"These despicable domestic animals!" There were curses coming from the sewers of King's Landing.

"You actually stabbed me in the back when I ascended the throne as king! Sooner or later, I will have to settle this score!" At the corner of the sewer, the white-haired young vampire yelled angrily.

The royal robe on his body was badly damaged, with many slashes and sword marks all over it, and it was also stained with a lot of blood, whether it was his own or the enemy's.

"When I make a comeback, I will definitely make these livestock pay the price!" The young vampire clenched his fists. "At that time, I will chop off the head of the emperor of Gulan and brew it in wine!"

"How many of us are left??" The Vampire King warned his cronies.

"After experiencing the coup in the imperial city and resisting foreign enemies, the Imperial Guard should now have no more than a hundred people." Xia Du replied.

"Tsk! All my hard work for so many years has been ruined in one day!" The Vampire King gritted his teeth, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and glared at the ragged man behind him. The white-haired girl was tied up and dragged away by the Imperial Guards.

"It's all your fault for your cousin, do you understand??" As he said that, the Vampire King walked over and stepped on the girl's forehead, ruthlessly ravaging her. "If it weren't for you, a little beast, my ascension to the throne would be a matter of course, and there would be no need for so many people to die. Do you understand?"

"Now, my work has failed and everything is over!" The more he spoke, the more angry the vampire king became. He was furious and kept beating the scarred silver-haired girl.

~My king, calm down and don’t let the small gain lead to the big loss. Now is not the time to ignore her. We must escape from the imperial city as soon as possible. "

"Don't worry." The Vampire King grinned. "There is a secret passage in the inner city of the imperial city that connects to the sewers in the outer city. How could those imbecile domestic animals think that we could escape from here?"

"When I make a comeback, these livestock will be in trouble."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until the time for your comeback." At this moment, a voice interrupted the vampire king's proud words. "Wha, what?!"

"There is an enemy!" the henchman shouted and stood in front of the vampire king. The next moment, an arrow was inserted into his chest.

"Damn it!" The confidant's eyes widened. An arrow certainly couldn't kill a high-level vampire, but those who attacked King's Landing were the elites of the Gulan Empire. The weapons they used, including disposable weapons, were all enchanted!

"Boom!" As he expected, in the next second, golden carvings flashed on the arrow. Amid the excitement, the explosion spread. Several vampire soldiers who were close to the confidants were thrown away, and the ones located on the arrow were thrown away. The vampire henchman at the center of the explosion was directly blown into split slime.

"Domestic animals!" Looking at the Gulan soldiers who appeared in front and blocked his way, the vampire king's eyes were about to burst.

"Vampires, you have no choice but to put down your weapons and surrender. If you cooperate with us, you can still survive. Otherwise, don't even think about it!" Before the adjutant could finish speaking, the Vampire King angrily yelled. "A group of domestic animals also want to force me to surrender." ??"

"Escort! Kill all these livestock for me!" The Vampire King did not care about the situation and ordered his remaining defeated soldiers to go head-to-head with the well-equipped Gulan army, which was waiting for work. The results were obvious.

Long before encountering the Vampire King, Villette had set up a military formation, with shield bearers and spearmen at the front, and archers using enchanted light bomb bows and arrows to find opportunities to attack the weakest points in the vampire formation.

The vampire army was caught off guard. In addition, the lineup was scattered and morale was low. Even though they faced only a detachment of the Knights of Gulan, they were still beaten. In just one encounter, a volley exploded, and there were already dozens of vampires. The soldiers fell into a pool of blood. Some struggled weakly and their vitality was exhausted.

Fight back quickly!"

"My king, our people are exhausted! The magic power is exhausted, and there are not many other consumables left. I am afraid that we cannot defeat these Gulan people.

"What do you mean?! Do you want me to surrender to these animals?" The vampire king was furious and pushed away his subordinates who were trying to stop him. "As long as I escape, as long as I escape, everything can be done again!"

"Anyone can die here, but I can't! I've only been king for a few days!" Shouting crazily, the Vampire King drew his fang sword and rushed towards the Gulan soldiers.

""Anyone who blocks my way must die!"

"The king of vampires is about to run away, stop him quickly! Don't let him run away!" Seeing this, the adjutant shouted.

Immediately, several spearmen and shield soldiers came out to meet the vampire king who rushed over. The Gulan soldiers were well-trained. Even if a few front row members were suddenly transferred from the team, someone would immediately take their place.

Suddenly, the vampire king expanded in size, and his body was armed with a layer of blood-red cuticle.

The soldiers' refined spears did not leave any traces on his body, but bounced off his cuticle. "It's blood demonization! Back away!"

Hey! Livestock, what can you do to me?!^ The Vampire King laughed crazily.

"Damn it!..." Upon seeing this, the adjutant released two sacred spells on himself, [Strength Blessing] and [Speed ​​Blessing]. Holding the spear in his hand, he jumped up, the spear head fell like a mountain, and struck the Vampire King fiercely.

【Spear of the Earth】

"Ugh!" It was like hitting an alloy. The vampire king remained motionless and smashed the adjutant's spear with his shoulder. "Die!" The Vampire King did not miss this opportunity. His sharp claws burst out with blood, trying to crush the adjutant's neck. Lord Adjutant!"

At the critical moment, Willy

Specially draw the sword.

The knight girl tightened her grip on the weighted ball on the hilt of her sword, drew her sword vertically, and suddenly approached the vampire king.

"Little trick!" the Vampire King snorted coldly, subconsciously reaching for it with his hand. However, when the sword fell on him, he realized something was wrong. This sword definitely struck him, but his body didn't feel any confusion at all.

Just when he was doubting, he saw countless icy blue threads in the air. These threads were intertwined one by one and gathered into a large net. "Cracking!" Like broken glass, the big net was fragmented.

It wasn't until the moment of death that the Vampire King realized that these 'threads' were cracks cut out by the girl. What she attacks is not the physical body, but the spirit——

The Vampire King's seven orifices were bleeding and he fell into a pool of blood. Villette slowly sheathed her sword. [Shenglun Sword Technique and Sky Slash]

Not far away, looking at the dead vampire king, the eyes of the silver-haired girl escorted by two soldiers flashed slightly.

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