"Captain, I heard that you are interested in that little vampire who is suspected to be a royal family." After taking care of the funeral affairs and leaving the sewer, the adjutant came to Villette and slapped the girl who was curled up in front of Villette's legs.

~If I hadn't wanted someone, what would you have done with her?" Villette asked.

"Then we have to see if she belongs to the royal family. If she belongs to the royal family, naturally she can only kill them all before she is exterminated. Of course, this is just uncooperative. If she cooperates, there is no harm in leaving her alive. But freedom It must be deprived for life.”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The silver-haired girl sobbed slightly, as if she understood the adjutant's words, and she hugged Villette's legs tightly in fear.

"Pay attention to your identity, vampire." Seeing this, the adjutant narrowed his eyes into a narrow slit. "Don't look at how dirty you are. Don't dirty my captain's clothes."

~It doesn’t matter, Your Excellency, Adjutant, I want this girl. "Villette rubbed the girl's head and told her not to panic. But captain, it is against the rules for a royal family to hide vampires secretly," the adjutant said with a slight worry.

"Then, do you want me to hand her over?" Villette said seriously. "Your Excellency, Adjutant, I think that no matter what ethnic group the people are, they will not long for war, especially these children. They may also be victims of war."

"Isn't it unfair that just her birth determines her future fate?" Willette asked. "We are the righteous forces fighting against evil, and she might also be a victim of this war."

~So what if she is a royal, I will never allow anyone to hurt these children who are not even minors in front of me. "Villette's firm voice made the girl secretly move her expression slightly.

....Well, since you, captain, are determined to do this, I won’t report it. "The adjutant sighed, knowing that his captain is such a person who accepts death. "But for your safety, I have to interrogate this vampire. Don't worry, it's just a simple question, not a torture device to extract a confession. "

""All right. "Villette agreed. She patted the girl on the shoulder and told her not to be afraid.

~You, come here. "The adjutant walked down the road and waved to the girl.

~Can you speak Quran?”

The girl said nothing and looked at Villette timidly.

~It doesn’t matter if we don’t, we all know Blood Spirit Language. "The adjutant said in fluent Vampire language.

Tingruo, little vampire, if you want to live, just cooperate with me, otherwise I won't let you live even if the captain agrees. "~What's your name?"

Astrid. "

~Astrid? Is that your name? What’s your last name?”

The girl hesitated a little and looked at Villette. She seemed to have a good impression of Villette. Then, under Villette's slightly encouraging gaze, she swallowed and answered truthfully. "Rasambo."

~Are you from the royal family?" The adjutant frowned slightly.

~Yes, I am a royal," Astrid muttered.

~Why did you appear in the sewer with ragged clothes and bruises all over your body?”

"I, my uncle w" "Astrid lowered her head, as if it was difficult to talk about this matter. ~Your uncle? You mean Barmore?"


~Did he make you like this? Why did he do this? "

"Uncle, he wanted to be the king of vampires, so he overthrew me." Astrid stuttered a little, as if she was frightened and had trouble speaking.

~That’s it. "The adjutant rubbed his chin.

I wanted to use the information I knew to test whether the little vampire had any intention of lying to him, but I didn't expect that she was surprisingly honest, and there was not a single lie in her story.

~Captain, this girl is probably one of the protagonists of the coup in the Blood Spirit Empire. Her uncle is Bamore. Based on the words of colleagues in the Falcon Knights, we happened to enter the scene just as they completed the coup. "

"As of now, she didn't lie, and there were no logical problems in all her statements.~

"How could such a young child lie?" After receiving the adjutant's approval, Villette shook her head. The general story of what happened was already clear in her mind.

She was pushed onto the throne at a young age, and her uncle took advantage of the fact that the vampire queen was still young and had not yet firmly sat on the throne. He launched a coup and overthrew the young vampire queen.

"Captain, if I'm not wrong, she is probably the vampire queen of this generation." The adjutant looked at Astrid with a little more fear.

To be honest, after capturing the Vampire Queen, even if I kill a thousand people by mistake, I can’t let one go, but my captain insists on protecting her, and

The adjutant looked at Astrid, trying to find any flaws in her eyes, but he couldn't find any.

This vampire's eyes are very much like those of little girls who don't know much about the world. They are just silly and sweet eyes.

This situation reminded the adjutant of his newly born daughter, and he couldn't help but feel a little softened in his heart.

Perhaps, she is really a young girl who was forced to rise to the top due to the situation. She has suffered from the war and is pitiful. Although she is a vampire~ Your Excellency, if her existence is exposed, this girl may be doomed. "

"I understand and I will try to hide it in the report as much as possible, but Captain, what do you plan to do with her?"

"Your Excellency, Adjutant, if I remember correctly, the purpose of our trip is not to destroy the Blood Spirit Empire, but to launch a war in the name of recovering lost territory.

~Yes, His Majesty the Emperor launched a war in the name of regaining his former dependencies and vassal states.

fight. "

"In that case, the goal has been achieved now. Now that the Blood Spirit Empire is completely destroyed and can no longer threaten us, why can't we give them a stable life and teach them how to coexist peacefully with the Gulan people?" Wei Lit said.

"If we adopt an inhumane policy of genocide and eradicate innocent blood people indiscriminately, wouldn't we become as ugly as the criminals we killed?"

"The justice I firmly believe in is definitely not like this." Villette tightened her grip on the sword cross pendant in her hand. "I believe my aunt thinks so too, and everyone who is not a knight should think so."

"Okay, I understand." After looking at the pitiful Astrid, the adjutant also made a compromise.

"I will not hide the fact that I captured the vampire queen from the emperor, but I also hope that the benevolent emperor will grant me permission to serve as the guardian of this former queen and teach her how to get along with us." Villette said plausibly. road.

"After she really learns it, we can truly release her."

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