your union with Her Majesty the Queen. Her Majesty the Queen herself also secretly expresses her love for you. Will you turn a blind eye to this?"

"Wandering dandelions will eventually fall and return to their roots. My queen doesn't want to miss you, and please don't leave yourself with lifelong regrets."

"Your Excellency, Elder, I accept your kindness. However, I have become accustomed to wandering for a long time. I have almost forgotten what it feels like to be on one side. Besides, I still have things I must do, so I can't stop now." After drinking, Halfway through, Ji Bai was also a little tipsy, but his consciousness was still sober.

"It's such a pity, it's such a pity." The elf elder shook his head. "It's a pity that a contemporary hero like Your Excellency Ji Bai doesn't come together with my queen. They are obviously a match made in heaven."

"Since Your Excellency Ji Bai has made up his mind, I won't force you to do so. Let's drink wine as a way to support Your Excellency Ji Bai!" As he said that, the elf elder raised his wine glass and asked everyone to raise their goblets.

Ji Bai drank all the wine in his glass. For some reason, the elven nobles looking at him felt a little embarrassed and avoided looking at him. "It's a bit late today. Your Excellency Ji Bai, you are also drunk. Just stay in our palace and rest for one night." The elf elder said with a smile. "No, I""

Thump!" Ji Bai stood up and was about to refuse, when he lost his balance and fell onto the chair.

"Hey, it seems that Your Excellency Ji Bai is really drunk. Come on, why don't you send Your Excellency back to rest quickly?" The elf elder winked at the maid beside him.

"Your Excellency, please come with us." Two beautiful elf maids came to Ji Bai and helped him up..." Ji Bai wanted to get rid of them, but he stood up, but found that he could not use any strength at all. .

He knew that he had been drugged, and silently turned his gaze to the elf elder, but the latter turned away.

"Your Excellency Ji Bai, this is an act of necessity. Please don't blame me." After saying that, the elf elder waved his hand to the maid to send Ji Bai to rest. The elven nobles sitting on both sides of the banquet were a little ashamed when they saw this scene and did not dare to raise their heads.

"Everyone, there is nothing to feel guilty about. I just did what I did. I had no choice but to do it for the survival of the elves. I believe that the ancestor of the elves, Mu Xing, would understand when he saw it." The elf elder vowed.

"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting. The next step will be up to Her Majesty the Queen herself."

Afterwards, Ji Bai, whose limbs were limp and weak, was sent to a luxurious bed in the Elf Imperial Palace, where he lay with his legs in the air. "Master, I want you to be careful." Tianhui's faint voice came.

"I didn't expect them to add drugs to the wine." Ji Bai tilted his head. So far, he could only move his head. This is really confusing.

"But it doesn't look like they're trying to hurt me."

"Of course they won't harm you." Tianhui's voice had a hint of faint complaint. "They hope that you will join the royal family of elves and serve their elves from then on until the moment of death."

"Are you sure?" Ji Bai thought for a moment, but seemed to still not understand the question. "But why use this method?"

"Master, let me ask you, if you were to marry that elf queen, would you abandon her?" Tianhui asked. "No." Ji Bai said firmly. "You're going to take someone else's body. It's not appropriate to just pat your butt and leave."

"I knew it would be like this." Tianhui sighed. "This is obviously their own initiative. Master, you can leave and ignore them afterwards, but you can't understand this problem."

[They’re not going to force themselves, right?”

"They are already coming to force me, my lord." "Seeing Ji Bai's dull look, Tianhui said helplessly. "I don't think it's necessary." Just as he was talking to Tianhui, the sound of light high-heeled shoes gradually approached.

"Ji Bai, in front of the door of your room, the elf queen who is so delicate that she can drip water is leaning against the door. Her face is full of shyness and timidity, and she seems to be very unsure of what is about to happen.

"I'm coming in."

Her Majesty the Queen. "Ji Bai raised his head slightly.

"Pao apologizes for forcing His Excellency Ji Bai to stay here in such a despicable and shameless way, but I still can't let His Excellency Ji Bai leave like this." Milin arrived in front of Ji Bai little by little. , sat down next to Ji Bai.

Milin is very beautiful today. The dress she wears perfectly brings out the elf's hot figure. Her cheeks are so perfect that no flaws can be found, full of tenderness and charm.

This is a temptation that no male can resist. "I don't think it's necessary." Ji Bai said without thinking.

"Does it mean that I don't have any attraction for Your Excellency Ji Bai?" As she said that, Milin put her hand on Ji Bai's chest, took off her shoes, and moved to Ji Bai, little by little. Pull off Ji Bai's collar

Is this really a good thing?" Ji Bai suddenly asked. "Your Excellency Ji Bai?"

~For the prosperity of the ethnic group, are you willing to sacrifice yourself?"

"As a queen, you are indeed very sacrificial. Yes, I admire you.

, but if the target is me, please allow me to refuse. "The silver armor condensed and gathered in the air, and Ji Bai suddenly sat up from the big bed.

"What?" Milin was stunned. "How could it be possible? The medicine is obviously far less effective."

"The so-called paralyzing drug is nothing more than a psychotropic drug." Zhibai said as he moved his body. "My armor can be attacked by the rabbit plague spirit." "How is that possible?" Milin immediately knelt down on the bed and lowered her head, like a little girl who had done something wrong.

"Your Majesty, you can indeed sacrifice yourself in exchange for the peace of the ethnic group, but is this really good?" Through the gap in her helmet, Milin could feel Ji Bai looking at her seriously.

""Are you sure you want to ruin your life for this?" "You don't love me at all, do you?"

"I, I" Milin sobbed slightly. "But I really have no choice." "This is my mission, the mission of being born into the royal family."

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